2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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I'm debating between relaxing on 9/15 (8 weeks) or 10/6 (11 weeks). You guys motivate me to wanna go longer - but it's getting crazy up there! Stretches are always hit or miss for me. Anyone else relaxing soon?
baddison - how's it goin' bud?

I'm dc'ing with Motions CPR right now. I decided to do it on dry hair since I haven't done that in a few months. I'll rinse, shampoo, and airdry while watching a movie.

My hair is doing wonderful! I've made the transition to working out every Saturday/Sunday morning and my hair is hangin' on like a champ so far.
sunnieb - Hey buddy!! I'm doing great so far. 3 weeks old and hair is thriving. Still bunning it daily, but one day soon, it will pay off.

Still working out every day at 4:30am too. Wish I could find a better time to do it, but right now, this is whats been keeping me consistent. Getting ready to do my NUPUR henna treatment at the end of this week, and looking forward to that too.:yep:
Checking in: I'm Six weeks post today with 18 more weeks to go. My hair feels soft, strong and healthy. I'll probably start wearing a wig at the halfway mark at 12 weeks post. I'm not sure but I do know I'll have to hide my hair for a while through the cold fall and winter months.
Checking in...8weeks post today...pics of my latest twist out after henna fiasco. It actually turned out okay, a little darker than my natural hair color. I'm already planning for my next henna outing. :).


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Cattypus1 said:
Checking in...8weeks post today...pics of my latest twist out after henna fiasco. It actually turned out okay, a little darker than my natural hair color. I'm already planning for my next henna outing. :).

Your hair looks great!!! The color is pretty too!
Cattypus1 said:
Checking in...8weeks post today...pics of my latest twist out after henna fiasco. It actually turned out okay, a little darker than my natural hair color. I'm already planning for my next henna outing. :).

Ooh, that is mighty purrty Cattypus1!! How'd you get the twist out so nice!!
Stillsaddity Thanks, it was an adventure. :)

KiWiStyle Thank you, buddy! Two-strand twists like cornrows straight back on my head (7 or 8 twists) and wrap the ends with straws. Still struggling with my styling products. I need a soft, non-greasy hold. Currently have a bathroom full of products which aren't cutting the mustard. I'll keep trying until I find the answer or until I run out of hair...LOL
Cattypus1 said:
Stillsaddity Thanks, it was an adventure. :)

KiWiStyle Thank you, buddy! Two-strand twists like cornrows straight back on my head (7 or 8 twists) and wrap the ends with straws. Still struggling with my styling products. I need a soft, non-greasy hold. Currently have a bathroom full of products which aren't cutting the mustard. I'll keep trying until I find the answer or until I run out of hair...LOL

Cool! Cattypus1! I can't even begin to think how to 2-strand twist cornrows. I know how to twist but not double strand in cornrows. I got some YouTube research to do. Care to suggest how that's done??

Ecostyle gel doesn't work for you? Then again, the hold is probably to much for this style. I used the QB honeybush soft tea gel for DD's two strand twists and her hair didn't stiffen at all...
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KiWiStyle said:
Cool! Cattypus1! I can't even begin to think how to 2-strand twist cornrows. I know how to twist but not double strand in cornrows. I got some YouTube research to do. Care to suggest how that's done??

Ecostyle gel doesn't work for you? Then again, the hold is probably to much for this style. I used the QB honeybush soft tea gel for DD's two strand twists and her hair didn't stiffen at all...

Haven't tried Ecostyle. Honeybush is going to be my next purchase...LOL. The double-strand is cornrows is just like triple-strand-two strands instead of three. If you can cornrow, you can do the two-strand. I like it because the pattern is more consistent until you get to the ends and I just found the answer for that with the straws. I think I need larger diameter, though, about the size of McD's straws. I only use them on the last two inches and I wrap in a spiral so that it doesn't make a curl pull the entire end upwards and pin it to the twist with a large bobby pin. I've got to go get some Honeybush, I'll post a pic when I'm twisted so that you can see what I mean.

Too bad...no Honeybush at my fav store. Oh well, being the PJ that I am, I found some sweet condish to go with the poo I bought a couple of weeks ago and I'm going back to an old friend--Lottabody setting lotion. I'm going to try that with some whipped gel for my twists. I'll keep you posted...
Cattypus1 said:
Haven't tried Ecostyle. Honeybush is going to be my next purchase...LOL. The double-strand is cornrows is just like triple-strand-two strands instead of three. If you can cornrow, you can do the two-strand. I like it because the pattern is more consistent until you get to the ends and I just found the answer for that with the straws. I think I need larger diameter, though, about the size of McD's straws. I only use them on the last two inches and I wrap in a spiral so that it doesn't make a curl pull the entire end upwards and pin it to the twist with a large bobby pin. I've got to go get some Honeybush, I'll post a pic when I'm twisted so that you can see what I mean.

LOL, I tried it and I cannot do it so braidout for me instead.
KiWiStyle said:
LOL, I tried it and I cannot do it so braidout for me instead.

My hair is too poofy with a braid out. The wave pattern is too sharp, I like softer pattern of the twists.

Okay, so here are a couple of pics of my two-strand, cornrowed twists with the straws on the ends.


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Where my buds at??? Hep meh! Hep meh!

I need to do a moisturizing dc tonight but I'm feeling lazy. I need a kick start! :)

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Cattypus1 said:
My hair is too poofy with a braid out. The wave pattern is too sharp, I like softer pattern of the twists.

Okay, so here are a couple of pics of my two-strand, cornrowed twists with the straws on the ends.

Here is a pic of the "out" part of the latest twist out. Very soft, not greasy...I'm happier with my hair than I have been in a while.


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Cattypus1 said:
My hair is too poofy with a braid out. The wave pattern is too sharp, I like softer pattern of the twists.

Okay, so here are a couple of pics of my two-strand, cornrowed twists with the straws on the ends.

See, that looks very easy and I feel like an idiot that I can't do it. I'm pulling out DD's dolls to practice, I don't want to snatch my hair out practicing on myself, lol.
Cattypus1 said:
Here is a pic of the "out" part of the latest twist out. Very soft, not greasy...I'm happier with my hair than I have been in a while.

Very pretty! I did a braidout today any it came out so nice for a change that now I want to wear my hair out. Longer hair does really equals better styling.
KiWiStyle said:
Very pretty! I did a braidout today any it came out so nice for a change that now I want to wear my hair out. Longer hair does really equals better styling.

What, no pics? Come on, Kiwi...share. :)
Cattypus1 said:
Too phunny...please don't do the hair snatch. :)

LOL, when I get frustrated I start manhandling things, it's better if I do a gangsta move on DD's doll for a few hours, lol..
KiWiStyle said:
I have put coochie cream on my scalp and told all y'll so ain't no shame in anything around here anymore, lol!!

Girl, you are a mess...I ain't even bout to talk about some of that crazy -a$$ed stuff I've done. If you didn't see me do it, then it didn't happen!
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