Hair Dilemme: Naturals & Baggying


New Member
I want to revisit baggying. I used to baggy when I first BC-ed and got pretty good growth. And now that I'm more hair savvy I want to revisit it, but tie up the loose ends before I dive in. Here are my baggying dilemmas as a 4a natural, any advice on at least ONE dilemma would be worht MILLIONS!! TIA:

1. Washing my hair everynight: I hate having to wake up to a damp pillow or damp towel. It's just.. ICK. If I cowashed a couple of times a week does anyone know any baggying recipies that I could use inbetween?

2. The morning after: I'm a 4a natural.. and my hair is about neck length unstretched with major layers, so bunning at this point is not an option (unless I straighten, which is something I have no time for in the morning.. EVERY morning).. I won't do WnGs because a) It's winter and b) regardless of the humidity by the end of the day I will have a wild after with even wilder tangles.. NOT CUTE. Does anyone have any style options to offer?



Well-Known Member
I'd suggest two things to solve both your issues - put your hair in two strand twists/flat twists, baggy with a shower cap overnight, and cowash in the morning.

a) the TST/FT will allow you to not have to 'restyle' your hair in the morning.
b) baggying overnight will give you the moisture you want, and since you are trying to trap it in, the shower cap will keep your pillow dry.
c) cowashing in the morning/rinsing out the baggy juice will give your hair all day to dry - and since you don't have to redo your style, it won't add a lot of extra time.

If you want to wear your hair loose, a pulled back puff (with a big headband or a pantyhose) is my only thought, but I was never good with figuring out loose hair styles that could be done on the daily.


New Member
Co-signing with JusKiya.

When I was cowashign daily, I found that doing it in twists made things much simpler and helped me retain even more moisture. I can't say anything about the baggying...tried it before HATED IT. But that may be cause I used conditioners that had protein in them (no matter how light).

I tried it with AO (she was naked) and nothing didn't do a darn thing for my hair. But the other day after I added distilled water and a lil honey, put it on my ends, part my hair in two ponytails and baggied them up. Hair was feeling pretty "touch me baby, you know you waaaannnnna". I think I might have to re-visit this baggying phenom again.:scratchch (HA HA I found the rubbing my chin thingy!)