Tracy Ellis Ross commerical for 6 in 1 hair oil


Well-Known Member
Here is the commercial.
Has anyone seen this commercial? Or used the product?

I thought the commercial was really cute but I don't know how it would replace all those things. But, I'm sure it's lovely for hair.
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That's a funny commercial. LOL. I love Traycee.....But! I definitely don't see any oil as a replacement for a deep conditioner or water based moisturizer. Haven't they heard of protein replenishment and, of course, moisturizing then sealing.

Also, doesn't Keracare, Vitale and a lot of other brands have a multi-oil mixture?! Yes, because I have them at the bottom of my hair drawer now.

This is great marketing though!!! Product junkies, some who don't like to make their own concoctions will definitely by it.
:lol: :lol: Hell no.

The commercial is cute and her hair looks great, but no thanks. I'll take my various products. :lol:
I saw that too and I was like then she must don't know oil doesn't take care of everything, I don't care how many you mix
That's a funny commercial. LOL. I love Traycee.....But! I definitely don't see any oil as a replacement for a deep conditioner or water based moisturizer. Haven't they heard of protein replenishment and, of course, moisturizing then sealing.

Also, doesn't Keracare, Vitale and a lot of other brands have a multi-oil mixture?! Yes, because I have them at the bottom of my hair drawer now.

This is great marketing though!!! Product junkies, some who don't like to make their own concoctions will definitely by it.

Yes, I couldn't figure out how it could be a replacement for a moisturizer or a deep conditioner. They're not going to get tracee like hair that way.
this is the ingredient list

I think this would be rather convenient though if you didn't want to mix your own oils. I have no idea what those brands have as I just mix my own oils.

I've never tried apricot oil before or argan oil. I have to try them one day.
this is the ingredient list

What is all that extra stuff in the ingredients? I should've known there would be more than 6 oils in that one bottle. :lol: I'll stick with my castor, hempseed, and coconut oils; I can pronounce those and ingest them if I wanted to. :lol:
What is all that extra stuff in the ingredients? I should've known there would be more than 6 oils in that one bottle. :lol: I'll stick with my castor, hempseed, and coconut oils; I can pronounce those and ingest them if I wanted to. :lol:

see I was thinking the same thing! all these companies calling stuff 'oil' and it has all kids of cones and unpronounceable things in it.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: What is the Meaning of this f'kry??? Why does he just have two combs in his head? Why didn't she snap his neck for throwing down all of her products? Smh @ all the greeezy heads, that will be wondering why their hair isn't moist anymore. I'll stick to my coconut/WGO/castor oil mix thanx! And if that comb head comes near my Wen, we gone be throwin down! :lachen:

My Dh just told me off for laughing in the bed.:grin:
brg240 said:
What do you dislike about it?

It's my type of humor. :lol: I probably like what you dislike about it.

:lol: It just seems like a low budget commercial. The acting was terrible.
I feel like it was the ending of "Lost". I have so many unanswered questions.

1. Why does he have so many combs in his head???
2. Wait. Why does he have ANY combs in his head? Is this a style?
3. What is that first unpronounceable ingredient?
4. What exact difference did this product make?
5. Why did they let this pass with such bad acting?
6. What makes this product 6-in-1 besides the amount of questions it leaves unanswered???

This product will probably be flying off the shelves though just because Tracy Ellis Ross was in it though.
I thought the commercial was absolutely hilarious, so much so that I watched it twice! Traycee has a great, vibrant actress; if I didn't know any better, I would go out and buy the product from her performance alone. Chuck on the other hand...why does he have so many combs in his head? The world may never know...:look:

With that being said, one must take the claims of this product (or any product) with a grain of salt. Traycee and Chuck may not actually like the oil (can you even call it that with some of those ingredients?) but, if they want to get paid, they sure as heck better act like they do! :yep: This is just like that commercial for the Dark and Lovely 6-Week Reversion Serum. Absolutely cracks me up, but, I'm not counting on it to change my life!

ETA: I just realized they're made by the same company (Soft Sheen Carson)! Tricky, tricky...
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that's a cute commercial, at least "chuck" is doing one thing right: " using hairsense seamless bone comb"!:grin:
i guess i'm in the minority here. the pj in me couldn't resist and i went out and bought it. luckily there was a $2 off coupon attached so i only spent 5 bucks. i love love love it as a skin moisturizer but not quite sure how to use it on my hair. it is very light...too light for my hair. if you're looking for a nice oil that won't weigh your hair down then its not a bad choice i think.
Lol, I was looking at Tracy like, you know you got all kinds of products in your hair right now, and comb man doesn't even use oil in his dreads, nor that comb. We remember Tracies hair from her show, and she had to put some products in her hair to get it to look like it did in this commercial.

The commercial was bad, because it was clearly a false. Tracy momma is Diana Ross, why is she doing crap like this? That don't make no sense. First Tyra with her weaves talking bout type xyz, now this crap. :thud:
Tracee and that commercial was really cute! :lachen:but ah... nah I'll pass. I tried something like that once and all the oils did was sit on my hair. Even leaked, dripped or something because the back of my shirts would be stained. Just like the jerri curl days! So, I stay away from non-water based products like that.
I don't see how that little thin bottle would make an effective deep conditioner for my hair. I would need the entire bottle and more for it to do what I need. I did give it a thought until I saw the *real* ingredients in that bottle. No thanks.
the commercial wa super cute. i saw it yesterday for the first time. i am a pj and i saw these products in target after her interview with curlynikki and i still didnt buy this crap. i knew that oil would be filled with non oils and when i turned the bottle over i was right.

i love tracee and her hair but she could give me a bottle of that oil for free lol.

also funny, i didnt notice the combs in his hair until yall pointed it out lmao.