Wow. Garlic really stinks...


Well-Known Member
Wow. Garlic really stinks... But is really effective. (update)

I currently trying everything to reduce my winter shedding and decided to use garlic in my conditioner. Apparently this is supposed to be really effective. After using Tea and coffee rinses, leave in conditioners, steaming, castor oil, and lots more I was ready to try anything. So I just grated some up, put it in the conditioner, and steamed DC with it.

The smell is still here.

Is this going to wear off, or do I need do something else? Can I neutralize it somehow?

It's be a few days since I did this garlic thing. The smell is long gone, but my hair is better than ever! I cannot believe that it stopped shedding! Yesterday I was scrapping snow off my car for 45 minutes with no hat and I still had no shedding! Wow, I am really impressed.
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I have never used "real" garlic. I purchase garlic oil, which is just olive oil infused with garlic. I mix a small amount in my DC and I've never had a problem with a lingering garlic smell. Maybe for future reference you can put the garlic in oil and then mix the oil with your DC

As for getting rid of the odor, perhaps you can re-wash and clarify. Or maybe a vinegar rinse? Yogurt neutralizes garlic odor on breath. Maybe it can do the same for hair. Just some options. Good luck!
I think people usually use conditioners with odorless garlic in them or take odorless garlic supplements internally. I used to use Alter Ego Garlic Treatment and there was no smell.

Are you sure your hair is shedding and not breaking? Do you wear protective styles? If so, it might look like a lot of hair coming out when you detangle.
IA with Solitude. But be careful of the supplement dosage. Some people cannot take high dosages and are subject to bruising easily.

To get rid of the smell, baking soda is known to neutralize odors. Either re-wash and use it with your shampoo. Or re-wash and use it with your conditioner.
I have never used "real" garlic. I purchase garlic oil, which is just olive oil infused with garlic. I mix a small amount in my DC and I've never had a problem with a lingering garlic smell. Maybe for future reference you can put the garlic in oil and then mix the oil with your DC

As for getting rid of the odor, perhaps you can re-wash and clarify. Or maybe a vinegar rinse? Yogurt neutralizes garlic odor on breath. Maybe it can do the same for hair. Just some options. Good luck!

Yogurt? Hmm... I was planning on doing a natural DC with yogurt, avocado and Olive oil. Maybe that will work.

Checking it out now. Looks like a lot of people use it.

I think people usually use conditioners with odorless garlic in them or take odorless garlic supplements internally. I used to use Alter Ego Garlic Treatment and there was no smell.

Are you sure your hair is shedding and not breaking? Do you wear protective styles? If so, it might look like a lot of hair coming out when you detangle.

I use PS and put it up and take it down. Those are the times of day when I see hair on the bathroom floor. They have bulbs and are really long so I know it's shedding. But just in case, I will do something else in case it's breaking.

IA with Solitude. But be careful of the supplement dosage. Some people cannot take high dosages and are subject to bruising easily.

To get rid of the smell, baking soda is known to neutralize odors. Either re-wash and use it with your shampoo. Or re-wash and use it with your conditioner.

Bruising? Garlic supplements make you bruise?

I'm just glad I didn't decide to overnight it. Ew...
I use garlic and oil as a prepoo.

Also, I wouldn't rewash. If the shedding has stopped, then let your hair be. The smell will go away eventually.
I use garlic and oil as a prepoo.

Also, I wouldn't rewash. If the shedding has stopped, then let your hair be. The smell will go away eventually.

I'm kinda afraid to go out in public now... I'll probably leave for tonight and give until tomorrow. If it's not gone, THEN I have do something before I go to work.
Heres a recipe that I've been using for some time now, and its very effective and less smelly!
I take a clove of garlic, depending on how dyer your condition is, slice it up, put into 1/4 cup of EVOO, put in microwave for about 35/45 seconds or until it smells like your cooking Italian, put in a cool, dry place over night, when ready to use, take a fork, strain garlic pieces out and press to get all the juices, pour into your conditioner of choice, stir briskly, and apply! Once I rinse there is a very faint smell of Garlic, and once I put my Leave-In in, its barely detectable.
I got this recipe from one of the members here and I could not find it, buttt, this is it! I feel its better to make your own, so you can control the amounts of "Garlic" according to your particular situation, altho some products contain a particular ingredient, we don't truly know the amounts that are in it, could be trace amounts, just enough to put it on the label, and in some instances, you may need an excessive amount. Thats my personal theory! In any case, I hope this helps!

Alter ego is a lot more expensive than Nutrine. Is it more effective?

IMHO: Both of them work. For Me, Nutrine is more like an Instant Conditioner. AE is a Deep Conditioner/Masque.

I use Nutrine to Co-Wash with about week 1-3/4 Post Relaxer. I use AE with Heat for more of a Deep Penetrating Treatment.:yep:
The first time I garlic prepood, I applied garlic straight to my hair because I didn't know any better and it only took a few days for it to air out. Even then, the scent wasn't overwhelmingly strong. It was one of things that only I could smell it but no one else could. I know, because I asked friends/family.

Now, I chop 2-3 cloves of garlic and mix it with ceramide oil and pour the mixture in a color applicator bottle and apply to my scalp/hair. This prevents the garlic from getting directly in my hair. I let it sit for 1 hour then proceed with shampooing and conditioning as usual. The end result (after rinsing out my conditioner), no smell.
IMHO: Both of them work. For Me, Nutrine is more like an Instant Conditioner. AE is a Deep Conditioner/Masque.

I use Nutrine to Co-Wash with about week 1-3/4 Post Relaxer. I use AE with Heat for more of a Deep Penetrating Treatment.:yep:

I use Alter Ego as a DC as well. About once a month or so and the shedding that was plaguing me a few months back is no more.

The first time I garlic prepood, I applied garlic straight to my hair because I didn't know any better and it only took a few days for it to air out. Even then, the scent wasn't overwhelmingly strong. It was one of things that only I could smell it but no one else could. I know, because I asked friends/family.

Now, I chop 2-3 cloves of garlic and mix it with ceramide oil and pour the mixture in a color applicator bottle and apply to my scalp/hair. This prevents the garlic from getting directly in my hair. I let it sit for 1 hour then proceed with shampooing and conditioning as usual. The end result (after rinsing out my conditioner), no smell.

I love this idea divachyk and I'm definitely going to try it out!

OP, I also use Nature's Plus Ultra Garlic, 1000mg Odorless Garlic Supplement. It works really well for me, even though I forget to take it and only average taking it 4-5 times a week. Good luck with getting your shedding under control.
I have used garlic extract (comes in an eyedropper bottle) and mix it in my leave-in (with green tea & SAA) in a spray bottle.

No Smell & reduced shedding.

Here's an update. My shedding has stopped! No more long pieces on the floor every time I touch it. It seems softer and strong than ever. I've tried nearly everything to make my hair stop shedding, including tea rinses, coffee rinses, steaming, and getting a humidifier. Using garlic was the last thing on my list. Why didn't I try this earlier?!

I found another method for garlic treatments that involves soaking them in olive oil for a week. I strain out the garlic could put that in my DC instead. If so, I can go through the next few months without the winter shed. I think I'll keep doing this and see if it makes my hair thicker...