Tracy Ellis Ross commerical for 6 in 1 hair oil


nice oils either way I wont be using it ...

I like the oils, and if it were marketed as a oil to seal your hair, that makes sense. Maybe instead of using the word deep conditioner, they meant to say hot oil treatment.
The cones are ok with me too.
I am all natural because that is what I have

I am trying to understand how a light oil is going to take the place of a styler, moisturizer, deep conditioner, spritz, refresher, pomade, and detangler??? In fact I don't believe it will, but if you all try it and prove me wrong, I may just buy a bottle too.
I don't see how that little thin bottle would make an effective deep conditioner for my hair. I would need the entire bottle and more for it to do what I need. I did give it a thought until I saw the *real* ingredients in that bottle. No thanks.

very true, even if it could do everything it claimed it's just not enough product.

So lhfc census so far seems to be no; just to stick to your own oil mixes and dcs. :lol: It is a bit of false advertising, I'm not a pj so i wouldn't buy this. I hope no one buys thinking this is all they'll need for their hair :( Didn't Tracee give her hair regimen before? I vaguely remember real expensive products (or maybe that was her skin care regimen?)
Yes, I couldn't figure out how it could be a replacement for a moisturizer or a deep conditioner. They're not going to get tracee like hair that way.
this is the ingredient list

I think this would be rather convenient though if you didn't want to mix your own oils. I have no idea what those brands have as I just mix my own oils.

I've never tried apricot oil before or argan oil. I have to try them one day.

Ladies, watch out for that 1st ingredient! It's a known comedogenic ingredient and can break you out something serious if you are acne-prone like me. I can't use any product near my face or back with this ingredient.
This was a terrible commercial :look:

I can't stand this commercial.

:lol: It just seems like a low budget commercial. The acting was terrible.

They aren't airing this commercial on TV are they :crazy:?
Must be an internet commercial because TV time is $$$$$, so I know they are not paying to air a 2 minute janky commercial.

Nah, I will pass, dude with the 2 combs was comical.
Just because you can't pronouce something does not mean that it is bad. I researched a few of the ingredients near the top of the list and found this. I am too lazy to research all the ingredients, lol.

Dicaprylyl ether is a skin conditioning agent (emollient) derived from caprylic acid, a fatty acid found in coconut and palm kernel oils

Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride is an oily liquid made from coconut oil. In cosmetics and personal care products

ISOPROPYL ISOSTEARATE An emollient and humectant; helps seak in moisture and gives your skin a smooth feel.

^ All of these seem to be good things to me and nothing to worry about. Along with the natural oils you can definitely use this product to seal, moisturize, hot oil treatment, or add it to your DC. Can be used on skin as well. With that said I would buy this product.
No thanks. I can't seriously take product recommendations from anyone with 7.5 crispy-dry locks and 2 combs stuck in them :lol:
i'm using it again on my straightened hair (blowout) and i stand by my original thoughts. very nice, light oil. still not sold on the 6 uses though.
I didn't like the commercial when I first saw it on YouTube...personally, I find it to be very Type F-ish.

Plus, mixed oils like Hot 6Oil have been around forever...nothing revolutionary here.
I actually saw this in a magazine ad and was thinking about buying it b/c I cant afford thje new Ojon oil-at least i don't think. I assuming it's high as heck.
i liked the commercial. i had to laugh at dude and his combs!

it hit home for me though because i am getting ready to go on a trip and i am doing the exact same thing she was doing in that commercial....trying to figure out how i am going to get all my hair stuff on the plane in those 3.4 ounce bottles....i need gel, conditioner, leave in, oils to seal.

when i saw that commercial i was like "what is this all in one product??? maybe i can take that on my trip!"

but then when i saw it was an oil, i thought, the search continues......LOL
I think this oil is best used as a finishing ptoduct, to give the hair shine.
I've used it daily for the past 4 days, I apply it either before wrapping my hair at night or after combing down my wrap the next day. My hair isn't oily or weighed down, and still has a lot of body. Usually my hair is in a ponytail by day 4 because it will have that oily/weighed down look. I'm really liking it.
lol i dont think they will approve my youtube comment:sekret:

they sure didnt approve mine lol. i said the commercial was cute but in no way would that oil replace a deep conditioner, styler, and all of that.

and im sorry for those ingredients, you'd be better off buying a big bottle of whatever pure oil you like. because i think it's supposed to have argan oil in it? yeah they put one drop and labeled it ARGAN OIL. those other oils are cheap cheap cheap. i dont even buy hair oils like that, i get them from bulk and mix mine.