RollersetLUV - How do YOU pin?


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies!

I love rollersets - LUH THEM :drunk: If I had to choose one styling method it'd be rollersetting. I can get the flat ironed look or curly look all whilst protecting my ends! Now with that being said - I've been "hearing" whispers that clipping rollers together while rollersetting causes breakage... could someone explain?

I use the mohawk method and clip the first roller of each row to my head and each one behind to each other. I also normally roll forward vs. rolling back. This method works great for me and helps me get the rollers tight without putting too much tension on my hair (rollers have to be close together).

...But those whispers....I don't want to run into any setbacks - any advice/experiences would be appreciated!

Happy HJ!


Well-Known Member
i got tge ones that come with the over the roller clips so I dont use pins or alligator clips. But I roll in the same mohawk fashion.

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Well-Known Member
I use hair pins instead of clips. I only have to pin the rollers on the sides together to keep those close together. I haven't noticed any breakage from doing that and I make sure the ends of the hair pins are in tact so they don't snag any hair


In my new-growth
I'm BRAND spanking new to rollersetting love. I tried and failed miserably in the past, but tried again recently and found some success.

I purchased the Macherieamour rollersetting DVD at my first attempt and pulled it out of storage recently. It has been the best investment ever.

She mentions something about not clipping the rollers together because it inhibits drying? I watched older vids from a YouTuber that would routinely "anchor" rollers together and spoke of how nice and secure they would stay. (Buildable Beauty?) My observation is that it's a matter of individual method.

I only clip my rollers together when it's awkward to get them secure to my head. Those areas like down in the nape, or the side of the crown when you've done the mohawk method...tricky angle areas for me.

I have to master side section roller placement, but I'm VERY gentle with clip insertion and especially clip removal.