Fine haired ladies.... brastrap to waistlength

Cichelle said:
You know I was really reluctant to do the pre-poo thing for a long time. But I did discover a few months ago that if I SATURATE my hair with coconut oil (I mean drench it) before shampooing or cowashing it really helped me alot in terms of breaking and shedding. It's kind of a pain in the *** to do, but it does work for me. Now I'm just hoping to get to waist length like you!
Girl, you will definitely get there! You can't be to far from it already. I love your hair though, it is so lush. Your bandings look so much better than mine, i was like man. But yeah, coconut oil is a good pre-poo as well. I agree, it is a pain sometimes especially if you're busy because sometimes I just don't have the time to do them, especially the overnight ones which I find to work the best.

What I need to do now is work on thickening my ends! *Sigh* these battle's never end.
Pokahontas said:
Girl, you will definitely get there! You can't be to far from it already. I love your hair though, it is so lush. Your bandings look so much better than mine, i was like man. But yeah, coconut oil is a good pre-poo as well. I agree, it is a pain sometimes especially if you're busy because sometimes I just don't have the time to do them, especially the overnight ones which I find to work the best.

What I need to do now is work on thickening my ends! *Sigh* these battle's never end.

Aw, thank you! Your fotki has given me some great ideas...It's one of my favorites for inspiration. Which reminds me...please see your private messages. I hope you don't mind but I have a question.
Pokahontas said:
Ok, I'm back with an update on breakage while shampooing. I'm having such a dramatic improvement with this that I had to share. I'm not quite sure why it works though but what I do is the night before shampooing I slather on shea butter thickly, and when I say thick I mean thick. Then I slather on WGO over that, baggy and leave in over night. The next day when I shampoo I see way less "invisi-hairs" and shed less too. I hope maye this could help someone else out in some way. Who knows, maybe the key to helping us fine hairs loose less hair while shampooing is pre-pooing?

I was browsing someone's fotki recently. She said she always prepoos because it helps protect her hair during the washing process. I know I've really been slack with prepooing but then I read her comments and thought I should get back into it. Now reading your comments and Cichelle's confirms it for me.:)
I have the same issue w/thin ends. For me, I try to trim them off. I don't mid if I loose an inch or two because I'm scared the hair wil thin right up to the root. I'm trying to make an effor to protect my ends more now and I've managed to maintain my growth.

I just need to work on maintaining the body in my hair and regrowing my edges and nape back to its original thickness.
One advantage we FINE DIVAS have is that we are generally able to stretch relaxers longer because we don't need them as often. I think castor oil has helped me a great deal to baby my ends and thicken them up a bit. But again, I think that the key is being able to stretch those relaxers. Stopping breakage comes with protective styles and bunning. I do have faith that we can reach our goals despite the extra care that does into our hair care.

WE CAN DO THIS, LADIES!!! Keep that head up and that hair healthy!!!

MissMadaam said:
I love this thread :)

Ditto! I'm so glad I found this thread.

Washing my hair tonight I just wanted to cry. It just looked so thin and there were little hairs everywhere. I started to rollerset but I just go so upset looking at all the strands in the comb. I went through blowdrying, rewetting, braiding, wrapping, and back to braiding. I felt like my hair would never grow.

This thread has made me feel a lot better. Seeing all the beautiful, fine/thin heads of hair with great length has re-motivated me.
Just want to stop in and co-sign on the pre-pooing. It works. I pre-poo (dry hair) with Alma and ORS Mayo (& most times honey :look:).
KiniKakes said:
YES!!! My strands are super thin, and sooo fragile. Thats why i try to avoid combing at all costs. They snap like its nothing, no matter how much protein/moisture/TLC my hair gets. My hair is just fine and brittle, and thats all there is too it. :perplexed

Man, Oh, man!!! We must be "hair twins"!!! Sometimes I get So discouraged when I am doing all I can, and I STILL hear the *snap*, and see the "split hairs". I try to reseolve to accept it like you have... it's just SO hard :(
Wow, I feel I have all the issues you guys are talking about: the almost invisible hair, the shedding (and I don't comb until wash day), the breakage, ...I feel like I am stuck at APL. I am taking biotin and MSM so I hope that helps.:)
NoNapNique said:
Man, Oh, man!!! We must be "hair twins"!!! Sometimes I get So discouraged when I am doing all I can, and I STILL hear the *snap*, and see the "split hairs". I try to reseolve to accept it like you have... it's just SO hard :(

add me to that group too. I have the SAME problem. I did a blow dry last weekend because I planned to relax this weekend, my hair felt horrid and I just saw the little snaps. I did not have that much thankfully, but it makes me want to never have my hair straight sometimes! Somehow my stylist can blow dry and flat iron and I don't lose hairs and it feels sensational. I mean my cuticles are nice and sealed and my hair feels soft and has body. Too bad she is moving. :(
I find that wearing my hair in a style that will eliminate any resistance helps me avoid some of the breakage. Meaning I have to air dry it straight and then keep it in a relatively straight style, no curls, my hair will break right where the bend in the curl is too often. So I try to keep my curly styles limited to special occasions. I have made it to this length and hope to retain as much as possible to see where I will be by December 07 through keeping it in straight styles.

The prepooing with coconut oil has really been helping me. I might try the WGO that Pokahontas mentioned but I have seen reduced shedding and breakage since I started doing this.
Kinikakes your my inspiration!
This year I'm going to hold out on the big trims. My hair grows at a good rate but because it's so thin I'm always tempted to cut it to gain some thickness. That's why my hair never grows past brastrap; so frustrating. I'm going to stick to dusting for the next 7 months and see where it takes me. Wish me luck y'all!
The stylist tells me I have fine hair. I know that I do but my experience is different. So I am going to make some not so popular statements about my hair (not unusal for me).

My hair is fine but I have an average number of strands. I shed at the drop of a dime and cannot stretch or else I'll shed the more.

For shedding I use Nizoral shampoo and sometimes I apply it to my scalp for about 5 minutes prior to poo like a pre-poo. this helps tremendously.

Protective styles don't work that well for me if I am after length. Protective styles cause breakage and dryness in the place that my hair is bond. French rolls don't work well either maybe I have a sensitve scalp.

My hair grows best when I trim the ends and wear it down. Wash it about 1x week
Currently I am mid shoulder blade length.
Well, I can relate to the trimming too much to get thicker ends. But I recently decided to try what Kini said and just try to dust every 6-7 mos. I don't want to post pictures or start a Fotki, cuz I'm thinking no one wants to see my not thick hair...LOL! Even though my ends are healthy, they just aren't thick...but neither is my hair!

You ladies are such inspiration!!