What is Your Co-LHCF Inspiration?

There are so many ladies with beautiful hair on this board.
My three picks are: dontspeakdefeat, yummyc and jenniferMD.
Thanks for the compliment Caribeandiva. You're my inspiration/hero for being my cheerleader! :kiss: As far as others, all ladies who are able to airdry and have decent looking hair. Too many to mention, but thanks ladies for sharing your techniques.
I look at all the ladies as inspiration. But I must say that looking at the ladies who had really bad damaged hair compared to a now healthy head of hair is just amazing!
There are plenty of women here with beautiful hair but I chose these 4 because not only do they have beautiful hair but through their hair journies I have learned a wealth of information. Thanks, ladies. I appreciate you!!!!;)

SerenityBreeze (this girl is gonna make me go and buy that high-tail Caruso gadget. She gonna have to give me 5 on it or somethin'!)