Rollersetters: Did You Have to Make Any Regimen Changes


Well-Known Member
Hi Rollersetters,

Did you have to change up anything about your routine when you started rollersetting?

Did you have to make any changes to how you moisturized or conditioned or DC'd your hair?

I've been heat free for the last few years and I'm very nervous that any heat will cause damage. However, seeing the gorgeous rollerset hair of Pokahontas, Boston Maria, Macherie (just the first few that came to mind) convincing.

Any specifics or warnings or guidelines I should follow. (i'm already nervous that my hair is responding slowly or that I'm not retaining length.)

any advice you can give would be great!
well when i was natural i would just slap some moisturizer on my head and bun up then go. but now that im texlaxed i want my hair to have big nice curls, so i rollerset (air dry) and then go. i use the same moisturizers. just a different hair style but the same products.
well when i was natural i would just slap some moisturizer on my head and bun up then go. but now that im texlaxed i want my hair to have big nice curls, so i rollerset (air dry) and then go. i use the same moisturizers. just a different hair style but the same products.

Thanks AdoraAdora24.
lol, what are you worried about? Your hair is gorgeous!

And about the rollersetting...I didn't have to change anything once I started. I actually find that when my hair suffers after a rollerset, it's because I fudged something up technique-wise.
So basically:

1. Don't roll too tight. Hair shrinks when it dries, and when you roll to tightly, you don't leave the hair room to shrink. It tries to shrink anyway, and it ends up snapping. Then you have broken hair everywhere. So just watch the tension. You want some, because that results in a smooth set, but not too much.

2. Be careful when putting in the pins. Make sure not to force them in; rather, gently slide them between the hairs. Jamming them in snaps the already fragile wet hair at the base of the roller and once again, you have broken hair everywhere. If you start putting in the pin and you meet with resistance, gently take it out and try again at a different angle. I recommend the rollersetting bobby pins, instead of the metal clips.

3. Watch the setting lotion/foam. It's tempting to put lots in, but too much makes the hair crunchy, hard, and dries it out.

4. For a smoother, sleeker look, use bigger rollers. Generally, the bigger the rollers, the straighter the hair comes out.

5. Try flexi rods, if magnetics don't float your boat. I honestly think they're a little easier, and they give a pretty spiral set. And if you silk wrap your hair after, it looks just the same as if you had set your hair with magnetics.

6. Make sure to only roll dripping wet hair, and to only take out the rollers when your hair is fully dry. Rolling damp hair results in a rough looking set, and taking out rollers early results in frizz.

7. Use a fine tooth comb to smooth the hair before rolling, but be careful. Make sure the teeth aren't too fine for your hair, and remove as many tangles as possible with a wide-tooth comb before turning to the fine-tooth.

8. Take your time! Don't do a set when you're in a rush or angry, tired, or frustrated. Put on some music or a tv show that you like. Sit down, if possible. Try to make it as relaxing as possible, because rollersetting rage is a **** and it will creep up on you!! :rofl:

And if you're really scared about the heat, then try drying on a lower setting, air drying, or applying a very small amount of heat-protectant before setting. If nothing else, it will put your mind at ease. :rofl:

Good luck!!
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I haven't made any changes to my reggie, I use the same products, leave ins etc.
The only difference is I don't flat iron every week and my ends thank me for it :)

I personally don't use a fine tooth comb because due to thyroid issues my hair can be fragile, so I use a cricket comb I bought at sallys, it's not fine tooth maybe medium and it's great for detangling,

I first detangle with my shower comb, then with my bone tail comb, then with the cricket comb, sometimes i'll use my rat tail comb but it's not super fine toothed like some of them. Yes I use all those different combs, I just want to make sure I lose the least amount of hair, this method for me is gentle and slowly gets all the tangles out if any.

I try to use moisturizing conditioners and shampoos just to make sure I don't have any tangles.

You don't have to change anything and heat from the hooded dryers is indirect so not as damaging or damaging at all, sometimes I dry on 60 degrees, but I prefer to dry them on 50-55 gives me a softer set. my hair has been better for changing from the blow dryer to the hooded dryer and rollersets. I rollerset a few times a week too and my hair has made a 360 change back to health (after being diagnosed with the hair destroyer thyroid disease).
