Customers Of #paypalruinslives


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies... :wave:

I don't know if any others on here have ever bought from Butters-N-Bars online, but I felt this was necessary to post this on here because I have bought hair products from Butters-N-Bars before, and I LOVED the fact that I could find all-natural, butters, oils, and other such items to make my own hair products.

Well, this afternoon I received an email from the owner of the company, and decided to check out what went down.

I feel so bad for her... :cry4: Paypal seems to have really done her dirty... :nono:

Here's the story:

#paypalruinslives, no paypal, paypal, paypal ruins lives - October 02, 2017

How Paypal Ruins Lives
Hello Family,

I apologize for the seemingly random post but It's time for me to break the silence in regards to this issue.

I was on the fence about going public with this but at this point I realise that "coming clean" about it's reality is the only way I'll get just resolve, instead of trying to fight against the corporate machine or just doing nothing and allowing them to continue to do small business like this. They literally took everything I had leaving me and my family with nothing, and I sincerely hope that you all will help me spread the word. I have posted this to an independent twitter account and to my personal facebook page #paypalruinslives.

For years and years I never understood why I had customers who vehemently avoided paypal like the plague and it was until my 10 year old business was asked to jump through hoops and even after complying on April 10, 2017 was sent "the email" saying Paypal was parting ways with me. They gave me no notice whatsoever and at that time cited "a spike in sales" which was a complete lie because sales at that time were at an all time low.Holding in a reserve that ended up being funding for their fees- causing irreparable damages to me and my business.

I'm asking that anyone who reads this to please share MY story, I need your voices to bring light and justice to this corrupt corporation. #sharethelove #bnbfamily #paypalruinslives

It's time I share my story how #paypalruinslives
... please read and share
How these thieves ,who were my sole payment processor at the time, without notice in early 2017 starting taking 30% of all my earnings and after I complied with what they requested (tracking for shipped orders)on April 10, 2017 sent me an email saying because of a rise in sales (lies because sales were down from previous years) the account ,that over the last 10 years processed hundreds of thousands of dollars, was closed without appeal and #paypal held everything in it (and still have whats left of it) and despite saying it was there FOR customers wouldn't even allow me to give refunds so I had to request customers go through for claims and chargebacks because I didn't even have money to send out orders placed. Turned into a very dark time because they left me with nothing without notice and collected nearly $8000 in chargeback fees alone...all the while nearly completely ruining my business and seriously effecting my mental well being. Loss of hundreds of thousands in revenue as a direct result, loss of customers, loss of stability while they cash in. So anyone who cares to hear #whathappenedwithBNB here you have it and it's time for me to break the silence.

I didn't even have answers or funds I've held it long enough unethical corrupt corporations like this can truly change lives and despite dozens of emails to PayPal corp, execs, even PR I've received no response and I want justice

Please help me get The word out, I need to be heard #paypalruinslives

comment, repost, share share share and of course Stay Beautiful thanking you all!!


The official Site

I had a HORRIBLE experience.
Lies about my order being shipped
Lies about it being fulfilled
Lies about my PAID FOR items even being in stock
Shipped order INCOMPLETE
Ignored my email queries for over a week.
Then fought my bank when I filed a dispute.
I have to file another one!
DO NOT feel sympathy for this company and BE WARNED about any kind of ordering.
After giving her business for a long time I eventually had issues too.
Lies about shipping dates, ignored emails and an order with a handwritten note saying some items would ship later despite her fraudulently including them on the invoice as if they had been sent. I don't recall if she ever sent that missing item.
I'm trying Ingredients to Die For for my jojoba oil from now on.
I wish I had read this thread before I placed an order.
I placed an order on the 13 of Sept. and just received in on the 2nd of October and it wasn't even my complete order.
I asked for a refund but I am sure I won't get that either.
Anyway I ain't got no sympathy for this lying *****.
I had a HORRIBLE experience.
Lies about my order being shipped
Lies about it being fulfilled
Lies about my PAID FOR items even being in stock
Shipped order INCOMPLETE
Ignored my email queries for over a week.
Then fought my bank when I filed a dispute.
I have to file another one!
DO NOT feel sympathy for this company and BE WARNED about any kind of ordering.
After giving her business for a long time I eventually had issues too.
Lies about shipping dates, ignored emails and an order with a handwritten note saying some items would ship later despite her fraudulently including them on the invoice as if they had been sent. I don't recall if she ever sent that missing item.
I'm trying Ingredients to Die For for my jojoba oil from now on.

Oh wow!!! :oops:

Thank you all for sharing your experiences! I had no idea others were having this issue with her! I have usually had an okay experience when I've shopped online on her site.

Hmm.... Maybe I need to hold off on feeling sorry for her. :look:

Now I'm starting to wonder if maybe PayPal cut her off on purpose because they were getting too many complaints from customers about her bad/questionable business practices??
Interesting. Knowing nothing about either side of this issue, I wonder..........................did Paypal do her wrong which put her in a bad position and lead to the bad orders, customer service, etc.? Or..........did she do wrong and Paypal's actions are in response customer complaints about her business?

I do wonder. I've never heard of Paypal doing anything like this to anyone else. And she's been have problems for some time now.
She's not telling the entire story. Yes they can have issues but she had to have been flagged in their risk model.

First off them asking her for what sounds like her financials is not singling her out. Huge companies are asked for that info as well esp if not public. she starts having huge spikes in charge backs or they think she won't have the cash flow to cover them they are going to start holding her funds in reserve to cover losses
She's not telling the entire story. Yes they can have issues but she had to have been flagged in their risk model.

First off them asking her for what sounds like her financials is not singling her out. Huge companies are asked for that info as well esp if not public. she starts having huge spikes in charge backs or they think she won't have the cash flow to cover them they are going to start holding her funds in reserve to cover losses

I agree. I think she messed up. Last year lhcf users started complaining and it was several. Just imagine how many others outside of our had issues. She didn't handle her customer issues and PayPal probably stepped in.

How they do that is probably outlined in the service agreement.
Wow....thanks for shedding light on some things ladies.... I was all ready to feel sorry for her and jump on PayPal for doing a bw wrong....possibly even being racist. :look:

Goodness....thank you for pointing out that she prob hasn't been telling the WHOLE story.... :nono:

Whew! Talk about avoiding a possible foot in mouth moment! :nono:
If all her ducks were in a row this wouldn’t have happened. She wasn’t targeted she was flagged because of customer complaints. You have to show them that the customer is wrong. They will hold the money until you show them otherwise. If everything was on the up and up she’d have her money. They don’t keep it they payback customers whose disputes were valid.

The same happened to me when someone tried to scam me but my records were on point.
wow, read the OP and felt angry for her but then read the rest and it makes sense.
if you think about it there's no good reason for PayPal to just cancel someone when they make so much from them. why shoot themselves in the foot?
It's obvious she was a liability and that's why she was cancelled.
I had issues with this vendor a few years ago and refused to do any additional business with her. She was supposed to replace a defective item and never did so and did not respond to additional emails for corrective action. I never filed a complaint but it was the last time that I did business with her. Plus, her shipping took forever and was ridiculous. I really did not like her business practices!
I once placed an order for clay with her. Not only was the clay underweight, it was supposed to be a pound and it was about 12 ounces, when I brought it to her attention it took her forever to respond. When she did, she offered me a percentage off my next order. I said I don't want a discount, I want the entire pound of clay I paid for. I eventually filed a dispute with PayPal.
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