Ethic hair commercial thoughts or mislead, etc


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Ethic hair commercial thoughts or mislead, etc

In the past and now. Every time I see hair commercial about shampoo, conditioners, moisturizers, etc. I always wonder if blacks or Africans ever used them. Because I never see them in commercials. I just try to cross my point around that if all ethics used the same products. Although everyone has different hair texture. Now I see Pantene pro V shot theirs separate. What about Herbal shampoo, Suave, and other commercial that just show few races. Do you ever wonder if the tables turn around and see whites uses products for and by colors. They hair might or will be damaging and fall out. Maybe our products are different from everyone else for a reason. We have strong chemical or mild to break the new growth down to be smooth. But everyone in the forum shows me the other way to show that we can use almost every shampoo in all colors. This is a good way to break the color product barrel for for everyone. Then I will say thank you!
DO everyone ever thought this strongly to say does my hair will look like that when I use it. It can be possible. By the way when searching through shampoos and other hair products. Do you ever think and say. I don't know if I'm going to try this because it doen't say what race to use it. Do anyone ever thought that way when choosing the best hair care regime.

I don't look at the colors of the people as much as I look at the ingrediants. I know certain ingrediants work for me, and others don't. My hair loves silicones, so I look for products with cones. Actually I am inclined to not choose something just geared toward blacks, because it seems the industry wants us to have products with cheap ingrediants. If we use products with the cheapest ingrediants we will be relying on more of their products forever, because of the damage that previous products have done. It's like a cycle. Use cheap stuff, need more stuff to fix damage from cheap stuff.

I go by the product ingredients. I don't care who is the commercial or print ads. Heck, that might not even be their real hair! But a model with good looking hair is always a plus!
I saw a commercial for Dove hair products. The black woman had short, stiff, crispy looking hair that stuck out in the back like she was in a wind tunnel. WTF??!!

As far as advertising goes, studies have shown that black people will buy products that don't feature them in ads, but white people usually don't. They say, "Oh that's a "black" product" and keep on stepping. I think non-blacks with curly and/or dry hair are little bit more open, though. A lot of whites at use so-called "ethnic" products with good results. CON and Elucence are pretty popular over there.
Thanks Sassygirl & Tracy
I didn't thought about it that way. It just because my dad say don't use that it's not the right shamppo or this for my hair and their shampoo has Alcohol in it. But I know not all thier shampoo has alcohol like substance. Then another way thought that because Beauty supply store has put products in different sections to seperate by color I think. Well I not sur if the food store does that.

Thank again
I have another, admittedly more expensive
, approach. I just try them for myself.

On my hair - ingredient lists are misleading and HOW a product will work on my hair is very much tied into what condition it's in currently, what time of year it is and all manner of other factors. I just try it. I don't pay attention to who's in the ad, what's on the bottle. Nothing. If I like the way it looks - I give it a shot and then I know FOR SURE whether it works for me.