Roller Setting Queens!! Get In Here!!!


New Member
OMG...I look like windblown poodle :eek: . I just did my first roller set right anxious to use my pibbs...well the dryer was wonderful, but the roller setting part was a disaster.

Rollers and clips where flying all out the bathroom door. It took me almost 40 minutes to set my hair. The rollers were loose and falling out. I used magnetic rollers and regular roller clips (the flat ones with two prongs not the curved ones) but I couldn't get the clips anchored to my scalp. OR the hair wrapped around the roller smoothly. There are a few pieces up top that are straight and nicely curled, but the rest is quite wavy, and quite frankly I've already got my iron heating up in the bathroom to tame this half straight fro.

Please post ANY and ALL roller setting tips...especially those for setting shorter hair (I'm lower neck.)

Thanks ladies.

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I cant neither i make two ponytail
put the magnetic roller on the end pin them up on my head and call it a nite ,see my arms gets to tried plus tha too much work for me.

The next mornin it be straigh the ends still be damp
I am in NO WAY a roller setting queen.. i am still working on it too.
lol it sounds like it was pretty bad. It took me a while to do it. Try parting your hair into sections and putting a lot of tension in hair by pulling it taught.... i am posting a link to dlewis's fotki page go to the first one... look at the second one too becuase her hair is pretty :)... that is what taught me...
Whew...what a difference 10 minutes with a Gold N' Hot makes. Say what you will about heat, but she's gotten me out of many a hair disaster. LOL that my stuff is smooth I'm bumping for more. My hair is too short for the pony tail method unfortunatly. But thanks for posting.

I threw my Gold N Hot away when I first came to LHCF and focused totally on rollersets, even if it took me 2 hours. It was my first time rollersetting too. I kept at it until I got it right. I learned a lot from the rollersetting queens here, and there are many. :yep:
ISIS is right!

Thanx to her, Dlewis, & Macheriamour (sp), they all have very helpful tips on doing rollersets.

I got in the rain yesterday & LAWD, it's a mess, but I'm getting ready to re-roll mine (now that the kids are settled).

But remember to take your time and get each roller just right. That's the difference in fuzzy vs. straight sections. And moisturize each section b4 rolling.

HTH- Good luck!
Looking at photos is also good as well as practicing on dry hair. I have quite a few in my fokti.
Based on my experience, observations of others and my opinions, most rollersets work best on those with long hair. My length is barely shoulder and it never comes out nice and flowing. With my longer hair, friends, even if they don't roll it precisely it falls nicely. Even when they need a touch up, you can't tell because there's so much hair - except at the hairline where they have to press it or tie it down. Whatever I roll, that's what I'm getting - can't hide it can't fake it, unless I do a pin up.
For starting out, why not try the magnetic rollers with the snap covers instead of clips? That is how my daughter is learning how to rollerset her own hair. And the sections dont have to be perfectly straight.....just make sure that the hair, esp ends are smoothly on the roller and that the sections are not too thick or too wide for the roller....for me that prevents what I call "line head"...where you can see the parts, I don't like that, but that is just me. Any length of hair can be rollerset. I had a Halle Berry cut, and I would rollerset the top because I don't like the way my hair looks after using heat. Just takes time, but you can do it!
chayil0427 said:
OMG...I look like windblown poodle :eek: . I just did my first roller set right anxious to use my pibbs...well the dryer was wonderful, but the roller setting part was a disaster.

Rollers and clips where flying all out the bathroom door. It took me almost 40 minutes to set my hair. The rollers were loose and falling out. I used magnetic rollers and regular roller clips but I couldn't get the clips anchored to my scalp. OR the hair wrapped around the roller smoothly. There are a few pieces up top that are straight and nicely curled, but the rest is quite wavy, and quite frankly I've already got my iron heating up in the bathroom to tame this half straight fro.

Please post ANY and ALL roller setting tips...especially those for setting shorter hair (I'm lower neck.)

Thanks ladies.


My hair is right at my shoulders(the nape anyway) so my hair isn't long. When I rollerset.. I use magnetics with the snap caps.. they stay in place better that way.. IMO! I may use a couple of the clips with rollers but I am more successful with the snap on's. Practice does make perfect.. so the more u do it the more u will feel comfortable with it.
I'm now a roller setting Queen since I'm on here, when I don't go to the salong, I wash my hair let it airdry, then I use my vidal sassoon heated rollers, it only takes 3 minutes to get hot I put the biggest ones at the end of my hair then wrap it if I want a doobie, If I want a style with lots of curls, or the look of spirals I use the smaller rollers.
I think dripping wet hair and the right the right products and as little of them as possible are the keys to great rollersets. I agree with starting out with snap on magnetic rollers. I have like 3-4 unopened packages of the pink ones. PM me if you would like to have them. Also, if you clip the rollers together ( I think that dlewis does this) it makes the rollers more secure.
crlsweetie912 said:
I think dripping wet hair and the right the right products and as little of them as possible are the keys to great rollersets. I agree with starting out with snap on magnetic rollers. I have like 3-4 unopened packages of the pink ones. PM me if you would like to have them. Also, if you clip the rollers together ( I think that dlewis does this) it makes the rollers more secure.

I agree with this. I use to by only the snap on rollers that never worked, I still us them but with the metal clip.
i have short hair and I have been rollersetting my hair lately. it takes me two hours, but i make sure the hair smooth and the roller is straight. i have a pic in my fotki album with a roller set pic of the front and back. if i can roll my hair with it being this short than you can do it too. i am trying not to use heat on my head until april to see if it will help with the growth of my hair, i mean retaining the hair that i grow. i know how it is with the pulling and stugging on the hair. it help if your hair is dripping wet. when it would start to get a little dry, i would just sray it with some more water. i didn't use setting lotion this time around and the curls came out even softer. also i use the clips. maybe you might be put too much hair on the roller, or the roller is too big.
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I'm not a rollersetting queen at all, but I have to use the magnetics with the snap-on lid in order to get a decent rollerset. I haven't quite mastered the clips yet. Maybe someday soon.
I wouldn't call myself a rollersetting queen but I know a lil something. :)
The key to a successful rollerset (IMO) is to start with really wet hair and making sure your hair stays wet. This means keeping a spray bottle of water handy for any sections that dry out.

The size rollers you select are important too. If you want a curly style go with a smaller roller and a bigger roller if you want straighter Hair. I agree that the snap on rollers are easier and using the metal clips takes practice (I just got the hang of them about a month ago and I have been rollersetting for at least two years now.)

I roll my hair UP on the rollers instead of rolling down. Its much easier for me this way and takes alot less time. I don't use end papers but when my hair was layered I did. With the magnetic rollers I make sure my ends are wet and cling to the roller. You will get a much smoother set if your hair is wet.

When rollersetting less is more, meaning use products sparingly. It will cut down your drying time. I usually use a little of my creamy leave in and a tiny bit of serum on my ends. I find that oils and heavy moisturizers increase my drying time signficantly.

Last but not least make sure your hair is totally dry before removing the rollers or you will get frizz outta this world.

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Go to a domincan salon and have them do a rollerset on you. Notice and think about everything they do and you will learn so much (and look fierce to boot).

I went to my place over the weekend and I was so darn impressed with the rollerset alone (not talking about the blowout but just the rollerset). I noticed, she combed through my hair when I had the conditioner with a wide tooth comb. Then she rinsed, and pinned my hair on top of my head dripping wet. She did not towel dry my hair at all, but just dried my ears, etc.

She only put a little bit of a leave in in my hair (no oils, serums, etc.). Then she parted the hair in small, thin sections and rolled them tightly on each roller. She parted randomely and not in mohawk like some recommend. When she took the rollers out, my roots were so straight (and I am like 7 weeks post mind you!). I was sooooooo impressed. Right now, I look like I got a touch up instead of just a regular wash and set. Well worth my $20.
I learned a lot from the newcomers guide located in the favorite sticky section of LHCF. I had my first rollerset more than 20 years ago. Learned from a master rollersetting hairdresser who would ONLY rollerset relaxed hair. It was NOT an option in her salon. I had no hair or scalp problems. not a split end, no breakage, no dandruff, no overlapping of my relaxer (she only relaxed her clients 8 weeks post) and since joining LHCF, I am back to these healthy hair habits. She used to get my roots straight also, but I haven't mastered this yet.

Got this from the newcomers guide:
I think i am pretty good at rollersetting. I learned by the tutorial on Macheries blog. My rollerset doesnt come out bonestraight, because i'm not relaxed bonestraight, my hair comes out straight enough though. and i always have full bouncy shiny curls that look wonderful the first day. i still do not know how to maintain the curly set after the first day... so i usually flatiron using med heat, the 2nd day and wear a wrap for the rest of the week. My tips: roll with the hair fully wet, do not towel dry... or if you do, spritz each section so that the ends are sticking to the roller. use a little bit of product. roll small 1inch sections on each roller. U should have about 10 rollers down the back (mowhawk) and on the left/right side, 3 rows of rollers on each side...with at least 4 rollers in the back row, 5 rollers in the mid row, and 3 rollers in the front row. and most importantly your hair must be FULLY DRY before removing the rollers, or else you will be in puff city.... which is not cute at all. Good luck!!!
oh and you can't use the duckbill clips...these do not hold the hair to the roller very well.... nor keep the roller in place. Use the clips that are sorter and are flat, either 2 prong or single prong. (the duckbill clips have the long clip that is curved). since they are curved, they are barely holding the hair in place, so dont use them (i used to use them and wondered why my rollers wobbled all over the place)

and if you want your roots to come out straight, u must roll and sit the base of the roller on top of your roots so that the roller will keep your roots straight. be careful not to sit the roller in front of the newgrowth or otherwise you will have lots of body and poofy/volumous roots (which i dont mind sometimes)...
Thanks ladies.... I think I'm going to try the rollers with the snap on until my hair gets longer, and I get a little better at sectioning my hair off then I'll try the clips again.

LOL y'all didn't have to make me feel so bad about my Gold N' Hot...hopefully one day I'll be brave enough to get rid of it, but for now it stays under the cabinet for EMERGENCIES only! And if y'all had seen my hair last night you would probably agree it was an emergencee. I'm going to try another set Wednesday evening and see how it goes with the new rollers.

Rollersetting queen checking in!

The advice you're getting here is pretty good; I personally don't like magnetic curler tops because they left indentations at the root once they were dry, but it's been years since I've used them.

Try to think in sections: I sometimes do a mohawk first, parting my hair into thin sections with a rat-tail comb and curling those. The key is to not put too much hair on the curler, and to try to keep your curlers close to the ones behind them so you can clip them together using the metal clips. Clipping at the root after putting in the curler shouldn't be that hard; I'm wondering if you were trying to clip over too much hair?

And be sure to use a good setting lotion to ensure your curls hold; I love Lottabody. I always take out my curlers about 5 minutes before I'm totally dry and when the curls are nicely molded and holding, to ensure I get dry to the roots and ends since my hair is long. And I let the hair cool before combing as well to assure the hair is set.

I've always rollerset my hair--short and long. Length shouldn't matter.

Blu217 said:
The key is to not put too much hair on the curler, and to try to keep your curlers close to the ones behind them so you can clip them together using the metal clips. Clipping at the root after putting in the curler shouldn't be that hard; I'm wondering if you were trying to clip over too much hair?

I always have trouble with the seems like my clips don't stay in place and so my rollers get loose...and then I get frustrated and give up!

Anybody got any tips?
I don't clip each curler at the root--only the first curler in a section, or row. I make sure to section fairly thin and set my curlers so that they touch the ones behind so that I can clip them together. My rollerset is basically stationary when I'm done; if I clipped each one at the root it'd be much harder to get nice smooth roots that way. Clipping together creates enough gentle tension to pull the roots smooth--and should prevent popping. I do sometimes pop a clip or two under the dryer, tho. But they pretty much stay put.

There are two kinds of the short metal clips; the ones with a flat hinge, like a flat duck bill--and ones with a curved space near the hinge that allows you to fit them over hair and curlers. Gotta use the latter; the former will pop. Dunno if that answers your question.
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Blu217 said:
I don't clip each curler at the root--only the first curler in a section, or row. I make sure to section fairly thin and set my curlers so that they touch the ones behind so that I can clip them together. My rollerset is basically stationary when I'm done; if I clipped each one at the root it'd be much harder to get nice smooth roots that way. Clipping together creates enough gentle tension to pull the roots smooth--and should prevent popping. I do sometimes pop a clip or two under the dryer, tho. But they pretty much stay put.

There are two kinds of the short metal clips; the ones with a flat hinge, like a flat duck bill--and ones with a curved space near the hinge that allows you to fit them over hair and curlers. Gotta use the latter; the former will pop. Dunno if that answers your question.

That helps a lot. My problem was with trying to anchor the rollers at the bottom near my scalp with the flat clips. I found that to be very difficult.

I have shoulder length hair but I can NOT get rollers to stay on by just clipping them.:mad: Off to buy rollers with clips.
prettypuff1 said:
I am in NO WAY a roller setting queen.. i am still working on it too.
lol it sounds like it was pretty bad. It took me a while to do it. Try parting your hair into sections and putting a lot of tension in hair by pulling it taught.... i am posting a link to dlewis's fotki page go to the first one... look at the second one too becuase her hair is pretty :)... that is what taught me...

wow, dlewis' rollerset is a work of art!