Thinking about posting a youtube vid about Wanakee...


Hey ladies, I have gotten some messages on my youtube about my hair regimen, etc and I am always about giving credit where credit is due. I owe all of my hair journey to the beautiful Wanakee and Cathy Howse techniques and that's mainly what I am going to post about. The video will focus strictly on pictures and techniques of Wanakee, not products. I owe my length retention to technique (protection). I am wanting know if any of you know who this link belongs to? It's a link of Wanakee's brochure and I don't want to use it without permission. This is the link:

I will also use the old web link:

Again, I will stress in the video, for anyone interested, to not focus on the products but the TECHNIQUE. The practical and emotional guides to hair are what did it and are still doing it for me. Plus, with the product line belonging to someone else now, I think it will cause too much confusion because people still run out and buy "the next new thing" not knowing that the Verifen complex has been around for a long time, just under different names. PROTECTING THOSE ENDS is the point I want to get across. I know there is a certain somebody on youtube, whose name shall not be mentioned, who says this is her own, "made up", personal system, but I feel if anyone wants to know what I did, I need to tell them the truth and where I got my information. My hair journey started in 2001 with relaxed hair which later evolved into natural hair and back to relaxed. My journey started with Wanakee and Cathy Howse, period. I don't hear a lot of folks talk about Wanakee anymore but I feel her guides to hair are what laid(sp?) the foundation for me. When I get anxious to try something new, I just go back to her guides, they are truly priceless. Sorry this was so wordy ladies, but if anyone knows who the above link belongs to, please let me know. Thanks! :)
IMHO technique is the key. I think we focus way to much on what products people are using. I think products are important as far as something being more moisturizing but technique is the key. Go for it. The youtube vidieo is a great idea. I would be interested in what techniques you learned for these two ladies. I had never heard of them before LHCF. I know that Wanakee will be interviewed on Oct 7. Should be very interesting.
IMHO technique is the key. I think we focus way to much on what products people are using. I think products are important as far as something being more moisturizing but technique is the key. Go for it. The youtube vidieo is a great idea. I would be interested in what techniques you learned for these two ladies. I had never heard of them before LHCF. I know that Wanakee will be interviewed on Oct 7. Should be very interesting.

Definitely technique! That's what I stress to my friends and people who stop me in the grocery store, on the street, etc. There are waaayyy too many products on the shelves these days and I think one of our old school LHCFers Adrienne0914 demonstrated it best with good ol' S-curl and vaseline, that it's not always about the product. :) There are truly some great products out here but is has become overkill. Thank you so much for that information about Wanakee, I will definitely tune in! :)

ETA: I will try to get to vid up before October 7th so that I can include that link, I think it will be an eye-opener for a lot of women if Wanakee decides to talk about her hair techniques as well as her art. :)
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Wow, I haven't heard the name Wanakee in forever! She and her product line were fabulous. I was/still am into fashion from way back and I was always impressed that she managed to keep her real hair looking so fab during her modeling years. Her techniques were simple and inexpensive to follow as well as being useful to both the relaxed and natural. I was saddened when Beverly Johnson bought her product line (Wanakee didn't sell wigs in addition).

IOW, your idea of doing a piece about her is a great idea. I would really like to see this and her interview. She might inspire people to take more simple approaches to hair care. Thumbs up!
Sounds like a great video coming up. Can't wait to see it and many many Black women need to see it. I started my journey with Cathy Howse too. I still practice her methods. I had no idea about combining zinc and iron into my supplement regimen. I was already taking iron for anemia then I added zinc. I moisturize almost everyday thanks to CH. I'm thinking about going back to Cathy's moisturizing spray and lotion. I still use her conditioner on occasion. I never followed Wanakee.
Again, I will stress in the video, for anyone interested, to not focus on the products but the TECHNIQUE. The practical and emotional guides to hair are what did it and are still doing it for me.
I still have my copy of the practical guide and emotional guide in my hair care binder (yeah, I have one of those :giggle: ) from years ago. Doing Wanakee's technique helped me grow my relaxed hair to waist length. It has also helped my nieces out too (the ones that wanted long hair).

I think doing a You Tube video about Wanakee techniques would be great. Please keep us posted. :)
I don't really know who Wanakee is but her hair is beautiful! I think you doing a video about the technique would be a benefit to a lot of people.
I still have my copy of the practical guide and emotional guide in my hair care binder (yeah, I have one of those :giggle: ) from years ago. Doing Wanakee's technique helped me grow my relaxed hair to waist length. It has also helped my nieces out too (the ones that wanted long hair).

I think doing a You Tube video about Wanakee techniques would be great. Please keep us posted. :)

Okay, you too? I got 3 binders and they are those thick, work training manual types. lol! I have been doing this for tooooo long. :)
I don't really know who Wanakee is but her hair is beautiful! I think you doing a video about the technique would be a benefit to a lot of people.

Wanakee was a super high end model during the 80s. She remarkably managed to have waist length relaxed hair and keep it during her modeling years (mostly spent in Paris). It's remarkable because these models have their hair practically torn out of their head, but Wanakee set certain rules about what was to be done to her head. Very few models of any race actually manage to keep their hair healthy and beautiful during their career.

She was one of the 1st to talk about "protective styling" as a means of hair retention, that I can recall. Her big thing was protecting the ends by oiling them and keeping them as hidden as possible. She had a small range for products...maybe 4-5 that were moderately price. I loved her oil for ends and her conditioner. Interestingly, her approach was mostly aimed at the relaxed (like herself), but obviously it worked for naturals as well.
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My friend who got me started was a Wanakee devotee also. She has natural hair that is past waist length and uber thick. Before you ask she won't do pics or let anyone take pics of her hair.

Wanakee is her reason for success.
Oh wow, I was just googling her last night. She was my first inspirartion back in the 90's. I could'nt get her products back then(teenager) but I remember her tips and techs really did work........I was asking myself last night, Why did I stray?
I’ve never heard of Wanakee but her hair is beautiful and I think doing a video of the technique is a fantastic idea, can’t wait to see it. Thanks very much.
Thanks for the feedback ladies. The video won't be spectacular ( I don't have those kind of skills like some youtubers :)) but I hope I can cover a lot in 10 minutes. I hate long videos and I know others out there do too so I will post pics of my whys, whos and hows of my research which later led to me going natural, to long hair, to shoulder length and back to long and relaxed. I will keep you all posted if I am able to get it done. :)
It was easy to stray away from her products. That happened to me when I stumbled across this hair care forum. I was using her products consistently for ten years. There were a lot of things I was doing right before I started using the Verifen Complex system. I just wasn't aware of it.

Early this year, I started back using them, but now I'm rotating other products that give me the same results for a lot less--thanks to my stylist.
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Wanakee was a super high end model during the 80s. She remarkably managed to have waist length relaxed hair and keep it during her modeling years (mostly spent in Paris). It's remarkable because these models have their hair practically torn out of their head, but Wanakee set certain rules about what was to be done to her head. Very few models of any race actually manage to keep their hair healthy and beautiful during their career.

She was one of the 1st to talk about "protective styling" as a means of hair retention, that I can recall. Her big thing was protecting the ends by oiling them and keeping them as hidden as possible. She had a small range for products...maybe 4-5 that were moderately price. I loved her oil for ends and her conditioner. Interestingly, her approach was mostly aimed at the relaxed (like herself), but obviously it worked for naturals as well.

That is awesome! Now I really can't wait to see this video of the techniques.
The hairline and constant care for ends is the ish:). I still buy the detangling spray by the big refill size.
Definitely technique! That's what I stress to my friends and people who stop me in the grocery store, on the street, etc. There are waaayyy too many products on the shelves these days and I think one of our old school LHCFers Adrienne0914 demonstrated it best with good ol' S-curl and vaseline, that it's not always about the product. :) There are truly some great products out here but is has become overkill. Thank you so much for that information about Wanakee, I will definitely tune in! :)

ETA: I will try to get to vid up before October 7th so that I can include that link, I think it will be an eye-opener for a lot of women if Wanakee decides to talk about her hair techniques as well as her art. :)

Adrienne0914 hair grew very long w/simplicity.
Wow, I was a die hard fan of Wanakee products. I first purchased in 1999. I love and still use the moisture emphasize shampoo and conditioner. They discontinued the moisture emphaszie shampoo. When I would bring my conditioner to salon and stylist would say, the hair feels like silk. No joke. Yes, one of the Before and After pictures shows this beautiful lady with waist length hair. Pier Bolton from Hercules CAThis was achieved by protecting ends along with moisturizers, but she belives in trimming every six to eight weeks. That's where I lost the battle for achieving any length. So, that tactic can be debated.

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Thank you so much for posting the link to Wanakee's brochure! I was just looking at an old thread yesterday of a member who used Wanakee's brochure but didn't post the brochure. Believe it could not be found I never searched for link.

Oh an micarae your hair is beautiful!
Definitely technique! That's what I stress to my friends and people who stop me in the grocery store, on the street, etc. There are waaayyy too many products on the shelves these days and I think one of our old school LHCFers Adrienne0914 demonstrated it best with good ol' S-curl and vaseline, that it's not always about the product. :) There are truly some great products out here but is has become overkill. Thank you so much for that information about Wanakee, I will definitely tune in! :)

ETA: I will try to get to vid up before October 7th so that I can include that link, I think it will be an eye-opener for a lot of women if Wanakee decides to talk about her hair techniques as well as her art. :)

Adrienne was, and still is, one of my inspiration :yep:. Her pictures and technique kept me lurking on this site for months before I joined.
Thank you for posting this. I followed Wanakee's methods and Adriene0914 baggie method with the pony/braids and I grew my natural 4b hair to brastrap back when I first joined. I did this in 18 months starting with neck length hair.
I think now that I want to grow out my hair again, I need to get back to the basics.

I absolutely agree with you that its the technique, not the product. Keep it simple, moisturize and protect your ends and you will see great results.

Constant Care for Dry Ends, baggie method, S-curl and braids worked wonders for me back then.
Adrienne0914 album was beautiful and so inspirational.
Pier Bolton had some gorgeous hair too. I liked the Cathy Howse method, but always thought that her hair was too short for someone that had been growing their hair for 14 years.

I did the vitamin thing with Bargello's regime, but found just braiding, spraying, and scarfing at night was all I really needed.
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