I Need A Good Clarifying Shampoo

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
I've used Kenra. But man on man is that stuff clarifying, clarified the heck out of my eyeballs too even after diluting with water!


Well-Known Member
Elucence Clarifying Shampoo and CON Clarifying poos are the gentlest ones I've used so far, but Mizani Puriphyl (sp?) is awesome too. I have the ORS one too but haven't used it yet.


old head
I've tried the Suave clarifying and it was too stripping for my hair. However I'm currently using a big ol' $1 bottle of White Rain Clarifying Water Blossom shampoo every 2-3 weeks and it works perfectly. It does clarify well, but it doesn't leave my hair feeling crispy or anything. It feels clean but soft.


Well-Known Member
Nexxus Aloe Rid is very good as well as Mizani Puriphying. I follow my clarifying shampoos with one lather with a Moisturizing shampoo. Oh, Fantasia IC Tea Shampoo is very good too.