V05 on my ends.....Im in LOVE!!


New Member
Well Ive been on the bun challenge since August and have done a pretty good job with it. I usually use mango butter and EVOO with my baggie for the night. Well about a week ago I wet the ends of my hair, applied an ample amount of V05 peach conditioner....put on a little bit of EVOO and put on my baggie (I did this every night before bed). Well its been a week and Im amazed at how my ends look and how soft and moisturized they are!! Good old V05 does the trick everytime.
Hope you like it when you try it, the thing I REALLY liked about this treatment was that my ends looked like they did when I did the vaseline challenge, which I stopped doing because of the vaseline and how hard it was to shampoo out. My ends felt as though they had been through the same without the build-up!
Wow...I'll definitely have to try this. I was reading a story about a lady who was able to retain 9 inches of hair in one year by coating her ends with V05 conditioner and wearing her hair in a bun everyday.
I made a concoction with my strawberry and cream, hair polisher and a little distilled water. I just loved the result on my ends. I didn't it as a conditioner, but my hair loved it as a leave in.
I'm going to have to try this tonight. I bought the new V05 Oasis Honey and Almond (?) shampoo and conditioner and I really like them.