Frizzy relaxed hair


New Member
My hair, no matter what I put in it to weigh it down, frizzes and puffs up. It's moisturized and sealed with oil so it should lay right down, but even after tying it down, or wrapping or anything, when i get outside it starts expanding. I even used some Frizz Ease serum...didnt work apparantly. I started thinking that maybe because my hair is underprocessed, it it's more susceptible to humidity. What do you all think?
I figured that was what it was...I'm going to go get a corrective relaxer hopefully in mid July along with a much needed trim...this is my clue to start going back to the stylists...friends overprocess it, I underprocess it...what's a girl to do??? Spend money I guess...
Yeup sounds like underprocessed hair to me too. Thats what happened to me when I was getting blowouts with mostly natural hair when I went out into the elements. A corrective relaxer sounds like the answer. Make sure you do consultations with stylist before you proceed to get it done though, you don't want any more problems.