cowashing daily?

Whats the verdict on daily cowashing?

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I too condition wash everyday or every other day when I am lazy:rolleyes:. Just remember to use some protein because to much moisture will make your hair mushy.
I personally have began co-washing every 3-6x a week due to working out to lose weight this year and it helped with underprocessing and my hair gained length and thickness. However, I persisted after getting a corrective relaxer even though it was winter. I would sit under my hooded dryer for a couple of minutes(i.e., 20-25 minutes) with my hair in a pony and go to bed and the hair was dry in the morning. OR sometimes, if it was still wet, I put a wig on it.
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While in the dessert heat, I did it almost daily and my hair got super thick. So if you hair can stand it go for it.
Yep, another daily co-washer here. It worked both when I was natural and now that I'm relaxed again. For me, daily co-washing means less manipulation because I don't have to comb/straighten/etc. my hair everyday to get it to look like something. It gets swept back into a french roll and usually looks nice.
I cowash 5x/wk. Three are in the morning before work so I am wet bunning. Once it is fall I will just switch those to night time.
There are some people here who do, but I think you should be careful with the everyday cowashes. There is such a thing as over conditioning your hair. It can become brittle and dry and start breaking. I hear of a lot of people that says they are doing everything right by their hair is still breaking. I just wonder if they condition too much. That could be it.
Oh wow...I didn't know overconditioning could make your hair DRY. I just thought it would be mushy or something, lol.
I usually co-wash twice a week. Once on Friday after I take down my bun, and once again on Sunday night to wash out my Wash n Go before I put the bun back in for the week.
Even if I wore my hair down during the week, I probably would only co-wash once every 3 to 5 days depending on how long the style would last. But I would definitely try to make it last as long as possible and I have had good results getting 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th day hair refreshing with something like Juices and Berries or KC Spiral Spritz w/o the need to co-wash.
I've been cowashing practically everyday the last 2 weeks... I haven't had any problems yet. I recently bought Aphogee's Keratin 2 min reconstructor to use every 2 weeks. Would that be ideal or is that too often?
I used to co-wash daily and then got lazy...

I didn't realize that is what was working for me until I stepped in this thread! I need to get back on it, nothing works better for my hair than water.

Thanks OP!!
After trying to step up my co-washing to three times a week, I've realized that everyday would be way too much manipulation.
I was doing it for awhile especially after I worked out. I think I was using way too much condish and my hair didn't like it. I will start again and balance my hair with moisture and protein.
If you want to, go for it! It doesn't hurt my hair. I usually co-wash every 3 day, but sometimes I co-wash one day after the other. If you don't want to waste conditioner you can alternate between rinsing with plain water and co-washing.

P.S. Test it out. If you don't like how your hair feels, you can always switch up your routine. I personally need to co-wash more in spring/summer unless my hair feels crunchy :grin:.
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absolutely!... i am addicted to cowashing i cowashed EVERYDAY this winter and NEVER got sick. i continue to cowash everyday.
however lately.... i have began rinsing my hair 1-2 days a week and cowashing 5-7 days it depends on my mood but i cannot go without getting my hair wet everyday.
I've been cowashing practically everyday the last 2 weeks... I haven't had any problems yet. I recently bought Aphogee's Keratin 2 min reconstructor to use every 2 weeks. Would that be ideal or is that too often?

I use the Aphogee 2 min weekly, because I cowash with moisture at least three times a week. I have been doing this for two months with no problems.
I wouldn't cowash everyday because i can see my hair getting dry and brittle. I have started cowashing every 3 or more days and have noticed such a big difference. I cowash and through in a phony pony and baggy under the pony. My hair loves this.
co washing daily has worked tremendously for me, its only been about 6 weeks, but its helping me with my stretch. I do protein treatments weekly or biweekly
Sometimes my reasoning for co-washing daily includes using up my products so I can keep trying out different ones. :grin:
I cowash daily and I love it! I did protein overload, thinking that I needed to up my protein greatly for daily washing ~all this talk of mushy hair and whatnot. :nono: Now I use moisturizing conditioners daily and aphogee 2 min reconstructor followed by moisturizing conditioner once a week, or as needed. I'm having no probs.
I cowashed practically everyday during my long stretch this time last year, my hair loved it and I plan to do the same thing this go round!
I co-wash about 4 days a week depending on how often I exercise. I LOVE IT!!! It saved my hair. I air dry with a scarf, style in the morning, etc. I CW with Trader Joe's Conditioner.
I think I had read somewhere that if it is done daily make sure you are keeping up with your protein balance. If there is too much moisture you hair can sorta overdose on it and become mushy and over elastic.
I voted on the fence/depends. I tend to only cowash daily in the summer months. I'm hoping I can cowash my way to BSL.
I cowash daily unless I am wearing a rod/roller set that I want to last for a few days. Right now I'm wet bunning (love these challenges!) so cowashing is definitely a styling benefit. Once my NG starts coming in real good, as long as I'm either DCing or doing my prepoo/poo/condition regimen once during the week to soften/detangle the NG, daily cowashing during the rest of the week works fine for my hair.
Unfortunately, I'm having to limit co-washes to 2-3 times per week, as I'm using MTG and it needs to sit undisturbed for a couple days.