What are you doing in the Kitchen?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I am wondering if I should start back with the edging up in the back hairline...THE KITCHEN. I stopped doing it several months ago and there is alot of hair growing back there. I like the neat and tidy look but I don't know if it is really necessary and I am really not sure if the hair in that are keeps growing. What are you doing with your kitchen?
Not a thing. It's wild and fuzzy and natural and that's okay with me - I like things a little wild. :wacky:
Not a thing. It's wild and fuzzy and natural and that's okay with me - I like things a little wild. :wacky:

:lol: I second that! My kitchen used to drive me crazy, but now I just let it be... wild and free :spinning: Although I relax my hair, my kitchen always is the first to revert, so the heck with it lol.