Twists and knots!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I had twists in my hair last week that I did quite small. It seems that with my hair texture, the smaller the twists are the better they hold and stay "neat". The only problem is that I had TERRIBLE tangles and knots at the ends when I went to take them out!!! I literally just had to rip them out (I didn't have my hair scissors) because they were knotted beyond repair. Well, I'm back to wearing my hair in a low pony puff because that really scared me :-( Does anyone else get terrible knots when they wear two strands? Have you been able to take any steps to avoid the problem?
yes i have that problem...

it's cuz my hair is extremely dry...u can cut down the dryness some by putting oil or moisturizer on the ends

or taking down ur twists with conditioner on them....i deep condition after i have twists in for while...
Welcome to my world. Yeah, I've been there, detangling out matted twists for hours- kinda sucks, doesn't it? Unfornately I haven't found any solution except don't wash your hair (yeah, I know, gross) while in the twists. That's what I'm doing now (though I do get them wet and I use a scalp cleanser). I'll see how that works for me when I take them out in 2 weeks. I've heard you can avoid matting my washing them in sections but I haven't tried it.
YES, the last time i wore 2 starnd twists (Nov05) mine matts like i dont know what! I usually wear twists regularly, but the last time really did put me off. I have been wearing my hair with cornrows in the front or completely loose, so i can just put it in a bun.
I found twists to be quite a good protective style, but im not going to see any progress if i have to rip my hair out!! :mad: So im trying buns now, lets see if i gain an inch by March :)
I've been putting castor oil on the end of my twists every other night and so far they've been holding up ok. I had the same problem last month when I did a set of twists. I don't know if my ends were damaged or what but I got these horrible knots and I actually cut a 1/2 inch. The ends were dry and brittle. The castor oil is heavier but actually soaks in and my ends are looking good.