

New Member
Does anyone on this board have dredlocks? If so have long have you had them, how did you start them, how often do you get them retwisted, what are the pros and cons of dreds for you, what made you decide to get them, how long are they?

Thanks for answering all my questions. I am in the process of transitioning, but I think that I am going to dred my hair at some point in my natural journey. I don't know if I want to start w/ baby locs and grow them from there or if I want to wait until my natural hair is a certain length and then dred them.

Goaplele is my dred inspiration.

Alma is my dredlocks idol on this forum. Love everything from HOW she started her braids to HOW FAST her hair is growing to HOW NICE they look and HOW WELL they suit her. Check out her album: Alma's Album
Just wanted to say...I love the pic in your signature...Goepele has some incredible...gorgeous natural hair...alot like my other girl Amel!
Hey Pookeylou
Amel does have some GORGEOUS hair! So do you, though. I've really been enjoying being a voyeur to your natural journey!
Haaaa! Hey...that's what its there for! Amel is my natural hair goal...10 years from now!

Where's my bottle of Surege!
A lot of my immediate family has locs, and I help them a lot, so I can give some advice.

They all got locs because of problems with chemically relaxed hair, and all of them started by palm rolling (I think some people call them hand rolls). They used grease/beeswax, heavy gel, and clips to hold them in place. They didn't wash their hair for a while after they put the first twists in (Now I know that isn't nescesary). They all started with 4-5 inch hair. It took a while for the locks to stay matted, but I can't remember how long it took.

None of them use grease/ beeswax anymore, because of the wax and lint build up. They use pretty much any cheap moisturizing shampoo, ORS lock and twist gel, and any light to medium weight oil product. I think they wash about every 2-3 weeks, retwist and set it under an overhead dryer.

As for the length of the locs, one cut her waist length locs to sholder length recently, but the rest are bra strap or longer.

They all love locs because for the most part they are low maintence (if you want them to be) and they are beautiful.
Here are some difficulties you may run in to:

If you decide to start your locs with braids, twists and palmrolling, keep in mind that thinner locs tend to break when longer (due to the weight of the loc) and you may have to double them.

Palmrolling is probably the hardest way to start locs. You may have to clip the ends down while drying to stop it from unravelling until it completely dries. You will have to do this until they are completely matted.

Be careful not to use heavy and waxy products on your locs because build up and lint can be very difficult to remove.

Locs take a while to dry, especially if you have thick hair.

They can be heavy feeling sometimes.

Locs are still hair, you can damage them if you don't treat them right.

I hope this helps some.
My mother has what you call "Sisterlocks" Has anyone heard of them? They are really small. She has had them for about 5 years and they are mid-back. I think they are so pretty. Maybe I'll post a pic sometime?
My mother has what you call "Sisterlocks" Has anyone heard of them? They are really small. She has had them for about 5 years and they are mid-back. I think they are so pretty. Maybe I'll post a pic sometime?