Rollersetters..up to how many weeks post?


Well-Known Member
Can you get through your stretch with rollersets? Or, do you find that you have to switch to another method of drying? Also if you have any tips to make rollersetting easier weeks into the stretch- that would be helpful.
Most of the time I have no problem rollersetting up to about 15 weeks. Depending on if you blow your roots out you should be able to go longer.
All the way up to the hilt. I am 13 weeks post and I have been rollersetting on every wash for that same amt of time. Haven't missed a beat.

Haven't used a blowdryer since Dec '07 and i'm trying not to either. I think dragging that blowdryer through my roots at 13,14-16 weeks post would be so much more damaging.

Just started cowashing and I'm so glad i did because i didnt think i was gonna make it past week 12. I tried to rollerset and it took me nearly an hour just to get through the roots so i had to do something and took suggestions and got me the cheap 99 cents V05 to cowash.

And keeping hair/NG moisturized during the stretch.
im rollersetting now. . . im like 4 monthes-ish post. last relaxer was december 28th. . . I mean, im a little different, because i really really truly do not care about my roots. ill throw on a scarf and call it a day. . .:lachen:I have been avoiding using direct heat. . . but there are days when it didn't quite dry and I have to go to work. lol
I dunno. I think it all depends on your 'natural' hair type.

If you are a 4b then i guess you're going to have more noticeable roots and this may or may not cause problems trying to get it straight/to blend.

If you are a 3 something, then new growth will not be so obvious and perhaps not so hard to get straight.
I am almost 12 weeks post and I just rollerset last night! :lol: Love it. :lick: One tip is to use small rollers for the first row (top and sides of your hair). You will be able to get them closer to your scalp and really pull your ng straight there.

I don't blow out my roots - I don't mind the crinkly waviness of them. I will smooth it back and add a scarf if it gets too thick. The advantage of that method is that I can add a conditioner/spray/oil to my roots to keep them both click and soft.

I used to rs twice a week - now I'm too busy so I rs on Fridays and then around Wednesday I co-wash until next Friday. :yep:
Ladies- thanks so much for the responses. At like week 6 the roots of my hair don't want to cooperate all that much. I don't know how to "blow" them out. I bought a 1/2 FI and that does the trick. As the weeks go on I just don't like to manipulate the demarcation line. But I love my RS too much too give up on them. Thanks for the tips- they are much appreciated- keep them coming.

Nella- I couldn't imagine even getting to 15 weeks post:lachen:, never mind rollersetting at that point. You are inspiring me to stretch a little loner than my usual 8 weeks, lol.

MizzBrown- how often do you cowash? Was it easier to RS rather than if you had used poo?

Wow Belle 4 months post and still RS- good for you! You are making me feel like I need to man up at my 6 week post mark and have the nerve to complain, lol.

Bublin, I'm 4b all the way- the one thing I have found helpful is using the mesh rollers w/ the pins because they don't leave any dents. I have not mastered, magnetic rollers yet- one day:rolleyes:.

Jamila ? for you. After your midweek cowash- how do you dry/style your hair? Thanks for the tip about the small rollers, btw.

Reg's wife- thanks for that link about the perm stabilizer:yep:.
I'm 4a/b and can rollerset up to when i'm about to re-touch (12+ weeks)

What i did notice that the more ng i have, the smaller the sections get when i rollerset. It breaks up the ng more for when i'm ready to flat iron it straight
I'm 4a/b and can rollerset up to when i'm about to re-touch (12+ weeks)

What i did notice that the more ng i have, the smaller the sections get when i rollerset. It breaks up the ng more for when i'm ready to flat iron it straight

ITA:yep:. You are making great progress, BTW.
I too don't mind my texture as I stretch and jI rollerset all the way. As I mentioned in many threads, airdrying my hair using a silk or satin scarf tied tightly on the hair and rolling up the ends in the back keeps my newgrowth as smooth as possible--close to the scalp since I don't use a blowdryer or flat iron. Using the scarf when drying the hair (either under a dryer or airdrying) smoothes it out almost like flat ironing or wrapping. Check Sylver2's tutorial for pics.
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Jamila ? for you. After your midweek cowash- how do you dry/style your hair? Thanks for the tip about the small rollers, btw.

Reg's wife- thanks for that link about the perm stabilizer:yep:.

I cw in the morning and slick it back into a bun or french roll (w/o combing or brushing). I add a leave in and oil and loosely twist it. I don't want to manipulate my wet hair too much. I will also use headbands or a thin scarf to dress up the style and smooth down my roots.

I'm 4a/b and can rollerset up to when i'm about to re-touch (12+ weeks)

What i did notice that the more ng i have, the smaller the sections get when i rollerset. It breaks up the ng more for when i'm ready to flat iron it straight

IKWYM, I must have used 60 rollers last night. :rolleyes: