Need advice on Roller setting


Well-Known Member
Hi I roller set using the hard plastic rollers and the silver 'squeeze type clips'.

I notice that I have problems getting the rollers tight on the middle row that goes down the middle of my head. Am I putting too much hair in each roller?

Thanks for any advice, I'm getting better I just need a little fine tuning..
Well, how much hair are you putting on the roller? Just make sure they're taunt. For some, it isn't always easy when they first start out roller setting. It's definitely a good thing to master.

You don't mention which size roller you are using.

You may need to adjust the size of the roller.

Additonally, a good rule of thumb is the section of hair rolled should be about the width of the roller.

I tend to use more rollers so as to prevent from rolling too big a section on a roller. I currently use the 1 1/2 inch size rollers.
