Waistlength in a year by way of bunning...


Active Member
...there was an old thread where a girl shared her story how she went from maybe shoulder length to waistlength in a year by bunning 24-7. I can't find this old thread with the search engine, does anyone out there remember this post? It was like a long interview, with the girl sharing her tips. She had an extremely simple regimen of washing, conditioning and bunning, and in a year she must have gained like 8 inches. I would love to re-read this thread. Does this ring a bell to anyone?
that was an inspiring post. from reading that it seems like it was more about the techniques she did than the actual products.
Man now you guys are making me want to get into bunning.
My hair just got long enough to put into a respectable ponytail.
So I think I may do the baggie then start really bunning.
Oh, this was the post that also started me bunning. It's to the point where I don't like to wear my hair down. Also, rollersetting is a problem because "my arms too short to box with God" :lol:

When I first found that thread, I was at my wits-end. :( I really wanted healthy hair but I didn't have any money for stylist's treatments. I went to the free printer at school and copied the whole post from Yvette. I hid it under school paperwork and read it everytime I could for inspiration. I read it at home after homework.

The post helped me realized that no matter how poor I was, my hair was growing anyway-- I just needed to help it along a bit. Now, when my hair is wet, it's waist length. I have never had hair this long before in my life!
Oh, I remember this one, too. That's when I started wearing my hair in a bun everyday. I'm so anxious for my hair to get longer so I can wear it in a proper bun again and maybe keep my hands out of it. That part will be a struggle. :lol:
what in interesting post. but really for me I am just about touching my shoulder I can't wait to take my braids out and see. I am so excited. still it will be six months or more before I can put it up in a bun. My hair grows in spurts right now its growing 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in some places and still 1/4 in others. I have to come on here everyday to be encouraged that I will get some length.
Anky, I am glad you said ---that your hair is gorgeous and it surprises me everytime I hear someone say. I never had hair this length before that is so encouraging. I will never give up.
That was the first thread I read after becoming a member. I was a little skeptical at first and was half assed about bunning, but buns are the truth, if you do it consistently, you will retain more length than ever did wearing your hair down.
Naijaqueen said:
wow you came back on here, or maybe I'm just noticing!! :)
I've bbeen semi bunning, but I'm on a bun till BSL mission!!

Yes ma'am (only for hair though :lol:) Ive been back for a couple weeks though.
Anky, I know the feeling, Ive been bunning for SO long that I dont really like wearing my hair down, too much hassle!
I've been bunning my hair and wearing a phoney pony over it for almost 2 months and I see a HUGE difference in my hair. I have very fine hair and this is the first time that I can see a diffence in the thickness of my hair. In just a month and a half, my hair has grown from just above shoulder bra strap length to below bra strap length in 8 weeks by wear buns exclusively and completely cutting out heat (r.i.p. my trusty blow dryer :cry3:). I am now chalenging myself to wear a phoney pony over my protective bun until June to see how long I can get in another 6 mos.
I am so glad you remember the post and REALLY happy she found it. I had already decided I was going to bun for a year. I am going to print off this thread and keep it in my organizer for support. I can't wait to compare results.:p
Babygurl I just love your hair. Do you wear a phony bun over your hair or do you just bun the hair. Are you using the baggie method? Are you bunning wet hair or dry hair. What are you doing to your hair at night?
Yeah, bunnings is DEFINITELY whats attributed to my hair getting this long. Ive never, ever retained this kind of length before in my life and, honestly, I never thought it would be possible. Bunning is definitely the TRUTH, ya'all. :D
Kinikakes, your hair is lovely. I'm definitely jumping on the bunning wagon. What's your regimen for bunning?
janeemat said:
Kinikakes, your hair is lovely. I'm definitely jumping on the bunning wagon. What's your regimen for bunning?

I second that! Kini your hair has always been gorgeous, but wow:eek: :eek: I love the length, the shine, the texture everything!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats girl! O and I love the pic in your siggy with your hair wavy/curly!

Yes what is your regimen?
Ladies, i basically bun 5 days per week, taking my hair down in the evenings only to moisturize. I dont comb it or anything, just moisturize and seal, then rebun. I do treat myself to wearing it down on the wknds, but i still try to avoid combing if i can.

Lately ive been doing the Henna treatments once per week, on Thursday evening..... regimen is the same. Use the Henna, con-wash it out at home, then go to the Domincans for a regular roller set on Friday. Wear my hair down Fri-Sun, and then Monday its back to bunning/moisturizing. That's it!!! :)

I havent used MTG or any other growth agents lately.... just havent had the time, my schedule's been so crazy lately. THe bun is great because its just so easy and quick. I either wear the bun, or the pinned up braid that i have in my Fokti. Protective Styles Album.
RabiaElaine said:
O and I love the pic in your siggy with your hair wavy/curly

Thanks girl. Thats simply the result of me sleeping with a loose bun with pins, and a satin cap. Thats how it fell the next morning.
Thanks for posting that link, I'd never seen before.

Bunning does work. I wear my hair in a bun just about every day.
I second everyone's statements about bunning retaining length. I think it goes along with the whole concept about less friction of the hair against clothing, etc., since you are wearing it up.

I bunned for the majority of this year and retained more length than I can recall ever retaining in a year.
Thanks Kini Kakes. That's simple enough. Your regimen is sounds very close to what I've doing except I roller set my hair on Sat. Wear it down Sun and Mon. Pull in bun Tues until next wash Sat. Question? So you henna and co-wash every Thurs and then go the salon on Friday. So do they poo, deep cond, etc. What exactly do they do?
I've been slacking off on wearing my hair up. This is definitely an inspiration to get back on the bandwagon.
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