How long is too long for you?

  • SL

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • APL

    Votes: 4 1.1%
  • BS

    Votes: 12 3.2%
  • MBL

    Votes: 56 14.9%
  • WL: Waist Length

    Votes: 120 32.0%
  • Hip Length and Beyond

    Votes: 182 48.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm aiming for waist length just to see if I can do it, but after that I'll probably keep it cut at BSL. I don't think I could deal with waist length hair on a continuous basis.:nono:
No option for "never will be too long" so I didn't vote. Sometimes, you gotta be careful what you pray for cuz you just might get it, but I can't imagine my hair being "too long" :look: It's like saying, I'm too healthy, or too beautiful, or too sexy. . . .Oy, I digress.

"Too long" hair is a problem I'm waiting to have . . .:yep: I mean would be easy to fix, just cut it :lachen:

My sentiments exactly!
However I wouldn't want classic length... The most I would want is just about tapping tailbone. I'm tall too (5'9) so that would be alot of hair. But I am imagining that tailbone length hair would be so easy to maintain oppose to my almost APL hair.
@ tailbone all I would have to do really, as far as styling is wash, condition, leave in condition, braid it up and let it airdry for my braid outs.
Wearing my hair straight would be a once in a while treat.
My hair could be wild and free...because long hair in itself IS a style to me.:yep:
Well I never thought I wanted waist or hip length hair but sweetcashew has given me a new goal. But what I consider waistlength seems to be hip length around here. I don't wear my pants half way between my breasts and my hips so I never considered that waistlength. I consider that mid back. So I guess my new goal is hip length. Anything past that is too long for me. So bring ooonn the card catalog and the stripper pole :lachen:

Waist length is where your belly button is. Not where you wear your pants.
I think waistlength is to long. I personally want Midback length hair because it will be very pretty and it will frame my face + I'm only like 17 :grin: and having hair that long going into college would be fun!:Copy of 2cool:
Although I voted hip length, at the moment, I am currently on my way to bra strap length. Hip length, I will go for it.
WL would be too long for me. I will have layers with my BSL or MBL. I just can't wait to have to make that decision.
My hair is hip length now and it's not "enough" for me. :grin:
since my hair is natural it is only around bra strap when I wear a pony tail for instance. I want my un-stretched hair to be down at my waist - then I will be satisfied :yep:

For years I would always cut my hair when it got to waist cause I didn't like it so long. Now all of a sudden I want it to be tailbone when I do a wash n' go. Maybe it's just a phase but I think my hair is so short now.
My goal is MBL and I'll be happy at that length, WL will be way too long for me as I am 5'3".. BSL on me will be very close to MBL so I'll see once I reach BSL what MBL will be like, but WL will be a bit much for me....
I voted to hip length and beyond, I am looking forward to my curly styles in waist length hair so I dont mind the length because the surls will reduce the length anyway. I am tall also with a long torso but its the option of having really long hair and the ability of versatility should you want a change.
I guess people who have a less active lifestyle may manage longer hair easier than someone on the go because longer hair doesnt need a lot of tlc and maintenance.
Wasit length is just too long for me. Already I have to protect my hair rubbing against the backs of chairs, it gets stuck on the lipgloss, etc.. I mean I know I could grow it waist length, but I dont think I could keep the ends really healthy so it would be pointless.
The beauty of having 4a hair is that I don't think my hair could ever be too long. Shrinkage docks like 60-80% of my length, so even if my hair was knee-length when stretched, it would appear mid-back to bra-strap length in its shrunken state, lol.
Nope... I know where I am.
I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but I was being frank...
That's always been my experience.
Obviously I admire women with hair that long...
it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain that...
It comes off as dated/homely/plain... or
the polar opposite which is stripper-ish...
I might even add "bohemian" like a belly dancer, an artist, or
something... it's very sexy & very admirable but
I don't think it's practical for me and it won't fly in
the corporate world either.

I said " pornstar /stripper-ish" and I was being light-hearted...
because having hair that long could come off overly-sexual...
that's why I said I would love to be proven wrong...
show me a women with hair that long that
doesn't look dated, stripper-ish, or bohemian...
I'm open-minded and I'm curious to see how she
pulls it off. It's a hard feat and a very very fine line.
I'd be happy to give props to her if she exists.
Challenge me.

I've seen at least five women on here who keep their WL hair looking bouncy, full and not "sluttish" or "homely" at all. Ooh! I know a girl, let me catch up with her and get homegirls picture...
Awh my goal is to be Full MBL, maybe even graze WL, maybe even be full WL lol, but anything beyond that would be too much IMO.
Could not vote, I am a few inches short of hip length. Although I am on a let it grow ride right now, I think Classic will be too long for me.
I keep saying Tail Bone. I'm not sure now. At least APL, for sure. BSL-MBL, would be where I'd decide if I want to go to Tailbone, which would be twice that. If BSL-MBL seems like a "burden" to me, I know that TBL is not going to work for whatever lifestyle I have at the time.
My ultimate goal is WL straightened...because at that point my twists will finally reach APL shrunken....I'll wear my hair shrunken the majority of the time once I reach my ultimate goal of WL.

The only way I would keep going past WL is if I only wore my hair shrunken, which is what I plan to do anyway.

Anything beyond WL straightened I think is just way too much and begins to look cumbersome/sloppy.
I have two goals, one for my natural curly length, and then one when my hair is stretched or straightened. I couldn't imagine doing any longer then bsl length curly hair and I think that would translate to about MBL stretched. That's plenty long for me, and probably alittle too long.

My ultimate goal is WL straightened...because at that point my twists will finally reach APL shrunken....I'll wear my hair shrunken the majority of the time once I reach my ultimate goal of WL.

The only way I would keep going past WL is if I only wore my hair shrunken, which is what I plan to do anyway.

Anything beyond WL straightened I think is just way too much and begins to look cumbersome/sloppy

Co-Sign. Shrinkage is a factor. I really don't feel like managing WL straight hair constantly, but If I could get BSL Curly and MBL-WL, I think that would be so fine. From what I have observed from stalking*ahem :rolleyes: viewing Fotkis, blogs, profiles,etc. is: the longer a person's hair is the more minimal the upkeep. All the WL etc ladies seem to have this KIS regi that involves looooow manipulation. Did they get there becaues of their simple routines OR did their routines become simpler as their hair grew?

ETA: Let me be the first to say...I am wrong. I feel I should not limit myself. I seem to remember a story from the bible about GOD asking someone to shoot some arrows into a field. The man only shot a few, the Lord exclaimed displeasure becuase the man did not shoot all he could (paraphrase, condensed). I say, grow, grow, grow as long as you can lovely locks! The sky, or should I say, floor is the limit.
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I don't think my hair can be too long. I am just gonna go with the flow. So it is keep growing that is fine. However, I might have to re-think this down the road. I work in a professional evironment where I wear a suit frequently. I can't see that it looks professional to have tailbone length hair and a nice suit. I think the hair would overpower the suit.