Long hair ladies, can I live vicariously through you?

As I'm starting to enjoy my hair after neglecting it while dealing with illness I realize that my sister is a serious HATER

I've been dealing with illness so my hair has been pretty much neglected for the past few months in a bun.

I always had long hair a a child (MBL-WL). My sister and I were both known in school as "the black girls with the long hair". When I turned 19 I cut all my hair off because I was sick of being known for my hair and I wanted to prove to myself that I was cute without it. Wheres I felt my sister used it as a security blanket. While my hair was short my sister would make sly remarks about my "ugly short hair" pretty much boasting that she had "better hair than me" and whenever I would give her ideas/tips she would brush them off implying that I didn't know what I was talking about because my hair was short even though before I cut my hair it was WL. I kept it short for quite a few years and then began experimenting a lot with bleach and dyeing it (pink, purple, turquoise...) My hair began to break off. So I decided to transition out of that. My hair finally made WL again.

I twisted my hair in some cute small twists and because of sleeping with them wrapped they hang to BSL. My mom and Bf both complimented me. As soon as my sister walked in she gave me the biggest stank eye. She stared at me for about 3 mins. I asked her what the look was for. She ignored me. She later told me that my hair looked fake because of the length and texture (I have fine 3c hair). When I told her it wasn't she gave me a look and insisted that it was.

This girl lives with me. She knows I have long hair and I worked hard to grow back my hair. Why would I lie about not having any extensions in. It's ridiculous. I wish she could just tell me it looks nice and leave it at that.

On the good side though... I did notice a few guys in cars doing triple takes as they were driving :auto::gorgeous:
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Why am I just seeing this thread??? This thread is hilarious! I love it! My hair is MBL. It was HL about three years ago, I couldn't go ANYWHERE without being stopped by guys... Me and my bf would go grow grocery shopping and he would tell me "i cant take you anywhere" because the min I left from his side he would spot a guy walking right up to me trying to "holla" lmao... Now I wear it in a bun everywhere because Im trying to make it go HL again! Lol.

HL days. This pic is my inspiration that I will be this length again soon :drunk:

So i'm bumping this thread with a story of my own (FINALLY). I've been protective styling my hair in box braids for about 6 months now but at the beginning of the summer I went to get my hair braided and there was this woman just chilling in the shop talking to the owner while they started on my head. So they asked to blowdry my hair which I never had anyone ask to do before but I said sure, when I came back in the chair my hair was all over the place BAA and the owner was talking to the other woman like "she has a lot of hair doesn't she? it's almost as long as your girlfriend's" to which the other woman said "yea it's long but my gf's hair is down to her butt and she mixed, (to me) what are you mixed with?" To which I kindly said "Black and more black" and chuckled to myself. The woman with the long haired gf then proceeded to talk about how amazing my hair was once she realized I wasn't anything "exotic" and how I must have "good hair" and asking how long I had been natural and whatnot, complimenting me on my "light skinned scalp" (wth?!?) and it was just funny to see how quick her demeanor changed once she saw a regular Black girl with a decent amount of hair on her head. But the overall experience made me feel good because I def suffer from hair anorexia since I'm a fine strand low density natural. And I'm excited to see if I made full MBL once I take out these box braids in a week. I moving back home in a few weeks and I want to get my sister to flat iron my hair and I'll get to see if my hair has some good hang time now :bouncy:
So i'm bumping this thread with a story of my own (FINALLY). I've been protective styling my hair in box braids for about 6 months now but at the beginning of the summer I went to get my hair braided and there was this woman just chilling in the shop talking to the owner while they started on my head. So they asked to blowdry my hair which I never had anyone ask to do before but I said sure, when I came back in the chair my hair was all over the place BAA and the owner was talking to the other woman like "she has a lot of hair doesn't she? it's almost as long as your girlfriend's" to which the other woman said "yea it's long but my gf's hair is down to her butt and she mixed, (to me) what are you mixed with?" To which I kindly said "Black and more black" and chuckled to myself. The woman with the long haired gf then proceeded to talk about how amazing my hair was once she realized I wasn't anything "exotic" and how I must have "good hair" and asking how long I had been natural and whatnot, complimenting me on my "light skinned scalp" (wth?!?) and it was just funny to see how quick her demeanor changed once she saw a regular Black girl with a decent amount of hair on her head. But the overall experience made me feel good because I def suffer from hair anorexia since I'm a fine strand low density natural. And I'm excited to see if I made full MBL once I take out these box braids in a week. I moving back home in a few weeks and I want to get my sister to flat iron my hair and I'll get to see if my hair has some good hang time now :bouncy:

That's beautiful!!! Show them girl, don't have to be mixed to have long luscious stands on your head! I love it. That stereotype is understood but ignorant in a sense.
So i'm bumping this thread with a story of my own (FINALLY). I've been protective styling my hair in box braids for about 6 months now but at the beginning of the summer I went to get my hair braided and there was this woman just chilling in the shop talking to the owner while they started on my head. So they asked to blowdry my hair which I never had anyone ask to do before but I said sure, when I came back in the chair my hair was all over the place BAA and the owner was talking to the other woman like "she has a lot of hair doesn't she? it's almost as long as your girlfriend's" to which the other woman said "yea it's long but my gf's hair is down to her butt and she mixed, (to me) what are you mixed with?" To which I kindly said "Black and more black" and chuckled to myself. The woman with the long haired gf then proceeded to talk about how amazing my hair was once she realized I wasn't anything "exotic" and how I must have "good hair" and asking how long I had been natural and whatnot, complimenting me on my "light skinned scalp" (wth?!?) and it was just funny to see how quick her demeanor changed once she saw a regular Black girl with a decent amount of hair on her head. But the overall experience made me feel good because I def suffer from hair anorexia since I'm a fine strand low density natural. And I'm excited to see if I made full MBL once I take out these box braids in a week. I moving back home in a few weeks and I want to get my sister to flat iron my hair and I'll get to see if my hair has some good hang time now :bouncy:

Congratulations on your growth! I hear you with being a fine strand low density natural, it leaves me feeling bald most of the time. Hair anorexia is REAL, especially for us. I'm always surprised when I blow it out and see how much hair I really have. When you take your braids out make sure you whip your hair back and forth and enjoy that hang time :gorgeous:
Since this popped back up, I have another recent one.

I was visiting my fiance's grandmother (70ish year old lady) and I had my hair loose. She kept looking at it and eventually said, "That must take a long time to wash."

When I said that it did and talked about it for a while, she got really excited and said, "What? It's real? I was sure it was a wig! I was just trying to get you to admit to it."

So I laughed and told her it wasn't and let her feel up my scalp. Now every time I visit she comments on my hair and asks what I'm doing with it these days (it doesn't ever change).

I love this lady like my own grammy, so it didn't bother me at all. She seemed so excited to see a black person with long hair. Now had this been a stranger...
So I straightened my hair for the first time in about 10 months. My hair is currently 1 1/2 inch from BSL. I asked my roommate to borrow her lottabody setting lotion and she gave me the spray bottle and I proceeded to use it while blowing out my hair. I flat ironed it and even I was impressed because my hair didn't grow much, but it was so much healthier and fuller than last year. I never make my hair bone straight so it was a bit fluffy and clearly had a lot of body to it.

So I went to work, got a lot if compliments from my coworkers (majority of my coworkers are male) saying they didn't recognize me and saying "Alright now, babe!" One of the supervisors starting calling me his girlfriend and even walked me to my train xD

So I get hope, put my hair in a ponytail to lay down the roots, then roller set the pony. I wake up that afternoon (I work the overnight shift) and my roommate says "so how'd it go, the straightening?" I twisted me head twice to swing my hair then flipped it over my shoulders and said can't u see? And she is silent for a moment. "its a bit puffy at the ends.
You should've went over it again." Me: *eyebrow raised* "I don't want bone straight hair. That's too flat, I already flattened it enough with the scarf. I like hair that has volume" she's like "oh its not flat It would've came out better had you used my flatiron."


She has ear length relaxed hair cut in a rihanna bang. A few months ago she was living in weaves but me and her boyfriend convinced her to wear her hair out and cut all the damage off. I did not have one negative thing to say to this girl during her hair woes, now here she comes with the backhanded compliments.

P.S. This is the first time my hair has ever fallen so far down my back, the longest its ever been my entire life and I know that before this year is over I'll finally reach BSL!!!! I am a slow grower, I mean 1/4 inch a month. Its been tough but with patience and care I have retained what I've grown.

Pics below!!

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I can't believe this was right before I relaxed my hair again. What a terrible decision when I was so close to my goal :dazed:
Any who, happy to be back at this length again! We'll see if I surpass that length in a few months.
I can't believe this was right before I relaxed my hair again. What a terrible decision when I was so close to my goal :dazed:
Any who, happy to be back at this length again! We'll see if I surpass that length in a few months.
Same here, my post from years ago I was WL. Now I have about 1-2 inches to grow until I'm there again. It is a good thing that hair grows back. No more stupid mistakes for me this time around.

Matter of fact, sometimes I don't even read my old posts, just makes me regretful.
I'm surprised I've never posted in this thread. My hair attracts a LOT of attention, to the point that I rarely wear it down because people don't know how to act and it makes me uncomfortable. Two things I hate are when someone gathers everyone around me and they all ooh and ahh over my hair like I'm a museum exhibit, and when people put themselves down when they see my hair, like it makes them insecure.

I don't mind comments and questions about my hair, but some people are over the top with it.

Stories, let's see, I had a bunch of family members visiting and I was upstairs washing my hair. I came down to get my mom to help me apply my conditioner and as soon as I took my hair down all conversation stopped and everyone was just staring at me. Then my cousin says "D*mn you got a lot of hair" and everyone else jumps in and starts talking about how long my hair is. It made me laugh because most of them have known me all my life so idk why they were acting so stunned.

My hair gets caught in doors, and in my sun roof, purse straps, etc. I have to be really careful when I wear it down.

My son loves playing in it. I usually keep a scarf on in the house to keep him from yanking it.

My mom likes for me to send her pictures when I do my hair and she shows them off at work and her co-workers ask her to text me with hair questions and product suggestions.

I had my hair in a bun and this lady in the elevator was like wow you have really long hair. I was like how can you even tell with it in a bun? She said my bun was so big and it looked like there was a lot of hair tucked in there.
Same here, my post from years ago I was WL. Now I have about 1-2 inches to grow until I'm there again. It is a good thing that hair grows back. No more stupid mistakes for me this time around.

Matter of fact, sometimes I don't even read my old posts, just makes me regretful.

Girl I remember, back when I used to stalk the hair forum before I could get a membership (I was a young teen so I had no debit card). Sometimes I think about how long my hair would be if I had just kept going...but it doesn't matter because we are catching up and we are wiser about our hair now. Eyes on the prize!
Same here, my post from years ago I was WL. Now I have about 1-2 inches to grow until I'm there again. It is a good thing that hair grows back. No more stupid mistakes for me this time around.

Matter of fact, sometimes I don't even read my old posts, just makes me regretful.
What kind of grease are you using with your curl activator?
plz don't say Blue Magic.
Lawwwddd... only thing worse than blue magic is Luster’s pink oil. :lachen::lachen:Those were my staples before I discovered this forum.
I know, I know. I was the same way about grease. But it was like "Green Eggs and Ham", after seeing reviews on this awesome throwback I had to try it. And it worked. No more tangled ends causing me to snip snip. I'm retaining length like a G. *shrugs* I can't knock it.
I wear my hair in a bun 99% of the time, but since my hair is straight, I've been wearing it down this week. Today I was sitting in a conference room waiting for a meeting to start with my back to the door. The guy who was running the meeting walked in and he asked someone else in the room "do you know if GettingKinky is going to come to the meeting?" So then I turned around and he said "oh!" Then he swiveled my chair back around to look at me from the back again. He didn't say anything else but his expression clearly said I didn't realize you had so much hair. My hair isn't even that long, grazing BSL, but there is only 1 person in the company with hair longer than mine.

Excuse the thin ends, I'm transitioning.
Lmfaooo, that's awesome!
I can't believe this was right before I relaxed my hair again. What a terrible decision when I was so close to my goal :dazed:
Any who, happy to be back at this length again! We'll see if I surpass that length in a few months.
I am SURE you are going to surpass that length!

Same here, my post from years ago I was WL. Now I have about 1-2 inches to grow until I'm there again. It is a good thing that hair grows back. No more stupid mistakes for me this time around.Matter of fact, sometimes I don't even read my old posts, just makes me regretful.
That's what it's about! Learning from trial and error. Once you get that knowledge and experience, no one can ever take it away from you. And as long as your hair continues to grow, you will always have that one (1) more chance to get and to grow your hair [to your dream length]!

I'm surprised I've never posted in this thread. My hair attracts a LOT of attention...[...] ...My mom likes for me to send her pictures when I do my hair and she shows them off at work and her co-workers ask her to text me with hair questions and product suggestions.I had my hair in a bun and this lady in the elevator was like wow you have really long hair. I was like how can you even tell with it in a bun? She said my bun was so big and it looked like there was a lot of hair tucked in there.

I was lucky enough to get a quick glimpse of your hair when you posted your picture in another thread. It truly is magnificent! You are at full and thick hip length, with some hair close to tailbone length, right? Your hair is absolutely gorgeous and the length and thickness are Repunzel-like!
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