SMH really hard on this one. Even though I live in Georgia I can't say I'm used to it. As AlliCat said, a hobby is much needed! It also doesn't really move me one way or another because all that hate in their heart is their personal problem. Sounds like the one who ran that facebook page didn't know how to block ppl.

We did block them but they kept coming in as different users. I could not keep up at all. Thats when I got the news involved to get our story heard. Despite all the flagging, these cowards still exist and Facebook has not removed their accounts yet. We have been instructed by the FBI to keep everything on the page so that they can investigate. We are pressing charges and will continue to uplift our natural beauty.

Natural love sis,

These pond life are so cowardly. They find it so easy to spit their diatribe from the comfort of their PC at no risk to themselves but most of them would probably shudder at the thought of saying the same ish to someone's face. :rolleyes:

They're only giving the vendor more publicity anyway...
And this happened in Alexandria? That's just 5 minutes over the bridge from DC! Smdh.....this is why I rarely step into Virginia for anything. In some ways, parts of it haven't changed since legal segregation ended....

Alexandria is fine. Actually most of the white people I've met
in the DMV are not originally from there. They are usually from places that are not in the south. These people just sound like ignorant trolls to me.
Hello Beautiful Ladies!

Thank you so very much for your support. We extend out deepest gratitude.This type of thing will never be tolerated on my watch! Just wanted to give you an update on the KKK hate crime issue. After tons of blocking and deleting the derogatory comments, videos and pictures, we have been instructed by the FBI to keep everything up for the case. We are pressing charges. It is our goal to expose this to make a difference because we count and we matter. Blocking is not enough anymore. They need to be made examples of and do the jail time. They are facing up to 1 year in jail and additional penalties.

Our struggle and our journey is important to me. As a natural who did the big chop, I know how hard it is for our natural beauty to be accepted.

It is my mission to uplift our natural beauty as often as I can. I am a firm believer in the Word of God that says what the devil meant for evil, God will turn around for those who love him.

Please keep us in your prayers--We thank you!!

Naturalsta Cosmetics

God Bless You! Your a sister in Christ! Another reason u have my support!
One more reason to be natural for me... to use it as a big **** you to anyone who wants to put me , my race and the distinctive straits of my race down. I'll whip it right in their faces...with pride!!
padrica, yay to you for not lying down in the face of adversity. They need to be made an example of so that others like them will know that they can no longer spew hate and hide behind their computer without consequence. BTW, can't wait to try your products.

The KKK is all over the DMV, not just in Virginia. So avoiding VA isn't necessarily going to help. Plus, who knows where the perps are really from since this happened on Facebook.

The KKK is all over the DMV, not just in Virginia. So avoiding VA isn't necessarily going to help. Plus, who knows where the perps are really from since this happened on Facebook.
It is terrible and I hope they are fully prosecuted! ITA w/ the ladies who mentioned geography. What's that got to do w/ anything? Racist, ignorant ppl are everywhere:look:. I experienced more racism while in Manhattan, Chicago, and some places out west than anywhere I've ever been in the south:ohwell:. Ignorance knows no boundaries. There always have been and always will be those 'types' no matter what continent you find yourself on. We don't have to bow down and just take it though...
Hello Beautiful Ladies!

Thank you so very much for your support. We extend out deepest gratitude.This type of thing will never be tolerated on my watch! Just wanted to give you an update on the KKK hate crime issue. After tons of blocking and deleting the derogatory comments, videos and pictures, we have been instructed by the FBI to keep everything up for the case. We are pressing charges. It is our goal to expose this to make a difference because we count and we matter. Blocking is not enough anymore. They need to be made examples of and do the jail time. They are facing up to 1 year in jail and additional penalties.

Our struggle and our journey is important to me. As a natural who did the big chop, I know how hard it is for our natural beauty to be accepted.

It is my mission to uplift our natural beauty as often as I can. I am a firm believer in the Word of God that says what the devil meant for evil, God will turn around for those who love him.

Please keep us in your prayers--We thank you!!

Naturalsta Cosmetics

I'm glad you came on here to share what you are experiencing. I knew when I posted this that the ladies of LHCF (THE BEST FORUM EVER:grin:) would support a sister in trouble.

May the Lord bless you and bless the work of your hands!

I just found out about this glad action is being taken. These KKK fools have nothing better to do. Who the hell goes to a site populated by black women just to cuss. Just becasue you couldn't get one.
To show my support I placed a small order. I got the PH Balanced Detangler and Daily Leave in (I feel like my hair needs the protein) and the AloeFlax gel.