Trapped in Black Hair!


Well-Known Member
For a couple of years, I always thought I looked great with black hair. I dyed my hair with either a dark Hennalucent or Bigen Oriental Black during that time.

Now I don't want black hair anymore. I tried getting out the color with Clariol Uncolor system (green bottle from Sally's) several times, but it didn't get the color out. I have medium brown new growth that is over four inches, the rest is black hair :barf: Sometimes I feel trapped in black.

I would like to maintain healthy hair without using bleach/peroxide, yet want a different color that is not permanent. Is there a solution to this without going a permanent route? All advice is appreciated.
Hey Anky! Well I hate to tell you but Bigen is permanent. Its like a henna and it stans the hair. The only thing that will work to lift it is a powder lightener or bleach.(which could cause damage, as you already know)I would suggest a rinse to blend the newgrowth and the ends until it grows out. hth o and BTW your hair looks great!!
Well you can always henna and if you dont like the collor henna over it with indigo....

ETA: keep in mind the indigo gives a blue-black appearance, which i think is very pretty
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What up, Anky?!?! I was gonna suggest a rinse as well. Although, when I got a Cherry-Cola rinse by Jazzing, it didn't rinse out. I got it the same day that I got permanent streaks. So maybe that's why.
HEy Anky-with-the-GORGEOUS-hair!

You might wanna do a search on ColorFix over on TLHC - someone else 'pulled' almost all of the black out of her RED hair using it - senoraboneyard, I think it was.... so that might work for you....
Not sure how to undo black hair color but Wella demi colors aren't permanent. They do last for quite some time though (around 6 weeks or so) But they wash out little by little. I personally never use it with heat but I do believe that makes the color stay around longer.

Bigen is the devil to get rid of...I have given up, lol. I get tired of black as well, but I think it suits me better than any color. I was bad and used bleach for some hi-lites a couple months ago, they came out looking kind of orange, so I used Bigen BLack Brown to cover them up. I think your best bet may be to wait for your hair to grow out, cuz Bigen is no joke!
anky said:
For a couple of years, I always thought I looked great with black hair. I dyed my hair with either a dark Hennalucent or Bigen Oriental Black during that time.

Now I don't want black hair anymore. I tried getting out the color with Clariol Uncolor system (green bottle from Sally's) several times, but it didn't get the color out. I have medium brown new growth that is over four inches, the rest is black hair :barf: Sometimes I feel trapped in black.

I would like to maintain healthy hair without using bleach/peroxide, yet want a different color that is not permanent. Is there a solution to this without going a permanent route? All advice is appreciated.
I'm so sorry you are trapped in black hair. That happened to me years and years ago. I couldn't even get the black dye to lift with bleach, it just lifted my roots and damaged my hair. (I was very young then) I

I love the Dominican products site!! Uh Oh...PJ is waking up again....
I once made a bleaching mistake and then colored my hair black to "fix" it. I had to just let it grow out. :(
"Lef it!" or you could get hair that is banded with a whole bunch of different colors or lose over half your thickness and length. Bigen is called Permanent because it is permanent and it will damage your hair to get rid of it. As the old Island people say..."lef it!" bonjour
Anky, did you end up using color fix?

Wow, thanks for resurrecting this. No, I ended up not using color-fix. I have been using black rinses until it all grows out (I've been using Clairol Jazzing and Clairol Beautiful Collection). Actually I think I look better in black hair, but I don't want to be trapped in it.

And the rinses don't last long because I love co-washing with Nacidit now :lol: