What do you regret?


Well-Known Member
I know there are some folks out there that feel the same way I do. You find something that works wonderfully then you skip off to the next product hoping to find the next "best thing". What do you regret trying/buying/leaving?

I regret leaving my BT and my own personal MTG blend for pure unadulterated laziness. It worked. I loved it.... I just quit. I'm going to revisit while undercover on the HYH challenge.

I regret leaving CON poo for Herbal Essences Hello Hydration poo. That was a mistake even though the conditioner works for me.

I regret trying this ratty shampoo that was supposed to be from queen helene. I bought it from an Asian BSS (on sale for a buck) and I had the feeling it wasn't kosher but I used it anyway. My hair was a HOT MESS. Talk about tangles, dryness, and frizz. There's no telling what it REALLY was. Thankfully I was able to fix it quickly before too much damage was done.


Well-Known Member
I regret fully 100 percent doing dominican blow outs every now and then my natural hair..with out any heat protectant. because of that my hair typed changed... i got fustrated..and BC.

I also regret.. not taking the time out to find out how to make my natural hair much more manageable.


Well-Known Member
I regret getting lazy with my hair and not giving it consistent care. Had I done that I probably would be at my goal a long time ago.


New Member
I regret not finding LHCF sooner but that's another story :grin:
I regret using NTM Conditioner....it just doesn't work for me....It had excellent slip but once my hair air dried...it didn't feel soft or moisturized like it usually does :ohwell: I think I will stick with my Humecto for now :grin:


SuperDuper Member
I regret not being consistant with caring for my hair.
I regret not actively searching for a reggie that works for me.
I regret being a PJ. I have so much crap it's not even funny.
I regret jumping on the MN bandwagon- I missed out on 1.5 days of work due to being sick from the stuff.


New Member
Oh this is a good one.

I regret EVER trying horn combs. I just cut off 3 inches of remaining damage. Hopefully the last inch can wait until later this year.

I regret buying a brush at Big Lots. :rolleyes: That should have been my first clue. Before this and horn combs, I had never heard of a fairy knot.

I regret getting lazy and then thinking the problem was my products.

I regret using citric acid carelessly without proper care to how caustic it can be in large concentration.

I regret spending sooooooooooooooooooooo much money on unreasonably expensive things and various products that I didn't need in my never-ending search for "better".

I regret not getting "the small one" or the trial size, just in case I don't like it.

I regret how impatient I can be when it comes to product performance and results. I need to lighten up and give things a proper chance.

I regret not spending enough on good hair accessories.

I regret using my hair as a test bed for so many experiments.

I regret deciding this late to finally get serious about hair care. :wallbash:

No more regrets. I'm ready to make it happen. :yep:


Well-Known Member
-asking a stylist for a trim in frustration cuz i couldn't get it properly straight (now i have layers:perplexed after working so hard to get my hair "even!)
-becoming a pj-found some good products though


Well-Known Member
Not having any patience, if I dont notice growth in a month, I move on to the next set of items, my hair been the same length forever. As a result, I got enough hair care products for every family on my street.


New Member
I regret trying that Hask Placenta crap. At least it only cost $1.99 for this little package though. It was watery and thin, didn't feel like a deep condish treatment at all. it did jack squat for my hair, which is VERY rare because usually, any deep condish treatment works on my hair. this stuff sucks!


New Member
I regret
~Getting braids (every time) cause I'm super tenderheaded
~Getting a sew in weave back in the day before I went to Jamaica cause I thought "this will be cute when I get out of the water". My tracks were so tight MY EYES WERE SLANTED. Needless to say when I took them down I had mad breakage.
~a few years back I had a texturizer, then I had a bone straight relaxer but the stylist only did it half the way down the strand so the top half was over processed (limp) and the bottom half of the strand was underprocessed. It just went downhill from there.
~Those times I DIDN'T turn the dryer down at the salon when the hair stylist set it too hot
I better stop, my "Pressha" is goin' up...


New Member
Oh and my two biggest regrets:

1. Growing out my hair for 3 months and going from chin length to below shoulder length, then going to to my stylist and letting him "trim", taking me right back to chin length.

2. Letting my man's mother braid my hair, because i felt sorry for her. she thought that I didnt like the way she braided because i would always find excuses why i couldn't get my hair braided.... so i eventually caved in. Needless to say she used a half of bottle of spritz on my hair, then took them out a month later and my hair was so dry that my hair little crumbled in my finger tips. I lost 3 inches of hair in this process. I'm scarred for life and scared to death of braids now. (mind you, I moisturized every day with still terrible results).


New Member
1) Listening to people (and believing them) tell me as a child that I had "bad hair" becuz the comb didnt GLIDE through while they were using a FINE TOOTHED COMB on my 3c-4a curls!!!! :ohwell:

2) Not getting serious about hair care until last yr

3) Letting my stylist determine when SHE was ready to trim MY hair

4) Not finding LHCF sooner!!! :sad:

5) Only putting cheap arse DOO GRO OIL on my hair (which is pretty much JUST MINERAL OIL!) on my hair for 2yrs...then wondering why my ends were always so dry and split!!!! :wallbash:


Active Member
1.) Getting a relaxer for several years when I could have went natural eons ago!

2.) BC'ing back in Nov and then putting a texturizer in on the new growth, when I could have just simply transitioned :(

3.) Not finding LHCF years ago, and knowing all that I know now, while STILL learning loads more every darn day!

I'm sure there's more that I regret, but those are at the top of my head right now.


New Member
Being so obsessed with wearing weaves a few years ago that when I DID come across LHCF for the first time, I turned around right away and left when I saw you guys weren't talking about caring for a weave and the hair underneath, and styling weaves lol.
:lachen::blush: :lachen:

Yeah that was a dumb one... lol I could have joined LHCF a few years ago!


Well-Known Member
i regret the fact that i'm about to throw down almost $200 on a freakin hair dryer for this Pibbs deal! i know it's a good investment, and i can afford it, plus my birthday's coming up, so i can justify getting one... but i'm an extreme miser with my money! urrrgh


New Member
I regret

- Not finding joico sooner

- Not FULLY listening to my hair

- Cutting my hair twice this year out of fustration when in hindsight, It didn't need to be cut

- Not owing up to my responsibilty in bad stylist experiences

- Not protecting my prev. relaxed ends as well as I should


Well-Known Member
* believing that grease = moisture
* believing that water was the devil for our hair
* believing that 4a/b hair was unruly


Well-Known Member
I regret leaving a weave in my hair for 5 months 3 years ago.

The matted hair that I had to cut still has not caught up with the rest even after major trims.

It is taking me FOREVER to get my hair back to one length.

If I had not done that, my hair would be such a nice length right now. The longer layers show me how much progress I would really have overall if I had not done that.

I can't bring myself to cut it all anymore so I just have to deal with it.


New Member
Coloring my hair too dark, then stripping the color to color it back the right color.:ohwell:

THEN coloring my hair too dark, then stripping the color to color it back the right color AGAIN! :nono: All in one year! Can you say FRIED!!!!!! :burning:


Well-Known Member
I regret:

-perming my hair the day after I took my braids out, really damaged my hair

-pressing my hair when I was natural

-letting the Dominicans perm my hair

-wearing weaves


Well-Known Member
I regret relaxing on Saturday.
I regret not sticking to my protective styles like I know I should
I regret getting a discount card at the BSS.


Old School Member
* Getting a major haircut 2/06 after growing out my hair to SL from 1 inch because I was looking for something "different" (this is a problem with me every year between Feb. and Apr.)
* Getting color a few months later. Still growing it out and it made my texlax too straight to get my curls poppin' the way they used to


New Member
I totally regret going to Elie Elie in Tysons for someone to tone down my color. As can be viewed in my fotki, I am not completely shaven since having my hair fried for the first time in my life. I colored my own hair for the last year and never had a mishap (bleach blonde actually) until I seek out this salon. *sigh*


Wife Supremacist
I regret not kicking my hair stylist to the curb and doing my own hair years ago. It's not that hard, I'm saving money, and my hair has never been healthier.


Well-Known Member
I regret finding LHCF in 2005 and not using it 2007....:ohwell: I digress cause its on now!! :grin:
I regret believing that I couldnt have long hair :nono:
I regret being a bandwagon PJ, I have so much ish everytime I come in the house my kids ask me is that more hair stuff.....:yep: