Waistlength hair by Shima..

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naw it was like a year or so before your join date

i was a newbie when it all went down and too bad LHCF didn't have that popcorn smiley then! :lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: That icon sure does come in handy. This is the first I've heard of her and I'm actually looking at one of her recent youtube video's...... Someone posted a link and I think I will acually pop some popcorn and read it. Why do I get the feeling that those thread were locked up? This is better than internet bootleg dvd's.
This is the last time I must say this.......I am not Shima, don't know Shima, don't use Shima products, and I am not promoting products...So please ladies think about it..if I was her then I sure would not promote in an old battle zone (as it seems). I don't have anything against Shima b/c I wasn't present to read the posts or know the history, but I am sure not promoting for the lady or anything. Think about it, its not like what she is saying are techniques I haven't heard before on LHFC. In fact, I have been viewing LHCF site for years......
I would love if Nikos could do an IP address search to see if he gets any matches:look:
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I don't think its fair for us to assume a person is bad because of something they post. Youtube is a huge place. Yes, the search button works wonders, but everyone doesn't use it, we know that. Lets give her a chance. If she is an imposter, then by all means go back to the regularly scheduled program.
I thought this only happened in OT? OP, be strong...stick around and it'll blow over.

But if you really ARE Shima...thanks for the laughs today. I really enjoyed learning about you, "mark my words...":lachen::lachen::lachen:
I don't think its fair for us to assume a person is bad because of something they post. Youtube is a huge place. Yes, the search button works wonders, but everyone doesn't use it, we know that. Lets give her a chance. If she is an imposter, then by all means go back to the regularly scheduled program.

Lets give the OP the benefit of the doubt.

My first post was meant to say that someone bought Shima up and she has been resurrected and not she has come back as the OP.
This is the last time I must say this.......I am not Shima, don't know Shima, don't use Shima products, and I am not promoting products...So please ladies think about it..if I was her then I sure would not promote in an old battle zone (as it seems). I don't have anything against Shima b/c I wasn't present to read the posts or know the history, but I am sure not promoting for the lady or anything. Think about it, its not like what she is saying are techniques I haven't heard before on LHFC. In fact, I have been viewing LHCF site for years......

You can't stop this train momma...just play along and try to get a few laughs in yourself. They'll know the truth in a few weeks. Just hang around.:drunk:
Check out the links..


Has anyone ever heard of shima hair oil or Shima? I was surfing youtube last night and I came across a link on long afro waistlength hair and she actually has waistlength hair and sells her own oil and also discusses hair care tips very similar to those on LHCF. If you've heard of Shima then have you used her hair oil? Have you read her book that was published? Do you follow her techniques? Just curious....

That's the first I've heard of it but I must say I googled the effects of red ginseng on the hair and it increases growth and effects split ends. Soya bean oil and almond are supposed to strengthen the root and soften the hair.
Umm...I see your new, so I'll make this brief:

Before you buy ANYTHING from Shima do a search...as a matter of fact I'll do it for you. She has be involved in some very deceptive advertising. All she has done is taken the idea of Protective styling (which can be found right here on this forum), and made a hustle out selling it.

Wow. Dang.:perplexed
Y'all know I would not buy any Oils and such....an I don't know about ShimaGate.....

But I thought what you said was funny..:lachen:
There was a thread on BHM about this lady. Yes - She died tragically.

Sweet candy - or something like that. Anyway - she ripped off some folks - from what I hear... then she passed away.

Now I don't feel gud right now! That happened to me once when I was young. I got my hair braided by a stylist at a new beauty school and she did a poor job then overcharged me. I was so mad because money was tight and I had saved up forever. I thought she was immoral and I couldn't forgive her. Then I went by the school one day and it was closed. She was only 36 and had a 14 year old daught and she died from pneumonia. I felt like schit for a looooong time after that because the money didn't matter at all. Sigh.
Now I don't feel gud right now! That happened to me once when I was young. I got my hair braided by a stylist at a new beauty school and she did a poor job then overcharged me. I was so mad because money was tight and I had saved up forever. I thought she was immoral and I couldn't forgive her. Then I went by the school one day and it was closed. She was only 36 and had a 14 year old daught and she died from pneumonia. I felt like schit for a looooong time after that because the money didn't matter at all. Sigh.

I totally understand - That is why we have to be careful about who we slander.... :) Ya' know - cause we shouldn't....


This Shima lady - seems to have a few issues...but - I don't know anything about it. I just don't buy oils from folks. I mix my own, and all the info that she may sell - is probably all right here at LHCF.
I just found out about her a couple of days ago too. Someone on NP posted her link and got put on lock down because her hair was straightened. I went to her link and I was like hmmm. Sounds a lot like an LHCF member. I was kind of wondering why I never heard her name dropped. I don't remember the whole mess. Eeek. Now I know.
Oh yeah.

That was a lil before my time but I kinda remember people talking about it. She was selling DVD's too right?

yeah the weavegate woman ripped off loads of ladies on BHM too, they were even bad mouthing her after she died:perplexed

she was on a hiphop DVD that I got from N.Y, Things got serious,people even threatened her life!!:ohwell:
This is the last time I must say this.......I am not Shima, don't know Shima, don't use Shima products, and I am not promoting products...So please ladies think about it..if I was her then I sure would not promote in an old battle zone (as it seems). I don't have anything against Shima b/c I wasn't present to read the posts or know the history, but I am sure not promoting for the lady or anything. Think about it, its not like what she is saying are techniques I haven't heard before on LHFC. In fact, I have been viewing LHCF site for years......

well, if you have been viewing the site for years, you should know it's best for you to just let this thread DIE!
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