Waist Length 2012 Challenge


New Member
Alright, so I have been officially on a healthy hair care jouney for about 6 months now and I have joined the apl in 2010 challenge as my hair is currently at shoulder length. My final goal is waist lengh and I know that itis not realistic for me to say that I will make it in 2010 or 2011 but 2012. I would like to know how many of you all would like to join me on this challenge to make it official.


Please feel free to introduce yourself. Your hair goals, starting pic and your regimen.
We will be posting starting pics by July 31 2010,
December 31, 2010
April 31, 2011
August 30, 2011
December 31, 2011
April 31, 2012
August 30, 2012
December 31, 2012

I will be adding names until July 31, 2010. You can still join after that date just come in and post your name, starting pic and regimen.

1. ackee walk
2. AFashionSlave
3. Afrolatina Starting Pic Regimine
4. Allicat
5. Amber_moon
6. aymone
7. Austro-Afrikana
8. bahamababe242
9. beans4reezy
10. Beauti4dlo
11. bella02
12. belldandy
13. belleza Starting Pic Regimine
14. bigmommah Starting Pic Regimine
15. Buddhas mom
16. candycan
17. charz
18. chaosbutterfly Starting Pic Regimine
19. chelleypie810
19. charmtreese Starting Pic Regimine
20. cinnamin316
21. CLovesD12 Regimine
22. constance Starting Pic Regimine
23. crissieD Regimine
24. D Lisha Starting Pic Regimine
25. Danniquin
26. Eluv
27. flowinlocks Regimine
28. Globeleza Starting Pic Regimine
29. GreenD Regimine Starting Pic
30. Grow Starting Pic Regimine
31. HappyLiberal
32. HarySituation
33. hola lo2002
34. ImanAdero Starting Pic Regimine
34. Jackie
35. jaded faerie Regimine
36. jenaccess
37. JFK
38. joyandfaith Starting Pic
39. jujubelle Starting Pic Regimine
40. khandiB Starting Pic Regimine
41. LaFemmeNaturelle Starting Pic Regimine
42. ladysarai
43. LouLou1355 Starting Pic Regimine
44. love.akihsoy
45. maxandsally
46. My Friend
47. Miss cheveious
48. Mrs IQ Starting Pic Regimine
49. MsSonya Regimine
50. my-everything
51. Mz Zartavia
52. Naturallista Starting Pic Regimine
53. Naturalbeauty Regimine
54. NewBeginnings2010 Regimine
55. NikkiQ Starting Pic Regimine
56. Nimmy Regimine
56. prettybyrd
57. qtee Startig Pic Regimine
58. Ravengirl
59. reeses Regimine
60. Rockstar Starting Pic Regimine
61. Rossy2010 Starting Pic Regimine
62. Sasalrisma Starting Pic Regimine
63. ScarletPhoenix Regimine
64. Simply elle
65. SingBrina Starting Pic Regimine
66. soldierforhair Starting Pic Regimen
67. Solitude
68. soonergirl
69. SouthernStunner
70. surecutie
71. tdc1978
72. Vee-Vee
73. Virgo Starting Pic
74. wish4length

Table of Contents

Introduction, Regimine, Starting Pics...............................................1-14
Protective Styles........................................................................15-


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I want to join! Although I'll be waistlength this year, I want to be FULLY NATURAL and WL by December 2012! So count me in!
Hey, what the heck? I'll join. I am working on BSL now. Midback length in 2011. Let's see if I can shoot for the incredible...WL in 2012. Count me in :)
Please count me in! This is my official final destination, lol. I am due to come back to the States June 2012 and I would love to get off the plane like POW BAM!

Meanwhile I am doing some kind of PS until I get there, braids, weaves, stretching, etc. I WILL GET THERE!
Wow...lol, I thought I read the year wrong. Even though I hope to be WL in 2011, I'll join! I'm currently APL, aiming for BSL by the end of 2010.
I'm hoping to make NL by the end of the year. How about a WL 2013? LOL
How long does it take to get from NL to WL anyway? I'm assuming three years.
Im a really slow grower so I'm in. I think with hard work i can make it 2011 but by 2012 i'll definately get there.
Count me in! Just got my hair cut to APL in April, and hopefully when I graduate college in May of 2012, I will be full, natural WL.
Add me too. I'm near BSL but my hair grows terribly slow--2 in. a year. WL in 2012 is a realistic goal.