Waistlength hair by Shima..

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Exactly! They have both been members since 2008 and they both JUST HAPPEN to make their very first post about Shima. And both are promoting her product. And neither is listed in the Members List!:spinning:
Come on now! I get really insulted when people assume I'm stupid!
Shima just be upfront with us and you might be surprised.
I'm sure many of the newbies here would try your products.
If you come correct!

see, a woman who trusts her instincts and doesn't apologize for it...love it. I see dead people... resurrected :yep:
Both of y'all only have one post, but have been members since last year. Today y'all decide to stop lurking at the same time and post on the same subject. Interesting...:look:

Wow you guys are like Inspector Gadgets LOL Remind me to NEVA LIE to any of you people :lachen:
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