Well-Known Member
sooooooooo many of us (me especially:spinning:) want to be hanging and swanging next summer!!!


(what will you be doing different this winter????)

Anyone braiding....weaving....or wiggin':grin: ALL WINTER???
what cha' doing to protect your hair (
this winter) under there???

i'm guessing your routine changes alot

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Nice thread :D

I will be making a few minor changes. Nothing major.

1. More moisture. My hair gets so crabby in the cold/windy weather so I am going to make sure I use really rich & yummy conditioners and DCs where as in the summer I am just fine with using cheapie Vo5 to cowash. I am checking ingredient labels for stuff like natural oils and butters.

2. More cones. You heard me!! Bring em on!! I have two reasons for this. 1. because winter is a good time of year to flat iron/style hair since you won't "sweating it out" like you would in the summer & ya gotta use protection and 2. because cones make a great physical barrier on your strands to protect them from the elements.

3. Oiling. I will be oiling my hair 2-3 times a week with my Vatika. I tend to get dry scalp/dandruff during the winter and this really keeps the flakes at bay. Also because I want to give my hair and extra nourishing boost, my hair thrives when I do any kinda prepoo religiously.

4. Protein. I always kick up my protein during the winter since I heat style more often. Joico Kpak reconstructing condish will come out to play atleast once every 2 weeks.
Nothing too different

1. Buns, buns, buns

2. Deep condition once a week

3. Moisturizing and sealing once a day

4. Wearing hats lined in silk/satin

5. Lots of leave-in conditioner

I will be wearing braids all winter.
moisturizing mix that works.
MT/caster oil the scalp every other day.

I'm seriously considering gettin wiggy wit it.

I will be making about 10 custom wigs myself. Half of which will match my typical styles (Jumbo-Fro, Silky Flowy Press Crimped braid-out) in length texture, thickness and color to a tee, the rest will be different colors and lengths for fun. If I can spend the better part of a year + under wigs while DCing moisturizing and sealing I really feel I can grow out my layers and reach my goals not to mention make life much easier for myself in terms of hair styling.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it on such a strict hide your hair regimen though....we'll have to see. Either way I'll be documenting all of it on my site:yep:
Wiiiiiiiiiigggss. Not only are they a protective style, but they help keep your head warm too. :grin:
I'm seriously considering gettin wiggy wit it.

I will be making about 10 custom wigs myself. Half of which will match my typical styles (Jumbo-Fro, Silky Flowy Press Crimped braid-out) in length texture, thickness and color to a tee, the rest will be different colors and lengths for fun. If I can spend the better part of a year + under wigs while DCing moisturizing and sealing I really feel I can grow out my layers and reach my goals not to mention make life much easier for myself in terms of hair styling.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it on such a strict hide your hair regimen though....we'll have to see. Either way I'll be documenting all of it on my site:yep:

BlackMasterPiece where is your site???? is there anyway you'll make a video of you designing one of your wigs??? i've never seen the such personally
I am twisting my hair, moisturizing twice a day. Stopped the daily co-washing is too frigging cold >,< just washing once a week and DC also once a week. Actually the only different am doing is the twice a day moisturizing thing and twisting.
break out heavy duty moisture stuff like oyin handmade, qhemet biologics and anita grant
oil the hurr!!!
two strand twists. though in the winter i flatiron in december for my bday and sometimes in february and ill leave it straight for a month.
Wigs! Tried weaves but prefer wigs. I can switch up styles and textures as I feel like it and have access to my own hair whenever I feel like it. If I'm not wearing a wig I'm wearing a head wrap.
Add me to the wig crew too. This is my first winter as a real natural (as opposed to a pretender lol), so the winter dryness is starting to get to me. My wigs actually keep my hair moisturized plus they look great!

I'm also DC overnight instead of with heat for 1 hour, and I'm baggying a few times a week.
I'm gonna be doing crochet braids again. I feel like some wigs on me just look 'wiggy'. :lol: I'll be in crochet braids until March. And I'll wear my own hair out for a bit. (my bday is in March) So I wanna see how much I've retained. Then I'm gonna crochet again until Summer. I did this last year also.
Upping the moisture for sure! In the summer, I was DCing bi-weekly. Now I've gone back to once a week. I'm making sure I moisturize my ends and tucking them away (which I found to be way more effective than sealing). Also, I don't set foot outside with my hair uncovered (satin scarf+hoodie=happy hair).

I like the idea of wiggin' it. That might have to be my new thing in 2011!
Upping the moisture for sure! In the summer, I was DCing bi-weekly. Now I've gone back to once a week. I'm making sure I moisturize my ends and tucking them away (which I found to be way more effective than sealing). Also, I don't set foot outside with my hair uncovered (satin scarf+hoodie=happy hair).

I like the idea of wiggin' it. That might have to be my new thing in 2011!

hmmmmm curlyninjagirl do you cover your hair only when you walk out into the winter air????
gosh.... never thought about that making a difference.... hmmmmm
I'm gonna be doing crochet braids again. I feel like some wigs on me just look 'wiggy'. :lol: I'll be in crochet braids until March. And I'll wear my own hair out for a bit. (my bday is in March) So I wanna see how much I've retained. Then I'm gonna crochet again until Summer. I did this last year also.

pookaloo83 how do u care for your hair in those???
My regimen has always been the same during winter as it is throughout the year, so I don't know if I'll be doing anything different. I'm usually in braids or twists that I don't apply leave-in to. I baggy nightly and under hats/wraps. I shampoo/condition/ACV twice a week.

I have been trying to stick to using S Curl on the ends of my twists so I may continue to do this otherwise I have no major plans to change anything about the way I handle my hair any other time of the year.
Washing, deep conditioning, and steaming 1x per week
On wash day I will twist my hair, wig it for 4 days, then wear a twist out or puff the remaining 3 days.
Of course I will moisturize and seal nightly.
Thats it. Its simple in the winter for me. I always style my hair while wet, so in the summer, I try a million different styles and co-wash, baggy and deep condition my life away! Can't do the whole wet head thing in the winter.

At first I didnt understand why you guys were making such a big deal about your hair and winter bcuz I didnt start my haircare until February and I live in Texas so I didnt think it would affect me much, but its sooo cold here, this will be a long harsh winter so Im taking caution!
not really trying to protective style, it's just...i do my hair all spring and summer...when fall hits...i dont wanna do it anymore..so wigs braids and straight hair become my styles or any style that involves me not doing it.....for me..it's simple..wash once or twice a week...dc/protein..braid or band...and wig..braids...usually just moisturize,unless i see build up..then i will wash..straight..add a lil seyani butter and a very little amount of oil and go... thats it..
I do nothing but stretched styles like braid outs, twist outs, bantu knot outs etc, and lots of updo's...

I turn my DC's up a notch by steaming with them weekly...I dont steam when its warm out...

I moisturize and seal DAILY, opposed to M&S every other day when its warm, because it takes that long for my hair to absorb it around them times...

I just introduced cassia into my regimen since my hair is loving it so much...
I do nothing but stretched styles like braid outs, twist outs, bantu knot outs etc, and lots of updo's...

I turn my DC's up a notch by steaming with them weekly...I dont steam when its warm out...

I moisturize and seal DAILY, opposed to M&S every other day when its warm, because it takes that long for my hair to absorb it around them times...

I just introduced cassia into my regimen since my hair is loving it so much...

BIG ARSE SIGGY PIC!!! lol... and yet you are SIMPLY GORGEOUS !!!!
I love my wigs:love2: I wear 4 cornrows underneath and redo them weekly when I wash and steam DC. I get a steam injection about twice a week from the gym steam room, which keeps my hair extra moisturised through these cold months.

I use the Joico K Pak 17 min miracle system, which includes the Kpak reconstructor to boost my hair's protein level and I also do a cellophane treatment every 4-6 weeks.

I do a hot oil treatment with a combination of wheat germ oil and olive oil for my prepoos. I was going to give up glycerin but I've chosen to moisturise nightly with African Pride braid spray as it keeps both my relaxed hair and regrowth really moisturised and then I seal with Keracare essential oils (new formula)- Saved me fussing over which oil to use this winter:look:
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pookaloo83 how do u care for your hair in those???

I wash my hair every 2 weeks in it. So that means I wash my hair twice. I try to keep them in for a month. I don't deep condition while in them though. I just co wash. And then I sit under the dryer on the cool setting so my hair could be dry by the morning. I usually don't oil my scalp while I'm in them, but this time around, I think I'm gonna put in some Jojoba oil after the washes and in between washes.
hmmmmm curlyninjagirl do you cover your hair only when you walk out into the winter air????
gosh.... never thought about that making a difference.... hmmmmm

I cover my hair whenever I go outside. LOL. I read on thenaturalhaven that one of the main causes of hair damage over time is sun/weather exposure. It wears down the cuticle. I try to think long term (5 years ahead) when it comes to my hair, so I do little things to preserve as many strands as possible.