****** FRIZZY HAIR!!!! ***PIC HEAVY***


Well-Known Member
Okay, so last night, I do a twist set in my hair... I do two front flat twists and then a bunch of twists... see?



So, I wear a lil knit hat thingy, shaped just like my bonnet, over top of my twists, only the front two flat twists show. Cute... okay fine... BUT this morning, I go to take them out, and mind you, my fingers are oily (I didn't have to put any oil in my hands) my hair feels moisturized ( I sprayed with the moisture mist by shea moisture before bed) FOR SOME REASON MY HAIR LOOKS DRY AND FRIZZY ALL THE DAYUM TIME!!!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:



My hair ALWAYS looks DRY, ASHY and FRIZZY
I am a 3c/4a... I don't know WHY my hair never looks moisturized unless it's flat ironed... But I REALLY wanna do the natural hairstyles... I don't WANT to use heat! I hid my hair for about 10 months in a wig, and then I got my ends chopped off about 2 or 3 weeks ago on the 15th...

PLEASE tell me wtf is wrong with my dayum hair!? It feels like cotton... it FEELS dry... I've used Karens Body Beautifull super duper hydrating moisturizer, as well as her butter love(didn't love it) I've tried KCKT and KCCC, which absolutely SUCKED in my hair for all that money... I've also used Shea Moisture smoothie and EcoStyler Gel for other styles... NOTHING makes my hair shine! I have coconut oil, I have grapeseed oil... I have JBCO... I cowash w/Vo5 Moisture Milks Condish... I bought the Tressemme Naturals, which I don't see what was so great about it, I completely drenched my hair in it and was left with white residue last week... I have Suave Naturals Shampoo and Condish with the almond/shea butter in the green bottles... I swear y'all I been a member here for YEARS and I usually catch on QUICK... but that was w/relaxed hair and straightened natural hair...

I do NOT want to put a dayum relaxer in my hair but I don't know how to have NON ****** FRIZZY HAIR!!! Somebody PLEASE feel my pain... It's getting even frizzier by the hour, and I'm in here sitting at my desk... in the A/C, no humidity in here... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::bangdesk::bangdesk::bangdesk::bangdesk::bangdesk:
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Well, I cover my hair every night when I sleep with a silk scarf or the satin bonnet...
I use the LCO method... (L)water, (C) this monday I started with the as I am double butter cream, (O) and my oil was grapeseed. Sometimes tho, I use extra virgin coconut oil

Wednesday night I went back thru and instead of the double butter cream I tried some of the Karen's body beautiful stuff for the cream moisturizer

When I wash, I only do it once a week because my schedule is so hectic... I tried the Tresemme naturals this past saturday... I've used the Vo5 moisture milks mostly in the past... I only use that Suave Naturals Shampoo like once a month or so... if that.

That's pretty much my routine in a nutshell...
Lol. I have the same problem just assumed it's either my technique or my hair is too "cottony."

Its better with flaxseed custard, but not as sleek as i would like and there are definitely frizzy sections.
Lol. I have the same problem just assumed it's either my technique or my hair is too "cottony."

Its better with flaxseed custard, but not as sleek as i would like and there are definitely frizzy sections.

Where do you get flaxseed custard? I've never made my own products... don't have the schedule to permit it either.

I really hate that my hair is always dry looking... I dont know if I'm hi or lo porosity either... but My hair is CLEARLY not moisturized... I ran my hands thru it again just now and started typing... my keyboard is shiny and my fingers are too... But my hair is NOT! I just need my hair to stop looking so DRY and FRIZZY all the time! What can I DO????
You hair looks nice and moist to me.

If you are expecting shine then the only way to get that is with silicones.

Afro textured hair will have SHEEN not shine for the most part. Ive had to tell my cousin this 50-11 x's before she finally accepted it.
When was the last time you clarified?

Lilmama1011 -Never... I bought some clarifying shampoo by ORS back in 2010... Then logged in and saw that some poor girl had used it and her hair tangled and was rough and she had a setback because of it... I was like, Oh Nah... I'm good :nono:

I just started doing cowashing within the last year.. I used to always use the wen knockoff from sally's (i think it's called hair one) and i figured it was good enough to use...
Where do you get flaxseed custard? I've never made my own products... don't have the schedule to permit it either.

I really hate that my hair is always dry looking... I dont know if I'm hi or lo porosity either... but My hair is CLEARLY not moisturized... I ran my hands thru it again just now and started typing... my keyboard is shiny and my fingers are too... But my hair is NOT! I just need my hair to stop looking so DRY and FRIZZY all the time! What can I DO????

I make it. There is a recipe here for it. But honestly if I'm not doing twist outs withit..my hair is exactly like yours. It looks dry, but when you touch it your fingers are shiny. I haven't figured it out either.
Even when I try to brush it straight back and put it into a low pony, or a bun, my hair sticks up... even looks like I have a bunch of short curly hairs growing that won't or can't lay down cuz they aren't long enough... ?

When I tried to slick my hair with EcoStyler or Gorilla snot... my hair be like, "CHILE PLEEZ" it just looks so dry and DULL DULL DULL!!!

I have been a tomboy most my life, so I know all this stuff is new to me, but I can't see how my hair was bomb when it was relaxed and even when I was heat training my hair (I had the bomb Sylver2 flat iron sessions) my hair looked silky and smooth and shined like normal... But now I can't get my hair to stop looking DULL and dry and ashy ashy ashy... Did I mention the frizz?

I thought maybe my hair didn't like glycerin, I used to keep a small spray bottle with some glycerin mixed in, but then someone said my hair is probably searching for moisture and thats why it would always puff up throughout the day... :nono::nono::nono: so lost... I really REALLY want to figure this thing out, this is my BIGGEST issue... I appreciate all of y'all for even TRYING to help... I just hope there IS help for me...
If you don't toss your hair all over it shouldn't tangle that much for a setback. And you might want to prepoo. I think you have builup. No moisture is getting let in and the oils are just sitting there. They have other clarifying shampoos. You can clarify with acv rinse. I clarify every 4 weeks. I do 1/3 acv and 2/3 water in a spray bottle and part hairand spray on scalp in hair like I'm putting grease on my scalp in four sections. Pin it up and put on a plastic cap for thirty minutes and rinse it out and it feels clean without being stripped and deep condition after
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If you don't toss your hair all over it shouldn't tangle that much for a setback. And you might want to prepoo. I think you have builup. No moisture is getting let in and the oils are just sitting there. They have other clarifying shampoos. You can clarify with acv rinse. I clarify every 4 weeks. I do 1/3 account and 2/3 water in a spray bottle and part hairand spray on scalp in hair like I'm putting grease on my scalp in four sections. Pin it up and put on a plastic cap for thirty minutes and rinse it out and it feels clean without being stripped and deep condition after

Is that 1/3 acv? to 2/3 water? Not tryna be funny, but I'm guessing that's what account meant?

So I spray the mixture on my scalp as well as my hair??? I went and bought this stuff called silicon mix because everybody has been RAVING... I wish I could show you a picture of what my hair is looking like now... all the pretty definition and stuff... It's still there, but just my strands surrounding the defined curls are separating and either are straight now or super curly but not curly with the twisted parts... Once I get to my car I'll post pictures again... we can't have cell phones in this building... ugh:perplexed
Is that 1/3 acv? to 2/3 water? Not tryna be funny, but I'm guessing that's what account meant?

So I spray the mixture on my scalp as well as my hair??? I went and bought this stuff called silicon mix because everybody has been RAVING... I wish I could show you a picture of what my hair is looking like now... all the pretty definition and stuff... It's still there, but just my strands surrounding the defined curls are separating and either are straight now or super curly but not curly with the twisted parts... Once I get to my car I'll post pictures again... we can't have cell phones in this building... ugh:perplexed

Yes that was spell check. Yes you spray it on scalp and hair
I'm even considering a clear rinse or semi-perm or demi-perm clear rinse... I'm not up on what semi/demi rinse is that makes it different... long as it doesn't damage my hair...

I'm even considering a clear rinse or semi-perm or demi-perm clear rinse... I'm not up on what semi/demi rinse is that makes it different... long as it doesn't damage my hair...


I wouldn't do a clear rinse until you get moisture embedded into your strands
Dont give your hair the illusion that it's shiny and healthy. Actually make it healthy internally and then worry about the shine. Healthy hair has a natural shine anyway. Oils and other things like clear rinses just maximizes it. And a clear rinse will just coat the hair locking in the dryness
I am looking at your hair @kritkit96 and I see a really nice, cute style. I think the other posters gave you good advice to get maximum shine. However, I don't think you are looking at your hair the right way.
Hmmmm... interesting... I didn't know you could lock IN dryness!

And yes, I would be giving the appearance of healthy hair and be wondering why my hair is breaking off... smh.
I'm just soooooo sick of this spongey looking hair.I wish I could trust salons... I would go in and get a diagnosis of what is going on with my hair and have them help me treat it right... These chicks in the DMV salons... :nono: No thanx!!!!
I am looking at your hair @kritkit96 and I see a really nice, cute style. I think the other posters gave you good advice to get maximum shine. However, I don't think you are looking at your hair the right way.

krissyhair - thank you so much! I really appreciate the comment... seriously! I mean, the style is nice, but the way my hair is behaving... not so much... and it's in EVERY style I try... I must be using some product that my hair doesn't agree with? There has to be some way to restore moisture to my hair... it shouldn't be greasy or leave shiny residue on seats when I sit down or run my hair thru it and get a bunch of oil... my hair feels like a sponge when I scrunch it... that' can't be normal... I mean it really does feel like a cheap spongey cushion from the dollar store... or those things makeup artists use... a sponge I tell ya!!! Lol..
Your hair looks gorgeous to me, but if it's feeling like a "cheap dollar store sponge", then it's time to clarify and reevaluate your products. I would stay far away from the As I Am Double Cream, the ingredients look sketchy and I heard it could dry your hair out. I would use a more natural, yet light leave in (have you tried the SM hair milks? I like to dilute them) and seal with a lighter oil. I once had that problem when my hair felt super oily and dry. A thorough clarify and a lighter oil helped tremendously.
I started a thread with the same issue and have concluded that because we are not familiar with the texture of our hair, we do not know what to expect. Does it feel moisturized? Does like cotton means its moisturized? My hair also feels like cotton but rough when its dry. When it's damp/wet, it feels like butter. It looks hydrated so I'm not going to concern myself right now. Anyway, as long as you are conditioning, moisturizing and sealing then I wouldn't worry too much. As always, be gentle when detangling make sure you do not see a lot of hairs on the floor or in the comb. Maybe you should try more defined styles using the various styling products out there. I noticed people on Youtube using flexi-rods and coming out with spectacular results/curls. I know when my hair gets to be your length I'll definitely invest in some flexi-rods/curliformers.
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Your hair looks gorgeous to me, but if it's feeling like a "cheap dollar store sponge", then it's time to clarify and reevaluate your products. I would stay far away from the As I Am Double Cream, the ingredients look sketchy and I heard it could dry your hair out. I would use a more natural, yet light leave in (have you tried the SM hair milks? I like to dilute them) and seal with a lighter oil. I once had that problem when my hair felt super oily and dry. A thorough clarify and a lighter oil helped tremendously.

overtherainbow - Thank you!:yep:
I just BOUGHT that darn As I Am too! :nono: Darn shame, I don't know what works for my hair... right now cvs is still having that BOGO free deal for shea moisture products... I guess I'll go get me some curl milk and see... Can you suggest a good clarifying condish? So far, I'm thinking I'll just have to use that acv I've had in the cupboard for a year and never knew what to do with...

I started a thread with the same issue and have concluded that because we are not familiar with the texture of our hair, we do not know what to expect. Does it feel moisturized? Does like cotton means its moisturized? My hair also feels like cotton but rough when its dry. When it's damp/wet, it feels like butter. It looks hydrated so I'm not going to concern myself right now. Anyway, as long as you are conditioning, moisturizing and sealing then I wouldn't worry too much. As always, be gentle when detangling make sure you do not see a lot of hairs on the floor or in the comb. Maybe you should try more defined styles using the various styling products out there. I noticed people on Youtube using flexi-rods and coming out with spectacular results/curls. I know when my hair gets to be your length I'll definitely invest in some flexi-rods/curliformers.

Misseyl - It feels oily AND dry all at once, does that make sense? So it isn't brittle and dry, but it's coated... like it's got greasiness to it... think of when you squeeze the stuffing inside of a chair cushion.. how you squeeze, it's NOT hard... but it's not truly soft either... Am I making sense? I feel like I'm not making sense... :ohwell:
Maybe it's a combination of things that is causing you trouble. I agree with a previous poster in that I don't think you are familiar with the actual texture of your natural hair (which is lovely, by the way), and it's distressing you somewhat, especially if your relaxed hair behaves differently. I have a similar texture hair to yours (although I classify myself as a 4a/4b, since my mother has 3c hair and it does NOT look like mine [i.e., hers has high shine and a silky feel with pen-size spiral and S-curls]), and since I am a long-term stretcher and have been fully natural twice in the years since I've been relaxing (I got my first relaxer at 18), I am familiar with my natural texture, and it looks and behaves VERY differently from my relaxed hair.

If you are looking for the same shine, softness and silky feel from your natural hair, just with curls, I'm sorry, but you are not going to get it with your hair type. My natural hair in good condition is cottony soft and has a nice sheen with the right products (for me it's a water-based moisturizer sealed in with a light oil twice a week), but it is nowhere near as soft, shiny or silky as my relaxed hair. And I am good with that. I will never get my mom's natural hair look from my hair, no matter what I use. I can only work with what I have, which is a nice head of frizzy hair that tends toward dryness if I don't stay on top of keeping my hair clean and moisturized with water-based, protein-rich products.

That being said, have you given your hair a chance to absorb the products you apply before you try leave-out styles? For instance, when I moisturize and seal, I know that it takes at least 24 hours for my hair to absorb the products and get the maximum benefit, and I adjust my styling accordingly. And unlike many women here, I find that my hair DOES NOT LIKE most Shea Moisture products, so I leave that product line alone and stick to what works for my hair (mostly Paul Mitchell), even if it costs more.

Good luck in finding what works best for your hair, and don't get so frustrated; you'll find your way if you just really listen to your hair and let it be what it wants to be, not what you wish for it to be. :yep:
Even when I try to brush it straight back and put it into a low pony, or a bun, my hair sticks up... even looks like I have a bunch of short curly hairs growing that won't or can't lay down cuz they aren't long enough... ? When I tried to slick my hair with EcoStyler or Gorilla snot... my hair be like, "CHILE PLEEZ" it just looks so dry and DULL DULL DULL!!! I have been a tomboy most my life, so I know all this stuff is new to me, but I can't see how my hair was bomb when it was relaxed and even when I was heat training my hair (I had the bomb Sylver2 flat iron sessions) my hair looked silky and smooth and shined like normal... But now I can't get my hair to stop looking DULL and dry and ashy ashy ashy... Did I mention the frizz? I thought maybe my hair didn't like glycerin, I used to keep a small spray bottle with some glycerin mixed in, but then someone said my hair is probably searching for moisture and thats why it would always puff up throughout the day... :nono::nono::nono: so lost... I really REALLY want to figure this thing out, this is my BIGGEST issue... I appreciate all of y'all for even TRYING to help... I just hope there IS help for me...
Glycerin makes my hair extra extra frizzy in humid weather. I get that puffy cotton candy hair. When I use non-glycerin products MUCH less frizz.
I need to look at all my products and see exactly what I have in them...
I just bought a bunch of shea moisture stuff with the BOGO free sale at walgreens... and I got this as I am stuff... smh... I sho don't like wasting money OR product... smh
I wish I had a suggestion for a good clarifying shampoo, but they discontinued my longtime staple, Carol's Daughter Rosemary Mint Clarifying Shampoo.:cry: It was the only CD product that actually worked for me. I was going to try the Giovanni one next, but I've yet to find it in store.