Waistlength hair by Shima..

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Has anyone ever heard of shima hair oil or Shima? I was surfing youtube last night and I came across a link on long afro waistlength hair and she actually has waistlength hair and sells her own oil and also discusses hair care tips very similar to those on LHCF. If you've heard of Shima then have you used her hair oil? Have you read her book that was published? Do you follow her techniques? Just curious....
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Has anyone ever heard of shima hair oil or Shima? I was surfing youtube last night and I came across a link on long afro waistlength hair and she actually has waistlength hair and sells her own oil and also discusses hair care tips very similar to those on LHCF. If you've heard of Shima then have you used her hair oil? Have you read her book that was published? Do you follow her techniques? Just curious....

I would not purchase the book, the oil, etc. I obtain most of my info from LHCF and other useful sites. Oil, I can blend myself or purchase from other great vendors.

Welcome to the board! This may not go well as LHCF sisters have long memories.
I've listened to her on youtube, she is quite a character to say the least. I've never tried any of her products and don't plan to (nothing personally against her).
Umm...I see your new, so I'll make this brief:

Before you buy ANYTHING from Shima do a search...as a matter of fact I'll do it for you. She has be involved in some very deceptive advertising. All she has done is taken the idea of Protective styling (which can be found right here on this forum), and made a hustle out selling it.
Prime example of why it's IMPERATIVE to do a search before starting any thread. Don't get these ladies riled up lol. AND this is post #1???
Wow...You've been a member since April 2008 and your very first post is about "Shima"?
How come you're not listed in the Members List?
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Has anyone ever heard of shima hair oil or Shima? I was surfing youtube last night and I came across a link on long afro waistlength hair and she actually has waistlength hair and sells her own oil and also discusses hair care tips very similar to those on LHCF. If you've heard of Shima then have you used her hair oil? Have you read her book that was published? Do you follow her techniques? Just curious....

Shima, is this you? :look:

If not, welcome op. The word "shima" is a funny word around these parts so you made me LOL when I read your post. :)
To all who are new research is very important. Im new and it took me only 3 minutes to gather all the info i needed to say no thanks.
Well to answer some of the ladies, I was previously a member of LHCF back in 2005, but then my subscription ended and previously I haven't had the time get on LHCF as much and I just let my hair go for a year or so, but now I'm trying to get more consistent in taking care of my hair. And so sorry, I should have done a thread search before posting...and I'm so sorry to bring up old tensions (as it seems) with Shimagate?? (lol). But, I saw her hair and thought it was very nice and was just wondering if she was a LHCF celeb or something of that sort....
Well to answer some of the ladies, I was previously a member of LHCF back in 2005, but then my subscription ended and previously I haven't had the time get on LHCF as much and I just let my hair go for a year or so, but now I'm trying to get more consistent in taking care of my hair. And so sorry, I should have done a thread search before posting...and I'm so sorry to bring up old tensions (as it seems) with Shimagate?? (lol). But, I saw her hair and thought it was very nice and was just wondering if she was a LHCF celeb or something of that sort....

Shima isn't a celeb but she's definitely infamous :giggle:
Wow I heard about the infamous ShimaGate.

If that isnt reason enough to learn how to use the search feature then....
Check out the links..


Has anyone ever heard of shima hair oil or Shima? I was surfing youtube last night and I came across a link on long afro waistlength hair and she actually has waistlength hair and sells her own oil and also discusses hair care tips very similar to those on LHCF. If you've heard of Shima then have you used her hair oil? Have you read her book that was published? Do you follow her techniques? Just curious....

I haven't tried the oil. I read her bio and she uses lots of protective styles to keep her ends dry. Couldn't hurt.

Both of y'all only have one post, but have been members since last year. Today y'all decide to stop lurking at the same time and post on the same subject. Interesting...:look:
Well to answer some of the ladies, I was previously a member of LHCF back in 2005, but then my subscription ended and previously I haven't had the time get on LHCF as much and I just let my hair go for a year or so, but now I'm trying to get more consistent in taking care of my hair. And so sorry, I should have done a thread search before posting...and I'm so sorry to bring up old tensions (as it seems) with Shimagate?? (lol). But, I saw her hair and thought it was very nice and was just wondering if she was a LHCF celeb or something of that sort....
Im not mad. I want to thank you for the laugh.

Girl there was a loooooooooooong thread about Shima way back. Matter of fact it was 2 threads going at one time and it was HAWT up in hurr.
I haven't tried the oil. I read her bio and she uses lots of protective styles to keep her ends dry. Couldn't hurt.
Oh wow what a coincidence; you've been a member since July 2008 and your very post is about "Shima" also!
How come you're not listed in the Members List also?:perplexed
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