Thin/Fine Support Thread

Okay, i just found out after being on LHCF for two years that i have fine hair. All this time i have been putting tons of moisture in my hair, cuz i thought protein was my enemy. Here lately, i notice that i had split ends.......i was wondering how can this be.......i'm natural, never use any kind of how in the world did i get split ends. Crazy :spinning: me, from what i have learned here lately, i wasn't getting enough protein.

So now i need your help :yep:. If i cowash twice a week, shampoo once a month, do i use protein everytime for both cowashing and shampooing? Or do i need to do a light protein thru out the month and then do a deep protein once or twice a month? What kind of oils are best for our kind of hair? Is cocoa, shea, avocado butters too heavy for our hair? I can't believe that i'm back to part a. I thought i had this thing all figure out :wallbash:.

Do yall think it would too much if i use GPB or JOJOBA & ALOE by aubrey organics everytime i cowash and shampoo?

Sorry for all the questions, i just can't believe i'm having to start all over again.


Hey, Mev! Firstly, I just want to say thank you for the article that you posted from Curly Nikki about fine hair needing protein. I'm just now really beginning to accept this. In fact, I could kill myself for being afraid of protein when it was what I needed all along, instead of drowning my hair in moisture like I was.

I don't co-wash, so I can't be of any help in that department. In terms of protein, you have to listen to your hair. In fact, that's the best advice that I can give you--to listen to your hair. In terms of how often you need protein, you'll have to experiment & see what your hair tells you. I have fine hair & I wash every two weeks. Using a light protein at every wash is working for me.

I find butters period to be too heavy for my hair. A lot of fine-haired ladies seem to have better results with lighter oils, like sweet almond, grapeseed, and jojoba oils. I love castor oil. I coat my hair with it after I detangle my twist-out & it really softens my hair.

Okay, i just found out after being on LHCF for two years that i have fine hair. All this time i have been putting tons of moisture in my hair, cuz i thought protein was my enemy. Here lately, i notice that i had split ends.......i was wondering how can this be.......i'm natural, never use any kind of how in the world did i get split ends. Crazy :spinning: me, from what i have learned here lately, i wasn't getting enough protein.

So now i need your help :yep:. If i cowash twice a week, shampoo once a month, do i use protein everytime for both cowashing and shampooing? Or do i need to do a light protein thru out the month and then do a deep protein once or twice a month? What kind of oils are best for our kind of hair? Is cocoa, shea, avocado butters too heavy for our hair? I can't believe that i'm back to part a. I thought i had this thing all figure out :wallbash:.

Do yall think it would too much if i use GPB or JOJOBA & ALOE by aubrey organics everytime i cowash and shampoo?

Sorry for all the questions, i just can't believe i'm having to start all over again.


You can use mild protein treatments/conditioners once a week to help your fine hair. As for oils, I'd recommend jojoba, coconut, and ayurveda oils like amla, brahmi, bhringraj and shikakai oils. Butters are generally too heavy for our fine hairs and I tend to use them only for flyaway hairs and to slick done my hair when I bun it. I am newly texlaxed and I realze that my shealoe butter is really great and softening on my new growth and texlaxed hair.

ETA: Remember, with every shampoo, we take off some of the protein we use on it, so this will depend on how often you wash your hair. I can only recommend the minimum amount of protein for your hair because I don't really know it. But maybe it might help if I share with you that I use a little protein with every wash and I wash twice a week. I would add it to my DC sometimes and sometimes when I really want a real protein treatment, I would do the protein treatment separately followed by my deep conditioner for 30-60 minutes. Protein treatments work and penetrates the hair shaft best when used with heat but not necessarily for a long time. I believe that 10-15 minutes should be enough time. HTH.
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Okay, i just found out after being on LHCF for two years that i have fine hair. All this time i have been putting tons of moisture in my hair, cuz i thought protein was my enemy. Here lately, i notice that i had split ends.......i was wondering how can this be.......i'm natural, never use any kind of how in the world did i get split ends. Crazy :spinning: me, from what i have learned here lately, i wasn't getting enough protein.

So now i need your help :yep:. If i cowash twice a week, shampoo once a month, do i use protein everytime for both cowashing and shampooing? Or do i need to do a light protein thru out the month and then do a deep protein once or twice a month? What kind of oils are best for our kind of hair? Is cocoa, shea, avocado butters too heavy for our hair? I can't believe that i'm back to part a. I thought i had this thing all figure out :wallbash:.

Do yall think it would too much if i use GPB or JOJOBA & ALOE by aubrey organics everytime i cowash and shampoo?

Sorry for all the questions, i just can't believe i'm having to start all over again.


Have you checked the "protein is your friend" challenge thread? There's lots of good information in there.

I've been using Joico kpak products more regularly, which have protein in them, and when I use moisture, I've been using more balanced conditioners (ones that have both protein and moisture, rather than straight up moisture).

Also, I've been laying off of the cowashing (too much moisture) and sticking to a once per week shampoo & condition session. This has been working pretty well for me. :yep:

I'm still using MT and I've cut off all of my pre-MT'd hair. So I'm starting over with a fresh cut and head full of thicker, stronger hair before beginning the grow out process all over again.
Just wanted to thank :grin: everyone who left me a comment. When i find the time, i'm gonna read the protein is my friend thread and the rest of this one.

Guess what, i got a chance to talk personally to THE CURL WHISPERER, she told me to use very little oil and if i applied anything to my hair daily (such as a holding gel) to make sure it has a small amount of protein in it.
You see, with me being natural, i got to have something to hold these napps down :lachen:but hopefully nothing to heavy.

Thanks so much
Does anyone do acv rinses here? I might do one this weekend but I wanted to see what your experiences were.
I do ACV rinses every time I wash (every two weeks) & they're really great. They help the cuticles to lie flat & they promote shine. Just be sure not to use too much ACV in the mixture b/c your hair might come out a bit tangly if you do.
I do ACV rinses every time I wash (every two weeks) & they're really great. They help the cuticles to lie flat & they promote shine. Just be sure not to use too much ACV in the mixture b/c your hair might come out a bit tangly if you do.

Cosigning and adding that my hair feels a lot less porous too after an ACV rinse. Also for more shine, you could add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the rinse.
okay fine/thin haired ladies on the board.... how are you wearing your hair this summer??!

i am not a fan of air drying b/c my ends always wind up extra dry and my hair always tangled. i haven't mastered it... so i always do the roller set/saran wrap method. now that summer is upon us, i'm starting to wonder how i can keep my hair looking nice without having it frizz up or curl as soon as i walk out the door. my hair is not relaxed bone straight.

any suggestions? does -anyone- here identify with me on this?

Summer styling:

Mainly braidouts with an occasional rollerwrap...
I am becoming sooo discouraged and fed up with my thin/fine hair! I feel like I am doing all the right things, but my hair still remains so soft & see thru. It only gets worse the longer it gets. Sometimes I feel like I will never get a long healthy head of hair because it won't LOOK good, and I will never be able to wear it down. It makes me wonder if all this money that I am spending on growth aids, and expensive products is even worth it, since chances are, I'll end up having to cut it off once it starts getting too long to have it looking decent anyway. I keep running into setbacks, and it is so frustrating!

First, I began taking BT, which I'm sure is a great product, but not for me. I was never able to keep taking in continuously for more than a month at a time because of the extreme shedding and oiliness that it would cause me. As I was examining my hair one day, I realized how thin the left side of my hair is. As I looked closer, I saw that there is a huge chunk that appears to have cut out somehow. I don't know if this is due to my years of wrapping in one direction, or my stylist when she was relaxing my hair. Now, my hair has started breaking, and I don't know why!! I remember this happening when I first began taking vitamins. I stopped taking biotin for awhile because I ran out, and just resumed a few weeks ago, so perhaps that has something to do with it. I decided to do a henna gloss (big mistake) on sunday, to try and stop some of the breakage/shedding, but I should have known better. I have a lot of new growth, and my hair is already kinda coarse right now, and the henna only made it worse. It was so difficult to detangle my wet hair because the henna made it so hard, and i lost a lot of hair. :(

Right now I am heavily considering just chopping off my hair. I have a lot of layers and bangs, so my hair is pretty uneven. I know that making it all one length would help it to be thicker, so starting over is really looking good to me right now... I just don't want to lose all the progress.

I HATE MY HAIR!! :cry3: :cry3:
I wish I knew this board was up earlier. Just found out I have fine hair strands so eager to learn how to stop the breakage. :wallbash:
I am becoming sooo discouraged and fed up with my thin/fine hair! I feel like I am doing all the right things, but my hair still remains so soft & see thru. It only gets worse the longer it gets. Sometimes I feel like I will never get a long healthy head of hair because it won't LOOK good, and I will never be able to wear it down. It makes me wonder if all this money that I am spending on growth aids, and expensive products is even worth it, since chances are, I'll end up having to cut it off once it starts getting too long to have it looking decent anyway. I keep running into setbacks, and it is so frustrating!

First, I began taking BT, which I'm sure is a great product, but not for me. I was never able to keep taking in continuously for more than a month at a time because of the extreme shedding and oiliness that it would cause me. As I was examining my hair one day, I realized how thin the left side of my hair is. As I looked closer, I saw that there is a huge chunk that appears to have cut out somehow. I don't know if this is due to my years of wrapping in one direction, or my stylist when she was relaxing my hair. Now, my hair has started breaking, and I don't know why!! I remember this happening when I first began taking vitamins. I stopped taking biotin for awhile because I ran out, and just resumed a few weeks ago, so perhaps that has something to do with it. I decided to do a henna gloss (big mistake) on sunday, to try and stop some of the breakage/shedding, but I should have known better. I have a lot of new growth, and my hair is already kinda coarse right now, and the henna only made it worse. It was so difficult to detangle my wet hair because the henna made it so hard, and i lost a lot of hair. :(

Right now I am heavily considering just chopping off my hair. I have a lot of layers and bangs, so my hair is pretty uneven. I know that making it all one length would help it to be thicker, so starting over is really looking good to me right now... I just don't want to lose all the progress.

I HATE MY HAIR!! :cry3: :cry3:

Honii, your hair looks so great in your avi. Maybe you should consider texlaxing or going natural for a while and see if that helps. I'm texlaxed now and loving it much better than bone straight relaxed.
I have a appointment friday and I am considering cutting my hair into a shoulder length bob, or maybe just adding layers to make it appear thicker...Do you think that either of these options would help? Im at my wits end about my hair... Please help!!
I just posted this in the DDDC thread and thought I'd put it ove rhere as well. I am enjoying how much thicker it looks for sure.

Okay ladies I had a major trim today - 4 whopping inches, YAY! I wanted it shorter but my stylist insisted that I leave enough hair on my head just in case I want to put it in a bun. I think she was right. I do have enough hair left to put it in a teeny weeny bun, lol:grin:.

I am back to shoulder length - here it is:

OMG Aggie - it looks sooooooooooo good. That is some health hair. You were not playing when you said you wanted to transition to texlaxed hair.
I have a appointment friday and I am considering cutting my hair into a shoulder length bob, or maybe just adding layers to make it appear thicker...Do you think that either of these options would help? Im at my wits end about my hair... Please help!!

In my opiniion, fine haired ladies should never layer their hair. It makes it appear even thinner. It's best to go with the bob look and let it grow out, that way with all the hairs stopping at the same spot together, it will look fuller. That is what my stylist is doing with my hair now. The last one I had, was layering it and I did not like how it looked at times:nono:.
In my opiniion, fine haired ladies should never layer their hair. It makes it appear even thinner. It's best to go with the bob look and let it grow out, that way with all the hairs stopping at the same spot together, it will look fuller. That is what my stylist is doing with my hair now. The last one I had, was layering it and I did not like how it looked at times:nono:.

This is what I am doing now Aggie.
I just posted this in the DDDC thread and thought I'd put it ove rhere as well. I am enjoying how much thicker it looks for sure.

Okay ladies I had a major trim today - 4 whopping inches, YAY! I wanted it shorter but my stylist insisted that I leave enough hair on my head just in case I want to put it in a bun. I think she was right. I do have enough hair left to put it in a teeny weeny bun, lol:grin:.

I am back to shoulder length - here it is:


Your hair looks great!!! I can't stop staring at it!!!!
So I just read through all 81 pages. Wow. I have been taking notes. My hair has been through so much. Relaxed. Broke off. Natural. Thick. Tangly. Texlaxed. Great. Breakage. Shedding. Texlaxed even straighter. Relaxed

Relaxed bone straight, I think. I can never tell until I wash it. I was definitely not using enough protein and using too much moisture. It jacked my hair up. I also manipulated it too much. This go around I want to see if I can maintain healthy relaxed hair.

Thanks to all the contributors to this thread. I will update my Fotki at the end of the summer.
Fine hair lady checkin in! I have to read all the posts, so far I've only read about 15 pages, but it's great to have you guys to help a sista out! My problem (ok, just one of them) is my crazy shedding, which I noticed was less when I used heat styling, and the KNOTS! I have no idea what to do to stop them.
But you guys give me hope that I can grow some beautiful hair even though it's fine and doesn't have much density. Thanks! :grin:

Well, did you ever figure out what to do to stop the shedding. I have that problem too. Terribly.

YOU HAVE KNOTS TOO????? I dont know where they come from. My hair is relaxed but when I air dry it turns into a big puff ball! :perplexed

Meeee tooo, and because my hair is so thin and fragile, I often find that the knot is caused by a mid-shaft split or some damaged piece that is permanently bent. These pieces get on my nerves

You ladies are awesome, I am so happy I came into this thread. I deal w/most of the exact same issues you all do and I thought it was just me! most of the ladies on the board use these methods to gain and maintain length and I was wondering why I would grow to a nice length and then run right back into the same problems.

Conditioner wash is no good for me
air drying leaves my tresses dry and shedding
baggie method eventually led to shedding
washing in the shower = mucho hair in the drain. we had to call the plumber twice already :perplexed I am going to revamp my whole routine. Thanks!!
co washing didn't do for me what it did for everyone else. It left my hair feeling just plain dirty. But I tried it last night anyway. We'll see how it ends up by the end of the day. Baggy made my hair mushy when I over did the moisture, but I need to start baggying again. I have it bookmarked at home, but there is a baggy method that you don't need to use a lot of product and you seal after you've baggied. For me, this worked really well.
Well I'm going for a touch up today, not sure if im going to cut it or continue to let it grow. I was thinking about layers, or maybe a blunt bob but my hair is sooooo fine I dont think it would look right. Its like the longer it gets the worst it looks. Im seriously thinking about transitioning and just getting it straightened. Maybe that would give me an illusion of having normal hair:(
I conducted a strand test yesterday and let's just say...a sister will be reading through this whole thread with a glass of red wine tonight!
Fine haired sister checking in, I love this thread, thank you I've learned so much! Took me like over an hour to read all of it and I'm glad I did. Also glad to know that I'm not the only one with this hair type and it's not just "thin and damaged" like people advertise on tv; it's thin and healthy.
Just a question for the fine stranded ladies...

Did any of you go natural because of the way your relaxed fine strands looked. Latetly its been really bothering me how thin and limp my fine strands look against my new growth. Just wondering if I can transition and wear my natural hair straight... Has anyone struggled with this or done this for these reasons???