Please Help!!! Dry and damaged edges


New Member
Hey friends!!! I'm new to the forum.My hair naturally is thin and kinky (tight spirals). Because I experience lots of breakage, I condition my hair at least twice a week with Olive Oil Deep Penetrating Conditioner. (Sometimes I combine with Humectress). I've been applying it to my hair (wet or dry), then for 20 minutes I sit under Mastex dryer, then I rinse, blow dry and style . Also, I've been taking 5000 mcg of Biotin. I've been experiencing lots of breakage on my edges...I use Jojoba oil for moisture while it's dry. I even apply jojoba oil on my edges before I go to sleep at night. Unfortunately though, I notice that by the morning time, my edges are dried out. I believe this severe dryness/ breakage is preventing my edges to grow. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions
Welcome newbie

What kind of styles do you wear your hair? Are you putting too much tension/stress on your edges when you stye your hair? I had problems with my edges due to chemical applications...made my edges extremely thin. To resolve this I masaged evoo on them day and night and they have since filled in. However, I do not put tension on my edges when styling.
How is the rest of your hair doing compared to your edges?
:welcome4::newbie: Have you tried using a water-based moisturizer on your edges? I like to use Worlds of Curls moisturizer. I hope this helps.
Hey friends!!! I'm new to the forum.My hair naturally is thin and kinky (tight spirals). Because I experience lots of breakage, I condition my hair at least twice a week with Olive Oil Deep Penetrating Conditioner. (Sometimes I combine with Humectress). I've been applying it to my hair (wet or dry), then for 20 minutes I sit under Mastex dryer, then I rinse, blow dry and style . Also, I've been taking 5000 mcg of Biotin. I've been experiencing lots of breakage on my edges...I use Jojoba oil for moisture while it's dry. I even apply jojoba oil on my edges before I go to sleep at night. Unfortunately though, I notice that by the morning time, my edges are dried out. I believe this severe dryness/ breakage is preventing my edges to grow. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions

These threads may help you:

What to use on thinning edges

Breaking Edges

Growing Edges
.I use Jojoba oil for moisture while it's dry. I even apply jojoba oil on my edges before I go to sleep at night. Unfortunately though, I notice that by the morning time, my edges are dried out.

Your hair won't absorb jojoba oil. It sits on it. The only 3 oils your hair will absorb are olive, coconut and avocado. Olive oil sometimes dries on hard. Try either of the other ones and you'll notice a difference. You won't need a lot either. A little goes a long way.

If that doesn't work, put a dab of leave in conditioner (moisture) followed by the coconut oil (sealing).
moisturize with a leave in (neutrogena silk touch is good) and then seal with an oil (kemi oyl or coconut is good....i like vatika coconut oil).
Try using a water based moisturizer, some people's hair can't survive on oil alone. And with you blowdrying so often, you really need something heavy duty. You can also try massaging aloe vera gel onto your edges to help them grow back.
I agree with the other ladies, try a water-based moisturizer, as jojoba oil isn't readily absorbed by the hair. I really like Elasta QP mango butter, Hairveda Whipped Cream, or Pantene smoothing cream.