
Well-Known Member
OK I am going to get a touchup tomorrow and the last i went in dec i got motions oil which was like the devil in sheeps clothing it appeared nice but soon it reared its ugly head.
so with the recommendations i have decided to use revlon realistic. however i still have some of the silk protein conditioner from motions from the last time so i am wondering if i could use it for my conditioner after they wash out my relaxer and neutralize? also can i also get a steam treatment with the conditioner the same day of my touchup or is that bad? sorry for all the questions but i would like to know if i should use their condtioner or use the motions silk protein conditioner with steam????????
God bless you all.
Hi azul,

You can definately use the silk protein conditioner right after your relaxer. It's a good product and designed to be used right after a relaxer application. It doesn't matter that the relaxer isn't Motions. As for the steam treatment, is that something you would do with the conditioner?
yea they have it as a steam thingy and you sit with the conditioner in your hair. i heard some people here mention they use steam but i never knew if it was good for right after a touchup. thank you so much for responding so quickly. gosh i keep forgetting how resourceful the ladies on this board are. and i always appreciate your insight. God bless you all.
Oh, o.k. Thanks for explaining, I wasn't quite sure. In that case you can do it. This treatment done right after you relax will aid in rebuilding and strengthening the hair that has been weakened by the relaxer. It's an ideal time to do such a treatment. I do this every time I get a touch-up.
Good luck!
I use my Motions Protein Conditioner and Motions Neutralizer Shampoo after my Revlon Touch-Up. I think it works well with the Revlon. I just did my May Touch-Up this past Sat. If I must say so myself, my hair looks great. Someone even said that my hair was really growing.
I use my Motions Protein Conditioner and Motions Neutralizer Shampoo after my Revlon Touch-Up. I think it works well with the Revlon. I just did my May Touch-Up this past Sat. If I must say so myself, my hair looks great. Someone even said that my hair was really growing.

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oh wow thank you so much. i have a big ol bottle of motions neutralizing shampoo and other than washing out a relaxer it has no other purpose for me. i bought all these things with the motions oil relaxer but since the motions made me look like my hair reverted after a couple of weeks i was wondering what would i do with these things since i am not going to use the relaxer again. thanks so much now i dont feel like i wasted my money. thank you.
God bless you all.
Azul - it's also fine to get a steam treatment after your touch up. Just make sure they neautralize and then condition as they would normally, and not the newer way of conditioning before the neutralizer is applied.

Good Luck!
YOU SEE THATS what burns my toast. i went to mirror image and the lady told me next time i have to come to get a steam. she said that i couldnt apply heat to my hair. they had me with a cap and conditioner and the dryer at my seat was on so i flipped the top on my head and they said noooo no heat. i was like okkkk....maybe they figure my scalp couldnt take it i dont know. well needless to say i didnt get one.

but the odd thing is the girl who was setting my hair asked me if i wanted to blow my hair out. i was like ummm why is it heat is cool now but not when i had the conditioner in my hair?
hwell: i'm trying to understand. God bless you all.