Vegetable Glycerin What does it really do? Rosewater too????


New Member
1.Why is vegetable glycerin good for your hair? What does it do?

2. Do you use it on wet or dry hair?

3. Is Rosewater just natural fragrant water? And what is it's importance in conjunction with glycerin.
Hmm..not sure about rosewater. I think it's really moisturizing or something..
Vegetable Glycerine is a humectant, which means that it helps attract and hold moisture. When mixed with another moisturizing ingredient or even just water it helps optimize the moisture retention or your hair.

I use it in a spritz mixed with aloe vera juice and filtered water. It's my base moisturizer and it really helps soften my hair. Because I'm transitioning, it's really important that I keep my demarcation line moisturized and flexible and this does the job. :yep:

ETA: I use it on both wet and dry hair but never straight - always in the spritz.
luvulongtime- you can get it at Whole Foods or any health food store.

I also want to know this. Does anyone know the difference between this and regular glycerine (found in Sta Sof Fro or Scurl)? I feel like since i live in NY, glycerine doesn't work as good for me since, in the winter it's extremely dry. In the Spring and summer (5 months/year) I'm ok.
Rosewater is moisturizing and softening.

If you use it on your skin (as a toner) it's also anti-inflammatory and astringent, so it's very soothing. HTH
Glycerin doesn't work too great in the winter (I'm reppin' Chi-town for school) because if there is no moisture in the air for it to draw in, it will suck moisture out of your hair...making your hair appear frizzy and dry. The best thing I've found to do with glycerin in any season is to mix it with my suave conditioner when I'm twisting or bantu-knotting (my fave protective style, because I have serious hand in fro disease otherwise). It makes my hair so soft and my hair stays moisturized for daaaaaays!
bumping............. i bought glycerin and rosewater mainly for my face. Has it soft but too greasy.

Should i mix it with my conditioning DC or use it with my co wash?
^^ You could do either. Most moisturizing conditioners already have glycerine in them.

I just started adding Rosewater to my spritz and I looooooove it. My hair is soft, moisturized, and always smells like roses. :grin:
Ditto on what Soleil185 said. :yep: I use it while wet (makes for a great blowdry leave in) and I use it while dry (it makes the new growth revert.)