List of highly moisturising leave in conditioners


My hair has completely stalled when it comes to growth. I think one of the reasons is because my hair is very dry. I use water as a part of the LOB method but my hair is still dry. Could I have a list of highly moisturising leave ins. I also have high porosity hair
I have normal/high porosity, and I apply all my leave-ins on damp or wet hair. Here's my list:
  • Shescentit Marula Mallow Moisture Milk
  • Shescentit Royal Honey and Argan Milk
  • Shescentit Baobab Fluffy Curls Leave-in
  • Camille Rose Curl Love Mik
  • Adwoa Beauty baomint leave-in
  • Camille Rose Coconut Water Leave-In
  • Oyin Handmade Hint Hemp Conditioner
My hair has completely stalled when it comes to growth. I think one of the reasons is because my hair is very dry. I use water as a part of the LOB method but my hair is still dry. Could I have a list of highly moisturising leave ins. I also have high porosity hair
LOB = Liquid, oil, butter?

Oils and butters are basically the same thing as far as sealants for hair go (butters are super concentrated forms of oil) so you may be keeping a bit of moisture out by doing both. Also, how often are you re-moisturizing your hair? How much protein are you using?
LOB = Liquid, oil, butter?

Oils and butters are basically the same thing as far as sealants for hair go (butters are super concentrated forms of oil) so you may be keeping a bit of moisture out by doing both. Also, how often are you re-moisturizing your hair? How much protein are you using?
I do the aphoogee protein treatment once every 6 weeks. I also use giovanni keratin conditioner once a week
I do the aphoogee protein treatment once every 6 weeks. I also use giovanni keratin conditioner once a week

I was asking about the protein because I find with high porosity hair, keeping a good amount of protein in my hair helps with moisture.

Honestly, the best moisturizing leave in I use is the African Royale BRX braid spray. It's super old school but it works
As I Am Original Leave-In
Camille Rose Coconut Water Leave-In
Mielle Pomegranate Honey Leave-In

Btw, my hair is low porosity and doesn't like heavy leave-ins. My creams are typically heavy though.
Is your hair dry or hard feeling even after deep conditioning?

*Giovanni Direct Leave In
*Belle Bar Organics Curl Refresher
*Camille Rose Coconut Water Leave In
Oyin Hair Dew
Mane Choice Tropical Moringa Leave-in
As I Am Original Leave-in
Camille Rose Curl Love Moisture Milk
Saffiyahbotanicals Shea leave-in + Especiallyhair Moisture Foundation. I've hi porosity hair and this combo keeps my hair moisturized for at least 3 days.