You can't love God and sex, can you?

AnnDriena_ said:
I have never had sex but believe me I would love to:lachen: :lachen:
and that time will come for me. But we ALL know the bible and Jesus is against it. We KNOW what's right and wrong. As for the bible being outdated and our Christian ways not adapting to the times. Don't fall for that girl. God is never changing and if you've noticed this world is anyway the wind blows. They make up their own truth and if you fall for that you will be blowing in the wind just like them. Truth is truth and truth don't change.

Look at the world and what premarital and adulteress sex has gotten us into we are quite literallly sexing ourselves to death. We have disastrous consequences and we still want to try and make it okay. We have 12 year olds getting pregnant but then we insist that throwing condoms at the problem will make it go away. And the experts are even truthful about condoms. They are not safe. Safer than unprotected sex but not safe.
Then we see that condoms don't cover and prevent the heavy and deep attachments that come from sex. Yeah we may try and act like we can live a sex in the city life and just have all kinds of sex with no attachment but then look what it's turning us into. We have more and more dating services for older women who can't find men because the men are just getting all the sex they want and women aren't requiring anything in return until they themselves get older and realize what they have been throwing away, God’s precious gift for marriage. And pretty soon they are the older women and when they are ready to settle down it’s hard to find a suitable man because they are all busy throwing away themselves with any woman who will let them.

I also think that we “train” ourselves before marriage. And if we use sex as simply a way to “get off” and have good time we are continuously devaluing sexual intimacy so that by the time we do get married it is not as special as it should be for us. A pastor once gave an excellent example. He had a Styrofoam cup he was drinking out of and he said he sat that Styrofoam cup down many places and didn’t think much of it because he could always get another one. It wasn’t a big deal. But imagine if it was a gold goblets with precious stones in it. Do you think he would just leave it anywhere the same way he did with that Styrofoam cup. No. Only someone who didn’t think much of precious things would leave one laying around.

How much do we think of the precious thing God has given us? How often is it just laid down and left for whomever to take? And when we get married what’s going to make it so much more precious? Because we are having it with our spouse? I think a lot of us would love to think that but something that we have been partying and throwing away doesn’t gain value because we are so romantic or so righteous that we automatically see it differently. Sex will regain it’s value because when we see it through the eyes of God and when we see it for how special it is and if we see it that way in the first place then why would we be having it with someone whom we have not joined ourselves with in the presence of the Lord?

I totally agree. Of course, you can love God and sex...if you are married! LOL
AnnDriena_ said:
I have never had sex but believe me I would love to:lachen: :lachen:
and that time will come for me. But we ALL know the bible and Jesus is against it. We KNOW what's right and wrong. As for the bible being outdated and our Christian ways not adapting to the times. Don't fall for that girl. God is never changing and if you've noticed this world is anyway the wind blows. They make up their own truth and if you fall for that you will be blowing in the wind just like them. Truth is truth and truth don't change.

Look at the world and what premarital and adulteress sex has gotten us into we are quite literallly sexing ourselves to death. We have disastrous consequences and we still want to try and make it okay. We have 12 year olds getting pregnant but then we insist that throwing condoms at the problem will make it go away. And the experts are even truthful about condoms. They are not safe. Safer than unprotected sex but not safe.
Then we see that condoms don't cover and prevent the heavy and deep attachments that come from sex. Yeah we may try and act like we can live a sex in the city life and just have all kinds of sex with no attachment but then look what it's turning us into. We have more and more dating services for older women who can't find men because the men are just getting all the sex they want and women aren't requiring anything in return until they themselves get older and realize what they have been throwing away, God’s precious gift for marriage. And pretty soon they are the older women and when they are ready to settle down it’s hard to find a suitable man because they are all busy throwing away themselves with any woman who will let them.

I also think that we “train” ourselves before marriage. And if we use sex as simply a way to “get off” and have good time we are continuously devaluing sexual intimacy so that by the time we do get married it is not as special as it should be for us. A pastor once gave an excellent example. He had a Styrofoam cup he was drinking out of and he said he sat that Styrofoam cup down many places and didn’t think much of it because he could always get another one. It wasn’t a big deal. But imagine if it was a gold goblets with precious stones in it. Do you think he would just leave it anywhere the same way he did with that Styrofoam cup. No. Only someone who didn’t think much of precious things would leave one laying around.

How much do we think of the precious thing God has given us? How often is it just laid down and left for whomever to take? And when we get married what’s going to make it so much more precious? Because we are having it with our spouse? I think a lot of us would love to think that but something that we have been partying and throwing away doesn’t gain value because we are so romantic or so righteous that we automatically see it differently. Sex will regain it’s value because when we see it through the eyes of God and when we see it for how special it is and if we see it that way in the first place then why would we be having it with someone whom we have not joined ourselves with in the presence of the Lord?

I totally agree. Of course, you can love God and sex...if you are married! LOL
A lot of the ladies on here made some excellent posts. Just a couple of things I wanted to briefly touch on though:
1. Being a Christian doesn't mean that you always do the right thing. And sometimes, although we love God, we do the wrong thing. That is why God looks at our heart. Our heart may be bent towards God, but yet we struggle in a particular area.
2. And just because you disobey his commandments (as we all do regularly) doesn't mean that we don't love Him.
3. I do believe that you can love sex and love God. But I think as another post alluded to earlier, that it's which one you show greater love for at the moment. I personally am unmarried, and have experienced sex previously, and I loved having sex. However, it got to a point when the conviction and guilt was too strong. I now am practicing celibacy because I love God more at this point and want to be able to love sex in the way that God wants me to.
Sometimes I think that people who haven't had the struggles that someone else have had can be judgemental and non-understanding of that person, and put labels on them, like "non-Christian", and "sinner", etc. But I believe that labels tend to place walls between us, and keep people from hearing the wonderful saving grace of God almighty. Additionally, some people feel more comfortable around people who are not in the church because sometimes people in the church are more judgemental and non-understanding. We need to all learn to show God's love more and be more like Him (that is what he wanted). Truly think what Jesus would do, and I don't remember him going around labeling people and judging others, although he is the ultimate judge. Sometimes I think people spend too much time doing God's job, and not worry about their own job of witnessing and striving to be more Christ-like.
God bless all of you. I love this board, and although I pop in here and there, I am inspired by this board so much :) Thank you ladies for allowing to be used of God!!
Supergirl said:
Just think of all the societal problems that would be non-existent if there were no pre-marital sex.
This is too true. I like to look at the logic in what the Bible teaches and leaving sex within the constraints of marriage makes sense. If God didn't put any constraints on sex this world would be utter confusion (worse than it is now:lol:) and God is not a God of confusion.