New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge

Thanx,I was wondering if I had to run to the dr. See I have trouble with my liver and I don't wanna take any chances. Thanx for responding.
Hey armyqt where did you purchase the Odwalla cj from? a Health Food Store or Grocery store? I was drinking the Naked Carrot o copia it tasted great until i purchased two bottles that was out of date. It was awful Took it back and they had taken them out and not replaced them. Now trying to find another brand that taste like the baby carrots.
Thanks for the ingredients for the naked carrot juice.
I drink the Odwalla cj too.
Trader Joe's is the bomb! I always go for one item and come out with bags of stuff.
Armyqt said:
Yeah, it's normal. I also take spirulina and chlorella and that turns it green!

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It can get pretty colorful when we're doing healthy things!!
The chlorophyll removes the smell too. Let's see, with the carrot juice, green and orange makes...brown!! Back to where it started!
Armyqt said:
Isis, I'm so glad you started this challenge. I am loving the Odwalla CJ
. I have no problems getting my daily dosage. I usually go for 4oz, but sometimes I end up drinking more. It just tastes so darn good

As far as growth wise, I can't really tell. I already have too much newgrowth on my head right now. But after I relax I'll be able to tell if I start getting more than my inch a month.

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Thanks Armyqt. It's hard for me to just drink just 2 ounces. I usually end up drinking a little more because it IS good! You may see added thickness before growth, or maybe both at the same time.
I couldn't find just Carrot Juice so I got the Carrot/Orange Juice. I've also been eating Baby Carrots as well. My 4yr old son who hates anything healthy loves the juice. Now I have to go buy more. This time I'll go to a health food store or Whole Foods. Haven't noticed anything yet.
Oh i know im late but i wanna join too.

To answer the question about self-cleaning juicers...I have a Champion juicer (which i need to start using again) and the way its designed, the juice comes out the side and the pulp out of the clean it you just take the funnel off and rinse and its done in less than 2 min.

And speaking of carrot pulp, you can make some really great spreads with it - no lie. it sounds weird at first but they are really good. Before i got lazy at juicing, i used to make my kids carrot spread sandwiches for lunch and they loved them. You make it just like you make tuna salad (i use an eggless mayonnaise). You wont even know its carrots.

Personally, I like to mix a heaping teaspoon of green magma in my carrot juice. It doesnt taste bad at all. Together they make your hair and nails grow and your skin glow....i wish i hadnt slacked off so. Also my experience has been that when you start juicing programs and drink water, you automatically start to lose weight because you are full a lot and dont need to eat as much but are still getting nutrients - even though i dont want to lose any weight cause then im flat chested LOL.

i think that i am going to add the flaxseed like everyones recommended, so it will be carrot juice, green magma, flaxseed oil + VITS (5 mg biotin, folic acid, niacin, l-csyteine)

Also for those wondering about vits, my daughter and I started them 10 days ago and we're both already seeing accelerated new growth.
Thanks Janell for the info. I heard those Champion juicers are supposed to be excellent and they last forever.
Today is week 1 of the challenge. The main thing I've noticed this week is my skin feels softer all over my body and my hair feels different, like it's smoother. Even after my usual wash/condition regime, it feels like my cuticle or something has changed somehow and I don't think it's my imagination. That old Hand in Hair disease is really flaring up more than ever now!
I'm only doing the 2 ounces per day, sometimes 3 ounces.

I would like to hear your input and feedback so far on this challenge.
Wow Isis that's great. I don't think I've noticed any changes thus far. And I have been faithful daily. Today I got a mixture from a juice bar: apple, carrot, ginger - 14oz. Delicious. BUt let's celebrate you success.
here's to much, much more progress.
Isis, my skin is so mucher softer and I've had no breakouts, which is a rarity for me. Even my doctor complimented me on my skin and asked what I was doing differently. I didn't think about it until you mentioned but I was wondering why my hair was softer even though I followed the same regimen and it also seems to be retaining moisture. This is actually week 2 for me. I'm going to keep drinking, good luck and I'll report back to you in a week.
Thanks Armyqt for the toast!! Have you been doing straight carrot juice all along or the combination juices?
That's great to hear Joyous! Even your doctor noticed your skin! I'm really looking forward to progress this coming week.
Isis said:
Thanks Armyqt for the toast!! Have you been doing straight carrot juice all along or the combination juices?

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I've been doing straight carrot juice all along. But today, I had a taste for the combo juice. I still am gonna drink the 4oz straight carrot juice though.

Ya know, come to think of it, my skin is looking pretty good. I just assumed it was from the nightly applications of vit e oil and hyaluronic acid. But I've only been doing that about three nights. Maybe it is the carrot juice
That's great TigerOrange and Armyqt!
It's interesting to me to see how the carrot juice works on the body. In the past, I didn't pay attention to the daily and weekly results, I suddenly noticed my hair was getting longer and thicker, and so did other people. I didn't care for my hair then or take supplements.

Welcome to the challenge Candibaby!
janell_b said:

Personally, I like to mix a heaping teaspoon of green magma in my carrot juice. It doesnt taste bad at all. Together they make your hair and nails grow and your skin glow....i wish i hadnt slacked off so. Also my experience has been that when you start juicing programs and drink water, you automatically start to lose weight because you are full a lot and dont need to eat as much but are still getting nutrients - even though i dont want to lose any weight cause then im flat chested LOL.

i think that i am going to add the flaxseed like everyones recommended, so it will be carrot juice, green magma, flaxseed oil + VITS (5 mg biotin, folic acid, niacin, l-csyteine)

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What is green magma?
OK Isis, my skin i definitley looking fab. I can't help but admire myself in the mirror (hehe) this morning. It's got to be the CJ.
Got another carrot juice since they stop stocking my Naked carrot o copia, I went to The Fresh Market and got Bolthouse Farms 100% carrot juice carbs 14g vit A 700% it is sooo good, taste just like a smoothie I like the Naked brands also, but they took out the carrot after I got a bad batch it had expired. I purchased 32ozs for $2.98 Bolthouse juice vs "The Naked" for 15.2 oz for $1.99 I love Carrot Juice my bald spots are growing in also I don't need to wear that much foundation on my face hehe I am so loving the carrot juice--
Isis said:
lunalight7 said:
What is in a carrot that makes hair grow? Is it the beta carotene?

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Yes, it's the large quantity of beta carotene.
It's also the B vitamins, especially folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. Since carrot juice goes directly into the blood stream (bypassing digestion), it's effects are much faster than taking supplements, for example.

Carrot Juice (The King of Juices)
Wash 4-5 carrots and juice.
Carrot juice supplies a high amount of pro-vitamin A, which the body converts to Vitamin A; vitamins B,C,D,E, and K, minerals, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, and trace minerals. This juice benefits intestinal walls, bones, teeth, skin, hair, nails and with regular use, cleanses the liver by helping to release stale bile and excess fats.

Nutritive value
Carrots are rich in carotene and the red variety contains 10-15 times more carotene than the orange variety. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is needed for healthy vision, as well as the maintenance of mucous membranes. The same vitamin is also important for healthy skin and hair and is necessary for human reproduction, resistance to infection, combats fatigue, and functions as a protector of the nervous system. Beta-carotene is also an anti-oxidant that may defend the body against free radicals toxicity. It contains 86 per cent water and 48 Kcal per 100 gm of edible portion. The carrot is one of the best sources of vitamin B complex as it also contains niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. The other major nutrient contents are phosphorous, choline, sulphur, potassium and fibre. It has moderate amounts of calcium, iron and vitamin C.

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That's literally an all round multivitamin in the liquid form
Carrot juice is pretty amazing with all it has in it!

Jancan7 and Armyqt - congrats on your skin! That's very interesting Jancan7 about your bald spot growing in. How long did it take before you noticed hair growing there?
Isis said: That's very interesting Jancan7 about your bald spot growing in. How long did it take before you noticed hair growing there?

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Ive been doing this too - 'cept i slacked off over the weekend. and yesterday i noticed a bald spot i had right side front has grown in
i swear a week ago i was in agony about what to do to get this spot to grow back.

So i second that bald spot thing
carrot juice - i love you
I just discovered I've been drinking expired carrot juice for a few days now
. I looked and looked for an expiration date before and I couldn't find one. Today when I went into a store at work the guy said he didn't carry it anymore becuase they were too perishable, and he was losing money. He assured me there was an expiration date stamped on there. So I come and check and sure enough it's there. Now I can't get anymore until the weekend. I'm not a happy camper @ the moment. I think I need to look into getting the CJ powder.
Sorry to hear that about the carrot juice. I had someone tell me just yesterday about the short shelf life of Carrot Juice. I too noticed that mine went bad over the weekend, I keep some at work and at home. The bottle at the office, didn't look quite right so I checked the date and bingo!, it was expired. But I drink about 6 ounces a day, so I'm not losing very much by the end of a bottle.
I've been eating 1-1 lb bag of baby carrots a day and I have noticed a difference in my skin. My hair has been in cornrows since last Friday so I'm not sure about the hair but I've been getting copliments on my skin sinceMonday and I definitely think it's the carrots. Hubby said that we can squeeze out enough money for a juicer so I'm going to Wal-Mart today to see what they have.

I'm so happy!! I love you guys!!!!
Lovely901Lady said:
I've been eating 1-1 lb bag of baby carrots a day and I have noticed a difference in my skin. My hair has been in cornrows since last Friday so I'm not sure about the hair but I've been getting copliments on my skin sinceMonday and I definitely think it's the carrots. Hubby said that we can squeeze out enough money for a juicer so I'm going to Wal-Mart today to see what they have.

I'm so happy!! I love you guys!!!!

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Wow that's wonderful. It's nice to see others having great skin results too.

I think I'm addicted to CJ
. I left work yesterday just to find some. I ended up getting the little Odwalla and that will last me today and tomorrow. I love CJ