vitamin d, oil, and gnc


New Member
The gnc multi multi vitamins contain 100% vitamin d as fish liver oil. what does AS fish liver oil mean and is that all of the fatty acids that i need or is other supplementation necesary?
Let's see if I can explain clearly. The Vitamin D issue and the essential fatty acids (EFAs)are two distinct questions. They are interrelated in the total picture, but for your question, here is the answer.

When you see Vitamin D 100% RDA, first the amount I think is 400IUs. You will see Vitamin D derived from several sources. Fish liver oil is one. Retinyl palmitate which is a dry rather than an oily source is another.

This distinction or note on the bottle can be helpful for a variety of reasons. For instance, if you have oily skin and wish to stay away from an oily source of Vitamin D, you opt for a supplement in which the D is derived from retinyl palmitate or acetate. The acetate is also another dry form.

Now, if you want to take an EFA supplement, you would opt for something like flaxseed, evening primrose, black currant, borage or fish body oils. Taking such a supplement may have complimentary or distinct purposes to the Vitamin D. It just depends on your purpose.

I hope I was helpful.

Re: vitamin d, oil, and gnc Slightly off topic

Thanks for the info. I have oily skin and I've noticed that if I take the reccommended dosage, my fo'head gets super shiny. I had to cut down on it.