Umm..So How Do I Make This Glycerin Moisture Mix?


Well-Known Member
Because I have a bottle of:
-Aloe Juice
-Vegetable Glycerin
-Distilled Water
-8 oz spray bottle
-Stash of various carrier/Essential oils

What mixes with what and in what portions? I've been reading the glycerin threads and I need something for my dry roots. I don't know which combo to use.

I'm stretching, Relaxed 4b, using MT and i need a moisturizer.

Roots are dry and gettin' crunchy....any suggestions? What do i do with all this stuff?

Okay so i mixed something up. I didnt use measurements. I put maybe 2 tablespoons or so in my bottle, added a good amount of Aloe juice, a good amount of rosewater and then a few drops of Rosemary and Peppermint EO.

I didnt fill the whole spay bottle cause i wanted to test it first.

Someone recommended that u should spray the mix in your hands to see if its a good consistency and i did and my hands felt moisturized like i applied lotion. Not sticky.

I intend to spray it on my roots next wash day and hope it works.