Vatika Oil question


Active Member
I noticed that almost everyone use this product as a pre-poo. I have been looking online for answers but i found nothing. My question is: Do you have to wash out the vatika oil?

I wanted to use vatika oil to do the greenhouse method 3x a week by wrapping my hair with plastic and tie with a scarf. But i dont want to wash my hair every time in this NY winter.

Ayurveda experts, please give me your opinions on this.


Well-Known Member
Heck no you don't have to wash it out. I actually just put a little bit in my hair an hour ago, gave it a good brushing and put it in a bun. I always leave mine in.


Kinky Coily 4A, Fine Strands, WSL
I'm no expert, but I have used this oil as a leave-in in the past. I preferred it as a warm pre-poo because it seemed too heavy on my dry hair.


New Member
By all means leave it in! I prefer it as a prepoo just because my hair doesn't like coconut oil in most other fashions. I'm also not thrilled with the smell of it, to me it smells like soap, which is fine, but I don't like it to linger. Use it however you see fit :yep:.

I'm thinking of trying this GHE method. Traditional baggying is a no-go for me. I see you're in the 2012 ayurveda challenge. Be sure to let us know how it works there!


Active Member
@ Ronnieaj, I dont understand why a lot of ppl hate the smell of it. It smells rather nice to me.
I will definetely update everyone on my new Ayuverda Regimen. I want long luscious and strong hair for 2012


New Member
@ Ronnieaj, I dont understand why a lot of ppl hate the smell of it. It smells rather nice to me.
I will definetely update everyone on my new Ayuverda Regimen. I want long luscious and strong hair for 2012

People just like what they like. I happen to love the smell of mustard oil, even though I acknowledge that I smell like hot mustard sauce and it makes me want McNuggets :lachen:. I also don't mind the smell of ACV in my hair, but I get why others do :look:. Don't even stress it, if you like it I love it.


New Member
I have experience the use of plenty of oils and different mixtures. This is the best by far and I love the smell.


New Member
I use it to seal.. I've never used it as a prepoo treatment that I then wash out... I may do sometime... but I think it's a pretty diverse product and you can use it for just about anything.