How much growth do you get in a month?

How much growth do you experience in a month?

  • Less than 1/4 an inch

    Votes: 43 8.4%
  • 1/4 an inch

    Votes: 125 24.4%
  • 1/2 an inch

    Votes: 261 51.0%
  • 1 inch

    Votes: 62 12.1%
  • 1 1/4 inch

    Votes: 4 0.8%
  • 1.5 inches

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • more than 1.5 inches

    Votes: 14 2.7%

  • Total voters
on the crown of my head, i've gotten 3/4" in 28 days. i know for sure because that's when i used a bright reddish color rinse, and i'm inspecting a shed hair now.

my nape gets 1/2", and everywhere else is somewhere inbetween.
i get like 3 inches a month

i'm just kidding...i honestly dont know how much growth i get in a month, i've never really measured/followed it. maybe i should sometime!

(i think i replied to this post a long time ago lol...but whatever)
W/ MTG, vitamins and h20 I'm starting to get about 1/8 of an inch. I'm going to try an experiment where I don't take vitamins and do all of the extra stuff and see how much growth I get...

WOW!! Are you sure 1/8 of an inch because that's not a lot. 1/8 is less than 1/4. Please elaborate.
Un aided, .5, but with this growth oil I made, I've got between .25 and .5 weekly. I just started using it in April and have been tweaking it a bit since, so every week is different, but I hope by summer I will have it down to a science. The fact I've switched to a vegetarian diet may also have a part to play in that...I dunno..

Please don't think I'm crazy and making this up. This week I'm planning to use the D 80 and take some extensive pics
Un aided, .5, but with this growth oil I made, I've got between .25 and .5 weekly. I just started using it in April and have been tweaking it a bit since, so every week is different, but I hope by summer I will have it down to a science. The fact I've switched to a vegetarian diet may also have a part to play in that...I dunno..

Please don't think I'm crazy and making this up. This week I'm planning to use the D 80 and take some extensive pics

Just seen your fotki. pretty curls! I think our eyes are the same shade of brown too.
I get 1/2 to 3/4 in. It varies month to month, but I would say mostly 1/2. I get about 8 inches a year I think.
I wish my hair grew 2 inches a month, haha..but the most I recorded in a month was a little over 1 inch..the least I recorded with 2/3 inch... in 06 my hair was growing like a weed, always packing 1 inch every month, but it slowed down in 07... I'm trying to figure out why it was growing significantly in 06 so I can do that again in 08... :]
1/3-1/2 inch is about the norm for me. Every now and then I'll get a random boost and get 3/4+ inches per month (rare).
Me either, ASUbeauty. I've never taken the time to measure. I guess for me, it would just be a sign that I'm obsessed, which I'm not. I let it do what it does and straighten every now and then to see where it is, but I'll never actually pull out a ruler and measure. That's just too much for me.
Before growth aids, I think less than 1/4" a month but since I started using growth aids, I'm up to over 1/2" a month but a little under 3/4" a month. I'm not unhappy wiht my progress but I want more though - like 1" a month, wishful thinking I know.
It seems like I only get about 1/8 inch a month, but I haven't kept up with measurements. I'm going to start paying more attention so I can be sure.

I'm trying to eat better and drink more water and hopefully it'll help my hair growth as well as my overall health.
i get about an inch or 2... depends on how well i took care of my hair that month

i have reached BSL... but i will be trimming my edges soon so i will be 1 inch away.:grin:

ppl never believe my hair is my own until they touch it (which i hate... why cant a black woman have long hair.. plus i dont kno where there hands been)
OK, all of you who grew an inch or two a month, do you have pictures showing that? I hate to be a skeptic but I can't seem to find evidence of say 6-12 inches growth in six months. I instead see what looks like normal growth of 0.5 inch/month if I look at before/after pics. Or is everyone cutting the hair as it grows? :look: :spinning:

ETA: I mean, I don't even know if I get 0.5 inch a month, but would hope I do. And I dust every now and then...but only about 1/4 inch off and not every I'd hope I get at least 4 inches a year. Anyway, w/ my slow or normal growth (I like to think normal :lol: ) I was still elated to see the progress I'd made between Feb 16, 2007 and June 15, 2008, which was going from the top pic to the bottom pic. The top pic could probably be stretched to twice the length you see (a generous guess)...but looking at the puff I could make then you may get a better idea coz I would push back the elastic till the very extreme point at which the hair won't slide out, so the flat part shows you an good estimate of the stretched length, which is still not the pressed length, but you kinda get the idea. Here's another puff I made on my hair after twisting the back for the night instead of braiding it. The elastic here is in line with the end of my earlobe. The flat part in front again comes close to giving the stretched length at that time. Of course there's about a centimeter beyond the elastic that ensured the hair was kept that way by the elastic.


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I don't know how much I grow. For the past several months since I've gotten more serious about documenting me retention, I seem to be retaining around 1" every 2 months over the last 4 months. Since I break my hair off all the time, I know I grow faster than this, though. I haven't documented my hair growth going into colder months, though.
OK, all of you who grew an inch or two a month, do you have pictures showing that? I hate to be a skeptic but I can't seem to find evidence of say 6-12 inches growth in six months. I instead see what looks like normal growth of 0.5 inch/month if I look at before/after pics. Or is everyone cutting the hair as it grows? :look: :spinning:

ETA: I mean, I don't even know if I get 0.5 inch a month, but would hope I do. And I dust every now and then...but only about 1/4 inch off and not every I'd hope I get at least 4 inches a year. Anyway, w/ my slow or normal growth (I like to think normal :lol: ) I was still elated to see the progress I'd made between Feb 16, 2007 and June 15, 2008, which was going from the top pic to the bottom pic. The top pic could probably be stretched to twice the length you see (a generous guess)...but looking at the puff I could make then you may get a better idea coz I would push back the elastic till the very extreme point at which the hair won't slide out, so the flat part shows you an good estimate of the stretched length, which is still not the pressed length, but you kinda get the idea. Here's another puff I made on my hair after twisting the back for the night instead of braiding it. The elastic here is in line with the end of my earlobe. The flat part in front again comes close to giving the stretched length at that time. Of course there's about a centimeter beyond the elastic that ensured the hair was kept that way by the elastic.



It possible to get 1 inch, i have see ladies (all different races) cut their hair and within 2- 3 months their hair is much longer than 1.5 inches, and seems more like 3 inches in that time span. However, this is rare, I agree.

This indian girl at my work easily grows 2 inches of hair each month every month! Her hair is mid back and she trims it every 2 months and always trims at least 2 inches in the back and cuts her bangs, like Rihianna.

However she advised me that only the front grows that quickly, the rest grows only 1.5 inches (what a sick joke uh). I'm not saying her hair grows more cause she is indian, but more so cause her hair just grows very quickly. Evey one comments about how quickly her hair grows. She finds it soo annoying that her hair grows quickly too... go figure

It is very difficult to believe that hair can grow 2 inches per month, but it's true! It's Very rare -much more rare than it seems to be on this board.. I would say like less than 5% of the population gets this growth. However growth spirts exist and some people can grow hair quicker than others....

I know I'm gonna get stoned for the abouve stament, but I believe this to be true! Not cause of race but cause of alot of factors. People genes are not the same, i dont know why that bothers people..

By the way I love your hair, beautiful.

Running for cover...bye
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Granted, there are people like Diane Witt that baffled hair scientists, but what I'm getting tired of is HEARING not SEEING. All I want is pictures of these claims. I've been on LHCF for let's see... five years. I've heard of 2 inch/month growth claims at least 11798374984 times. But NEVER have I seen it. The same people who make these claims will post other pictures and even have comparison or progress shots. But if my calculation is right, then in six months, someone w/ shoulder-length hair would be at waist length or mid-back length. And in a year, we're talking two whole feet of growth. Crikey! :blush: I am sure I'm not the only one who likes to see miracles, right? And yes, to me it's a miracle coz things like that don't happen in my neighborhood.

ETA: It doesn't bother me at all people having fast growing genes. I actually think it's exciting, says the grown up kid who could never get enough of The Guiness Book of World Records. That's why I was always on The Long Hair Site (, which sadly is no more, all the time to ogle at those amazing lengths. I just wish we had pics of these claims on here than just talk. I love visual effects, you see. And since long hair is a passion of mine, if this is happening then why isn't anyone sharing the goods?
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Granted, there are people like Diane Witt that baffled hair scientists, but what I'm getting tired of is HEARING not SEEING. All I want is pictures of these claims. I've been on LHCF for let's see... five years. I've heard of 2 inch/month growth claims at least 11798374984 times. But NEVER have I seen it. The same people who make these claims will post other pictures and even have comparison or progress shots. But if my calculation is right, then in six months, someone w/ shoulder-length hair would be at waist length or mid-back length. And in a year, we're talking two whole feet of growth. Crikey! :blush: I am sure I'm not the only one who likes to see miracles, right? And yes, to me it's a miracle coz things like that don't happen in my neighborhood.

ETA: It doesn't bother me at all people having fast growing genes. I actually think it's exciting, says the grown up kid who could never get enough of The Guiness Book of World Records. That's why I was always on The Long Hair Site (, which sadly is no more, all the time to ogle at those amazing lengths. I just wish we had pics of these claims on here than just talk. I love visual effects, you see. And since long hair is a passion of mine, if this is happening then why isn't anyone sharing the goods?

LOL,.. I never said that you have a problem believing that peoples genes are different.
I said that some people-not you, seem to have a difficult believing that genes and or other factors may actually effect growth of hair etc. I think will all the advances in technology is strange to believe that people would still question this.

I agree with you! Most people are either lying, eggeraing or honestly don’t know what 2 inches is. However, I don’t think it’s terribly impossible to think that people can grow 1 inch per month.

I think a lady on the board, name sweet cashew has a picture where she clearly grew 2 inches in 1 month after a trim, the picture has the dates on them too and her hair is really long, thick, healthy and amazing! I must have seen these pics about 1 year ago.(last summer-I believe.

Anyway I have worked with the girl at work for 3 years. All the co-workers even the men comment, she is mid back and trims every two months. She could have hair to the floor if she wanted. The back grows 1 to 1.5 inches and the front grow 2 inches every month-almost without fail.

Her hairdresser and mother are baffled by it. Her mother told her that her grandmother hair used to grow very quickly.
A lot of women probably still lose some of their length to breakage so the growth wouldn't be as obvious. Or they might get scissor happy when trimming split ends like I do when relaxer time rolls around. I'm straight up OCD when it comes to raggedy see-through ends.

This indian girl at my work easily grows 2 inches of hair each month every month! Her hair is mid back and she trims it every 2 months and always trims at least 2 inches in the back and cuts her bangs, like Rihianna.

However she advised me that only the front grows that quickly, the rest grows only 1.5 inches (what a sick joke uh). I'm not saying her hair grows more cause she is indian, but more so cause her hair just grows very quickly. Evey one comments about how quickly her hair grows. She finds it soo annoying that her hair grows quickly too... go figure

My supervisor is the same way. She has to her hair really short about once a month and I can easily see that her hair has grown at least two inches between cuts. Some people are just lucky that way. :yep:
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