Lenzi's Request - Two Week Review....


Well-Known Member
Now, I'm throughly skceptical, and I don't ever expect amazing results from ANY hair product - but.....Okay, check this out.

I had started reading up on Lenzi's Request, because I wanted to cut back on the internal supplements, and start focusing on external stuff, and because my hairline was making me shamed - old damage from the weight of my locs and just general bad treatment - and I realized that I had a Widow's Peak - that ain't have no hair on it! Anyhow, I ordered the Lenzi's Request, and I've used it on my hairline - about *thinks* 5 or 6 times now, over the last two and half/three weeks.

I'm sitting here at work, checking on my hair, and I start eying my front hairline (where the widows peak SHOULD be) with my little comestic mirror - and what do I see? About 15-20 tiny, tiny, short little hairs popping out - some of them are still so short they look like stubble! Say WHAAATT?????? *raised eyebrows* Now mind you, I'm still skeptical, cuz, I mean, COME ON......but - I see em! And unless I have been breaking hair off left and right on my hairline *now I'm going to be fretting about my scarf being on too tight!!* This stuff seems to really, maybe, possibly be actually doing something? *resists the urge to use it more than twice a week*

I'm definitely going to be using it on my whole head though.... and hrmmm... I think I might rub a lil in on hubby's thinning spots too...he's a man, so if it does stimulate growth, it should work even faster on him....and it'll be easier to keep track of, as he always does his hair the exact same way. *LOL*
You are gonna make the PJ in me come out with this product line. I have been eyeing Lenzi's Request for a minute. I have been strong and yall are making me weak!!! By the way, what products are you using from the line:cool:
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I'm just using Lenzi's Request - I ordered the Hair Souffle, but I only 'do' my hair twice a week, so I haven't had much time to mess with it.

please keep us posted. I'm hoping for some good results myself.

(and I'm still feelin those tingles :D)
I went to the sunrise products site to order via paypal. But, I couldn't get to paypal after I filled my cart. How did you order?

Do you have to fill out the personal information section even though you want to do paypal? The information page did not seem to be secure.

I was able to order through paypal with no problems.....you might want to email the owner and ask...
:lol: I am itching to try this stuff but I put myself on a no money/no new product challenge. Considering I don't have the money to buy it right now, my challenge is going REALLY well!!!!! :lol:
:lol: I am itching to try this stuff but I put myself on a no money/no new product challenge. Considering I don't have the money to buy it right now, my challenge is going REALLY well!!!!! :lol: