Youtube ladies... please put some pants on

I haven't watched her other video on Cherokees. However, she might be right about the Native Americans/Asians. They are both mongoloids and many believe the early NA people migrated from Asia. It is still heavily debated though...
I would expect someone who had “mixed” hair and thinks other people’s texture is extreme…and cries on YouTube over someone else’s drama to be wearing panties in her video and flaunting it so comfortably. I mean, c’mon…this girl is crying over some argument that didn’t even involve her (a family or friend). Then she goes on to say she has been attacked, her pastor has been attacked and everyone who has something positive to say has been attacked. Huh?!

Not saying my eyes didn’t bug out a little to see this mess…I’m just not surprised. :nono:
There are so many questions to be asked about this video, the panties are sadly only one.

ok, now I KNOW I don't need to be laughin, but it's how you said it, LOL! It's not funny, it really isn't! This young lady needs some MODESTY! Others want to enjoy watchin youtube hair vids, WITHOUT seeing "surprises" like this.......:-(
There. Are. No. Words........................................................................................

I am so angry with you, Boston, for this. I could have lived a good 100 years without this, this....... *sigh*. It's my bedtime. I'm done.
W O W!
just WOW!!! There's no way in h-e-double-hockey stix I could let myself be seen like that....I try to have ALIL class with mine. I understand she may be comfortable in her own skin but d*mn!!! LAWD!
The free styling jazz wasn't too bad, but where is her mama? Somebody need to intervene. I wonder if she has any friends.
imma need someone to break her webcam/ hide all the cameras & camera phones & delete her youtube account...i cant take this no more...
yall gonna make a sister lose her place in i couldnt help myself and im watching the dont be mad video? i had to turn down my POC2 with johnny depp and his yummy self to watched that mixed race video cause i felt compelled to hear the madness.

yeaaah. im gonna sit here and floss my teeth and be done with this tonight.

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