***BUN/Chignon Challenge: Updates & Progress***


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Is anyone here still doing the bun/chignon challenge??? :)

:yay: I would like to re-join this challenge as a transitioner and start May 1st. I feel like this will be the easiest way to deal with my hair while I transition. I'll just have to get over it being boring.
I will wash and condition my hair once a week and style my hair into a bun. I will either wear scrunchies around my bun for a fuller look OR cover my bun with my spirally phony-pony. I would like to stay on this challenge as long as possible until I decide to chop my relaxed ends off. :yep:

*For those that have been on this bun challenge, answer the following questions...

1. How long have you been on the bun challenge?

2. How often do you wash your hair?

3. Are you relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural?

4. Do you wear a bun every single day? If not, what other styles have you worn?

5. How much growth have you retained?

6. How long are you going to stay on this challenge?

7. Pros & Cons of being on this challenge?

*If you would like to join or rejoin this challenge, let us know and indicate your hair type, regime, and how long you would like to stay on this challenge. ;)

Thanks in advance!!! :kiss:
Good luck on transitioning pooh!

*For those that have been on this bun challenge, answer the following questions...

1. How long have you been on the bun challenge?

16 months

2. How often do you wash your hair?

1-2 times per week

3. Are you relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural?


4. Do you wear a bun every single day? If not, what other styles have you worn?

Yes, I wear a bun everyday

5. How much growth have you retained?

I have just about reached my first goal of brastrap after a year of wearing a bun. I started out shoulder length.

6. How long are you going to stay on this challenge?

Until I reach about 2-3 inches below brastrap/lower back.

7. Pros & Cons of being on this challenge?

I get sick of wearing my bun, so I begin to hate it. I will occassionally get my hair done professionally just to see my progress and how healthy and good it looks. After I use heat/manipulation to achieve the "salon look," I feel guilty and all of a sudden love my bun and go back to it faithfully. It's a love-hate relationship :lol:
1. How long have you been on the bun challenge?
Since the end of Aug 2004

2. How often do you wash your hair?
Twice a week, but will move to twice a week with one co in the warmer months.

3. Are you relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural?

4. Do you wear a bun every single day? If not, what other styles have you worn?
I wear some version of a bun about 90% of the time, I also wear what I call a twist or I just clip all of my hair up with a claw clip. I wear my hair down about twice a month and for no longer than a day or two.

5. How much growth have you retained?
I'm not sure in terms of inches but I will say that I see progress since I started taking pics. I contribute my ability to retain my growth to protective styling.

6. How long are you going to stay on this challenge?
I have challenged myself to go the entire year Aug 04 to Aug 05 so I'll stay on that except when I start wearing braids again. Of course when I take my braids down I will wear a bun until I braid up again.

7. Pros & Cons of being on this challenge?

Pros: I don't spend as much time styling my hair in the morning, no more hand in hair disease, maintaining length, no heat needed for this style, weather no longer a consideration when choosing how to wear my hair, wash routine is simple and quicker.
Cons: Boring, boring, boring! Possible breakege if you don't remember to change how you wear this bun (placement)

*If you would like to join or rejoin this challenge, let us know and indicate your hair type, regime, and how long you would like to stay on this challenge.

I'm already on a bun challenge so we are already sisters in this struggle. I promise to give support where needed and stay on the look out for cute hair accessories to add help jazz up the boring bun! :)

My current routine:
  • Wash twice a week
  • Deep condition weekly (with or without heat)
  • Use a leave in every wash, followed by WGO on damp hair
  • Moisturize legnth of hair with pure shea butter daily.
I am not doing the challenge daily anymore. I have choosen to alternate with braidout up-do's, upside down Frenchbraid and making a bun at the top with the rest of my hair ... etc

1. How long have you been on the bun challenge?
--since whenever it started.

2. How often do you wash your hair?

-- 2 times a week

3. Are you relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural?
-- supposedly relaxed

4. Do you wear a bun every single day? If not, what other styles have you worn?
-- no, braidout updo's and other updo's I have been experimenting with, baggie method (doing this more again)

5. How much growth have you retained?
-- not sure.

6. How long are you going to stay on this challenge?

7. Pros & Cons of being on this challenge?
-- Pros are retaining more length, low maintanence, and a wonderful reason to have more beautiful hair acessories!

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Hi Pooh I would like to join since I wear my hair in a Chignon every single day :D

1. How long have you been on the bun challenge?
A. Since January 05

2. How often do you wash your hair?
A. I wash 2-3 times a week (I use shampoo 1x per week) because I go to the gym Mon-Fri and can't stand sweaty hair

3. Are you relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural?
A. Relaxed - 4a fine

4. Do you wear a bun every single day? If not, what other styles have you worn?

A. I wear my hair in a Chignon every sing day and I am okay with it since I go to the gym so often if I wore my hair out I would sweat it out.

5. How much growth have you retained?
A. I don't check growth and I got a 1 in trim a few weeks ago too. I usually take a peek during my relaxers--I do see new growth

6. How long are you going to stay on this challenge?
A. I will try to keep my hair in a bun for the remainder of the year with exception of special events or fresh out of the salon I may wear it out.

7. Pros & Cons of being on this challenge?
A. Pro-nice looking style, easy for daily working out.
Con-I can't seem to keep my ends smooth, they tend to get frizzy from the bobby pins or something.

If wash my hair at home I usally Conditioner wash and use Aubrey's GPB once a week as a pre-poo. I am faithfully using NTM leave-in as a leave-in and daily moisturizer. I add WGO my hair and ends and let air dry. Then I use my VS Ion Steam rollers and leave in for 5 mins. I put my hair in one scunci and add Elasta Mango butter to the pony tail and one roller and silk scarf. In the morning I do my chignon.
Poohbear said:
Only 4 ladies? I know there were a whole lot more on this challenge!!! :)

I know there were more too. However, maybe these things have just become part of their lifestyle/regular haircare regimen and not a challenge anymore. That's why I don't really join challenges anymore. I just take what works and make it a part of my regimen and leave the other things alone. I have been wearing buns quite a bit in my life for various reasons, so wearing buns (hence ballet_bun :lachen: ) it's too much of a challenge. HOwever, using the baggie everday is because I like to vary my protective styles.
I stink at making buns.....any instrutional websites or albums that show you how to do one?
PittGirl06 said:
I stink at making buns.....any instrutional websites or albums that show you how to do one?
Check out Chicoro's hair photo album. Her buns are FLAWLESS!!! :yep:
ballet_bun said:
I know there were more too. However, maybe these things have just become part of their lifestyle/regular haircare regimen and not a challenge anymore. That's why I don't really join challenges anymore. I just take what works and make it a part of my regimen and leave the other things alone. I have been wearing buns quite a bit in my life for various reasons, so wearing buns (hence ballet_bun :lachen: ) it's too much of a challenge. HOwever, using the baggie everday is because I like to vary my protective styles.
This is true. That's what happened to me when I tried to start the challenge about a year ago. But I would like to stick with this challenge now so I can be more consistent with my hair regime. :yep:
I just found this thread and would like to be a part of this challenge. This summer is going to be my first summer wearing a bun consistently. I want to try to stick with this for 1 year, when I hope to reach bra strap length. Thanks for the inspiration, ladies!