was "I" the only one to think this?


Well-Known Member
Ok im natural now but when i was relaxed never would of i thought about co washing!

i was like i get a realxer ,pay for doing it, then if i keep wetting my hair.....its never gonna last!

i even heard people tell me "its better not to put water at all till next relaxer"or wash just 2-3 times between! geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese ! i cant beleive it now that im on lhcf.

i was surprised seeing relaxed heads co washing frequently!

so this thinking is one part of my sillyness and not nowing how to take care of my hair. thinking about it...i maybe could've had nice hair as a relaxed,it wasn't desaster but seeing you ladies here with healthy hair im like...."wouah bravo":drunk:
No, you are not the only one. The myth of frequent washing causing our relaxers to revert has been out there for a long time. Unfortunately, some people still believe it.
No, you are not the only one. The myth of frequent washing causing our relaxers to revert has been out there for a long time. Unfortunately, some people still believe it.

we nedd to spread it out! my relaxed friend NEVER NEVER moisturizes her hair..she just puts stuff like dax,blue magic,pink ,no conditionning,no deep conditionning. and without touching her hair looks sooooo dry!im gonna give her some steps on this. most of my friends, relaxed or not donot moisturize their hair.

we blacks can get beautiful long hair,its just that we really really don't have an idea of how to take care of it!
I cowashed for awhile when I was relaxed. When I told my stylist what I was doing and she to told me to stop, that it wasn't good for my hair. :rolleyes: My relaxed hair was the healthiest it had ever been when I was doing that. Now that I'm natural I cowash all the time and quit going to a stylist!
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Before finding LHCF I only got my hair wet every 6 weeks when I got it touched-up.

Now I co-wash every 3 days...I'm still relaxed :)
I thought so too - I've never felt so ignorant in my entire life as I have in the last month as I learn so many new and exciting things about black hair!!! Sad and exciting all at the same time:)
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You are not the only one. I used to only get my hair washed at the shop every two weeks because I did not want my perm to revert. But after coming to this site I learned that I just was always texlaxed because my hair never got completely straight with the perm. That is why my stylist always flat ironed and curled my hair to get it straight.:look:
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I realized this too. Relaxers are permanent so no matter ow much u wash it, its not going to revert. Also water is our hair's best friend but when relaxed, we tend to run away from any type of water. We need to get the word out that water is our friend not enemy.
heck naw you not the only one. i avoided washing my hair as long as possible after a fresh relaxer, because i could never get it 'stylist' straight. ♥
I used to wash my hair every 4 days because I my scalp would get dry and grease disgusted me. Then I noticed my hair was getting longer when I started doing that.
I've ALWAYS (before LHCF) washed my hair every other day, and I've always had nice hair. you can't take too much advice from people IRL, or on here, because you'll end up in trouble.
i'm right there with you
I was scared of any type of water that came near my head....rain, sweat, shower water...u name it. smh.
I'll let you guys in on a little secret... :look:

I had no idea water was the relaxer's "natural enemy." :lachen::lachen: Typically, when I relaxed my hair, it was never bone straight. My hair was very resistant for the most part, so I usually had a bit of texture. I normally styled my hair with gels, flat irons and hot curlers, so that was how I got my hair to look more straight. That being the case, I still didn't wash or moisturize my hair! I would sometimes not wash my hair at all between relaxings! SMH!

No wonder it was always breaking off! Poor thirsty, neglected hair... :ohwell:
omg dumb chick in high school told me by wearing a wash and go that i would loosen my relaxer. even at 15 i knew enough not to believe that bullish.

there was a reason i kept my hair on my head where hers looked like who done it, why and don't do it again.
WOW, how weird!:blush: If you are told something so many times, you may start to believe it.:rolleyes: My friends and family believe this and nothing no one says will change their minds.:nono::lachen: Glad I know the truth.
Surprisingly no, despite me knowing 0 about hair my mom always told me to wash it 1x every week and I did it with dedication despite what other people tried to tell me.
I remember a time when I would wash and rollerset my relaxed hair (I'm natural now) 2x a week. My hair thrived, looked so healthy and it always looked so pretty.

I told my stylist that i was doing this. In front of my mom she told me that I didn't have 'good hair' to be washing it so much and pretty much laughed at me for being so ridiculous. I was only 16 and vulnerable. After that my hair looked like ish again.

Looking back she was just mad that I was doing my own hair and not going to her except for touch ups.
Even before LHCF even existed back I had always washed my hair like 3 times a week, even in high school, I could not stand to have a sweaty,smelly scalp, I never used grease, BUT, I did use the heck out of Pink Oil LOL!!!! My hair always grew fast and was healthy. I was told I must of thought I was white and my hair was gonna fall out because of washing it too much,
Pre-Lhcf i was getting a little bit obsessed about wanting to grow my hair longer and was determined to figure it out:grin:

I started shampooing and conditioning my hair every two weeks instead of monthly:barf:....i just new there was no way God created me to have a smelly scalp all the time :nono:

As soon as i hit the hair boards and found out about co-washing....i immediately started co-washing once or twice a week and my hair has been thriving ever since:yep:
I've always washed once a week, I never knew relaxed head's "shouldn't" go near water and all that... I'd be embarrassed to go to my stylist with 6-8 weeks worth of oil, dirt, dandruff in my hair. :nono:

I know my aunt avoids cleaning her ears because it'll wet her edges... I rather have some wet edges than have nasty ears. Just sayin'. :look:
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we nedd to spread it out! my relaxed friend NEVER NEVER moisturizes her hair..she just puts stuff like dax,blue magic,pink ,no conditionning,no deep conditionning. and without touching her hair looks sooooo dry!im gonna give her some steps on this. most of my friends, relaxed or not donot moisturize their hair.

we blacks can get beautiful long hair,its just that we really really don't have an idea of how to take care of it!

Well, my mom had good sense even if I didn't!:lachen: I used to beg her 4 relaxers because detangling natural hair to get it plaited and then pressed was like the worst part of my weekend. The Worst!!! :lol:

But she insisted I do hot oil treatments and deep conditioning. My hair still broke off b/c I didn't listen to my mother. One hardheaded weekend and the breakage would begin. Although she never relaxed my hair bone straight, and only did touch-ups on the new growth, my hair was dense but fine n fragile. I probably needed more protein.

OAN, I would tread carefully, OP, when discussing haircare with your friend. Hair advice, good or bad, can be one of those areas where people either take your advice in good spirits, or get offended and defensive. You might want to test the waters b4 u proceed with helping her out.
lol so i see that most of the infirmation circulating between is is that stupid information! not washing..
im thinking of co washing maybe 2 a week. but i then say with my natural hair..;its gonna take so much of my time! that means i'll have to start my hairstyle all over again every 3 days? redoing twists??? noooo too much, so im still thinking of how im gonna get to that