
Well-Known Member
Have you ever wanted to go natural and the reason why you want to? I am relaxed and have been considering going natural every time it's time for me to get relaxed, even tho I just got a relaxer one week ago lol. But I wanted to go natural because I miss have thick hair, my hair is rather thin now and even tho I have length the thinness of my ponytail makes me sick. Like one ponytail looks like it could be one side of the two pigtails but it's all my hair in a ponytail. And I rarely see anyone with relaxed hair with thick hair, I didn't say never but RARELY do I see it. And then when I see these YouTube videos with them using products that define their curls and it looks so pretty it makes me envy them! But anyone else have these thoughts that are relaxed?
I have bc when I am stretching my relaxers my hair is ssssssoooooo thick and when I relax it, it becomes thin(not see through) and I realized the other day that thin hair runs on my mothers side and thick hair runs on my fathers side so I am in the middle! I am stretching for 20 this time bc of the GHE Challenge so hopefully this time I can see some thickness in my hair!!!!
*Raises hand*

I contemplate going natural all the time. I have a few reservations and concerns tho.
The lack of uniformity in my hair textures. I truly have a mixture of several hair types on my head. I am mostly a 3c/4a but I have some areas that are a very dry, wiry, with no curl pattern. I wonder how this would blend with the remainder of my hair. Those particular areas are also less dense than the curlier/wavier sections of my hair.
Transitioning - I'm currently 12 wks post relaxer and I have a good amount of new growth, it's pretty easy to manage except for the areas that I mentioned above. Also, the patience involved w/ transitioning and styling. I don't see myself having a ton of new growth w/ stringy relaxed ends and dealing with all of that. For this reason, I'm considering getting a weave for the first time.

Dealing with my natural hair, styling it, washing and detangling. It's all completely foreign to me. If I do go natural, I'd likely wear my hair in twist outs, loose buns, bantu knots. Afros, braids, and certain updos don't appeal to me at all.

Big chop - I don't wanna big chop and rock a twa and yet I don't want to deal with relaxed and natural hair coexisting on the same head for a long time. If I do get a weave and like it, I'd prob weave it up for most of my transition.
OP I agree with you. I don't often see full/thick relaxed hair. The ones that I do see like that irl and online usually stretch their relaxers, so that's also another option to look into. If anything, I will continue trying to stretch for 16-20 wks at a time. I just love the freedom and versatility that natural hair has. When I go to the gym I wouldn't have to worry about my hair sweating out, I could just go home and spritz it and prob put in some big fat twists and keep it moving. I could have it flat ironed, I could have some big pretty curls from a flexi rod set or something - I just feel like I'd have more options and much stronger hair.
If you've thought about this for a while and aren't happy with your relaxed hair you definitely should go natural IMO. Hair decisions are a practical/pragmatic thing to me and there doesn't have to be all this mystery and agonizing involved, though fear of the unknown is valid.. I get that. Just know that your hair will grow.. TWAs don't last forever and you can always relax again if you want.

I went natural when relaxed hair wasn't viable aesthetically or economically at the time, BC'd without a thought and then rocked braids for a few months until I got some length to work with. You can definitely utilize braids/wigs/weaves to get you through the early stages. Same thing with being relaxed, once being natural stopped working for my current lifestyle and aesthetic preferences I did my research and relaxed within a few weeks of that conclusion.

My hair and that of most of the relaxed ladies on this forum look way better than 90% I see IRL so I don't bother to compare my head to folks around me. I knew that with proper knowledge and technique I could have a good relaxed experience period, regardless of the tore up heads around me. If you're interested in staying relaxed makes sure you're not being overprocessed.. a good sytlist should listen to you if you tell him/her you want the relaxer rinsed within a few minutes of application, it can make all the difference in the world. My relaxed hair is thick enough so I don't miss the additional thickness of my natural hair...
I have.....and so much more now!

I dont wanna be relaxed anymore but I LOVE the convencience of str8 hair, but then on the other hand I dont wanna go natural because I dont wanna have to be limited to a fro. I dont care for natural hair and havent seen too many that I do like. Just like you dont see to many THICK relaxed heads, I dont see too many LONG naturals. And I dont see too many of them wear straight hair, not saying that they dont. But I know that my hair would revert back.

So IDK what imma do. But in the meantime I will be stretching to 26 weeks.......
Maybe it's because I have 4zzz hair but the thickness of my hair laughs in the face of relaxers. Even when my hair was at it's shortest and I overlapped relaxers like it was my job my hair was still thick. Now my hair is almost APL and it's still thick pretty much all the way down.

Putting aside the effects of genetics and keeping in mind that as hair gets older it has taken more wear and tear and will thin slightly there are some things that I have done to increase the thickness of my hair.
1) I texlax instead of relaxing bone straight
2) I never use a relaxer with a strength higher than normal (finding the right relaxer brand for your hair makes a world of difference, i use Affirm Fibergaurd)
3) I do a mid protein step when relaxing
4) I stretch my relaxers to reduce overlapping
5) I'm extremely gentle in my detangling (soaked in conditioner, with a seamless comb, under running water, with detangler) so that I don't lose hair unnecessarily

So though I contemplate going natural sometimes, I see living proof daily on LHCF that both natural and relaxed hair can be worn in a variety of styles and can be thick and bodacious with the right care and techniques.

But if it's what you really want to do it, do you!
When I wanted to go natural, I did. My hair wasn't taking the relaxers, I couldn't find a stylist that worth their salt and I hadn't learned how to properly care for my hair. So when I got a haircut that was lop-sided (2004), that was the last straw for me. Soon after I BC to 1/2" of hair. After 2 years of being natural, I made some mistakes, but I had already made up my mind I was going back to relaxing just when I realized what I was doing wrong to my natural hair.

When I wanted to relax it again, I did. I've been pretty happy with how I care for my hair and the health of it--but I had a brainfart that had me cut 4-5 inches off at one time (2009) then a setback caused by a hair clip in 2010. My hair is on the mend and I've been cutting 1/2 to 1" at a time over the last year or so to get my hemline and thickness back. So I'm nowhere near the length I should have and that frustrates me.

When I want to go natural again, I will. I think more and more about doing this lately. I always knew I would go back natural and the time is getting closer. The only thing I won't do is a BC, I will transition to at least shoulder length first, no more boy cuts for me.
Sometimes, only because my forsaken hair won't relax. UGH. I left the LYE relaxer in 30 mins and this thing still didn't get straight. Everyone thinks I'm natural and I do not like it. :|
I have been a natural since I was 16( I have had under processed relaxed hair maybe 2 or 3 times when I was 16 but decided to stop relaxing it and let my natural hair grow), and have now for 3 years I am 19 now, have been getting relaxers regularly. I generally only relax 2-4 times a year.

My natural hair is really not all that hard to deal with. It was just poofy and I can never get it to lay down. even when freshly relaxed my hair would never lay down except on the roots but when the NG comes in it starts to get poofy. And I used to get relaxers from root to tip, hair still was thick. I have no idea what my hair type is. If anything I will just texlax my hair or not get it fully bone straight (never again).I do have experience with caring for both relaxed hair and natural hair, but I just choose to stay relaxed.
I always think about going natural...and have actually been stretching for about 7 months. All the other women in my family have gone natural, but what really makes me wanna do it is my daughter's hair. We have completely different textures but I loooove her natural hair ( she wants it straight)...we always want what we don't have huh? anyhoo, her hair is thick and soft andwavy/ is thick and tight? i guess is the word and stiff...i would make a killer afro. I am still thinking about it...
I dont really like the natural styles as opposed to the ones I can do with my relaxed hair, it also seems to take up more time as well. My hair is already very thick and I can do curly styles so Im not missing out on anything. At times I will feel my NG and consider going natural but I already have a lot of hair to deal with and dealing with my thick, dry NG is a battle. A whole head of it? No thanks.
YUP! My hair is rather thick though so I don't really suffer from wanting thick hair...but sometimes I want BIG hair, which is harder for me to achieve. One of the main reasons I even consider it is because I like the way it looks. But I also like the way relaxed hair looks. Honestly....a beautiful head of healthy hair, no matter if chemicals are involved or not makes me want it. IMMEDIATELY. However, I love the versatility of relaxed hair and the lack of heat required to get straight hair. I'm much better at rollersetting than I am at flat ironing and I have NO intentions on ever being stylist DEPENDENT on anything ever again...I go the salon when I want to, not because I have to. Many ladies talk about the versatility of natural hair (which is true) but for some reason people don't realize how versatile relaxed hair can be also. So with that said, to answer your question, yes I've considered it...but am happily relaxed!
Brittster said:
*Raises hand*

I contemplate going natural all the time. I have a few reservations and concerns tho.The lack of uniformity in my hair textures. I truly have a mixture of several hair types on my head. I am mostly a 3c/4a but I have some areas that are a very dry, wiry, with no curl pattern. I wonder how this would blend with the remainder of my hair. Those particular areas are also less dense than the curlier/wavier sections of my hair.
Transitioning - I'm currently 12 wks post relaxer and I have a good amount of new growth, it's pretty easy to manage except for the areas that I mentioned above. Also, the patience involved w/ transitioning and styling. I don't see myself having a ton of new growth w/ stringy relaxed ends and dealing with all of that. For this reason, I'm considering getting a weave for the first time.

Dealing with my natural hair, styling it, washing and detangling. It's all completely foreign to me. If I do go natural, I'd likely wear my hair in twist outs, loose buns, bantu knots. Afros, braids, and certain updos don't appeal to me at all.

Big chop - I don't wanna big chop and rock a twa and yet I don't want to deal with relaxed and natural hair coexisting on the same head for a long time. If I do get a weave and like it, I'd prob weave it up for most of my transition.
OP I agree with you. I don't often see full/thick relaxed hair. The ones that I do see like that irl and online usually stretch their relaxers, so that's also another option to look into. If anything, I will continue trying to stretch for 16-20 wks at a time. I just love the freedom and versatility that natural hair has. When I go to the gym I wouldn't have to worry about my hair sweating out, I could just go home and spritz it and prob put in some big fat twists and keep it moving. I could have it flat ironed, I could have some big pretty curls from a flexi rod set or something - I just feel like I'd have more options and much stronger hair.

Yeah with natural hair your hair is much stronger
yea i had that feeling.
so i texlaxed.
i LOVE IT!! i'm 100% texlaxed now after 1 year of transitioning from bone straight. I tried to transition for 6 months but gave up. I'm not interested in natural hair.